View Full Version : New here and need someone to talk to

03-18-2008, 05:31 PM
Hello everybody, I first want to introduce myself I am a 28 year old male who was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder about two weeks ago. I ended up in an E.R. thinking there was something wrong with my heart. My left side of my chest would contract and release irregularly. I could see this happening so this was not something in my head. Eight hours in a E.R. hooked up to an EKG, chest xray and blood work the docs said my heart was Perfectly healthly. The ER said it was panic attack and was stress induced. I proceeded to see my regular doc who looked at the test results from the ER and listened to heart and agreeded with the ER. There is nothing wrong with my heart. I was prescribed Xanax and instructed to take a .5 mg every 6-8 hours as needed. It helps a little bit but I have had the spasims since. It scares me to death. Everyone around me tells me it is not my heart but I truly feel it is. The last two weeks of my life have been the worst out of all my 28 years. I wake up and go to sleep thinking my heart is going to fail. I have been asked if there has been any additional stress in my life and the answer is no. I do have a stressful job but I have had that same job for 5 years and have never had one of these attacks. I feel like I am living my life for the next panic attack and it is no way to live. Any help would really be appreciated.

03-18-2008, 11:36 PM

I know how you feel. I'm only 17 and am going through the same thing. I thought something was wrong with my heart also. But thats all it was, a thought. And you said you went to the E.R. and they did a test. They said your heart was perfectly healthy. I'm pretty sure there cant be something wrong with your heart the next day. But you still worried about it right? Thats the incorrect thinking going on. I had a big problem with that, and thought i'd never get over it. I havent fully gotten over that part but i'll tell you it's ALOT better. Everything will get better, trust me. It will. There are millions of people out there just like us. Thinking the same incorrect thoughts that we think. But there just thoughts, incorrect ones.

Take care:)

03-19-2008, 02:23 PM

My advice:

1) Get your heart checked out by a cardiologist. If he tells you that all is well and that it is a panic symptom, which he probably will, trust him.

2) Buy the book mentioned in my signature below. It is written by a psychologist who had panic disorder and the EXACT same heart feeling as you. He developed a revolutionary new therapy for anxiety and panic that ACTUALLY WORKS (this is rare).