View Full Version : Hot Flashes

02-20-2014, 05:22 PM
I am seriously concerned about the hot flashes I get. While I know I have anxiety is this just a new way it has manifested itself or should I be asking my doctor about this??? While
Most seem to occur while I am stressed some seem to be happening when I am not. They also seem to be happening more at the end of the day. My job is horrible stressful and exhausting. By the end of the day, I'm spent. I don't just get hot in my face. My whole body feels physically hot. I literally had to pull my socks down over my heals today to get some cool air to them to cool myself down. The other night at home I got so hot just sitting on the couch I literally had to strip all of my clothing off.

I hate this and want to know if this is normal for anxiety. I am 29 so it's not menopause.

02-20-2014, 05:34 PM
1. It is mostly anxiety friend...
2. It may also be hormones are out of wack even though you're 29...
3. Try some black cohosh or some licorice root to see if that helps...
4. Where in the hell did I come up with #3 from my mind....IDK!!!
5. Drink ICE WATER to lower your core body temperatures daily....
6. What other health issues do you have at present and have you ever had any surgeries>>>??????


02-20-2014, 05:48 PM
1. It is mostly anxiety friend... 2. It may also be hormones are out of wack even though you're 29... 3. Try some black cohosh or some licorice root to see if that helps... 4. Where in the hell did I come up with #3 from my mind....IDK!!! 5. Drink ICE WATER to lower your core body temperatures daily.... 6. What other health issues do you have at present and have you ever had any surgeries>>>?????? E-Man...:) 3. Are these things safe to take with metoprolol ER and Valium? Very low dose on each.

4. I'll have to look those things up to know what they do... I'm always nervous to take different stuff as my body seems hypersensitive to everything.

6. I have pretty bad allergies which affect me pretty much yearly... Allergic to lots of trees, grasses, dogs (I have one... Didn't know I was allergic until far after I had him and no way I could ever part with him.

Any surgeries... Yes a major one one slightly over a year ago. It's called the Nuss procedure and I had to have it because my heart had no room at all. After I had my daughter things started going crazy: heart arrhythmia, severe shortness of breath, complete and utter exhaustion and depression. So after a long road of doctors not listening and persisting I found out there was about 3.5 cm between my spine and sternum. My heart was totally displaced, compressed, rotated... And working overtime so much that it was going crazy at times. That's how I ended up on beta blockers. I had to have them. I now have 3 titanium bars that are attached to my ribs on either side. They are under my sternum so that they are pushing it outward as I had what was called pectus excavatum where my sternum sinks in. Now I do not but my back curves in at the top minimizing space from that angle as well.
These bars cause me chronic pain and I almost wonder if they don't contribute to the exhaustion I feel.

I have been eating gluten free for almost two years now as I discovered through that appear to react poorly but I am not celiac.

I do seem to have a head / sinus thing that's hanging on but unrelated to the hot flashes... At least I think.

02-20-2014, 06:09 PM
1. The cohosh and licorice are dealing strictly with the endocrine/adrenal glands so I doubt if they would be a problem with a heart tablet or a valium that deal with brain function and brain chemicals...plus, theyre natural too.
2. I don't think that type of surgery would have directly impacted the adrenal glands in any way, BUT, as you state...Chronic daily pain can also have alot to do with this too..maybe even moreso than the anxiety itself because you're exhausted....YES..That's the major player here I believe. PAIN.
3. I am a Vegan so I understand the dietary restraints to keep you feeling better....but, I wonder if youre getting enough Omega Oils in your diet or dietary cholesterol too...We HAVE to have that or our bodies can't make hormones...That's a 10,000 word explanation though especially if our body isnt making enough of its own.. Can you eat eggs????
4. The sinus thing is playing into this too, it adds to the exhaustion and also forces the body to focus much efforts elsewhere to make you better....

You got alot going on Mommy!!!


02-20-2014, 06:28 PM
I love eggs...for sure. I eat them but not as much as I used to. I used to eat two boiled eggs for breakfast about five days a week but then got concerned about cholesterol so stopped. I eat a lot of fruit, veggies, no additive peanut butter, Almonds, chicken, fish, and rarely ever eat any beef. I try to eat as minimally processed food as I can but occasionally splurge and have some gluten free pizza or something. Often when I do stray far from this I feel like garbage.

I am highly stressed and luckily getting out of my current job in supervision in about a week. I am also on my last week of school. So I am trying to be realistic because I know I'm stressed BUT I have learned by experience that not everything is quite what it seems. These hot flashes are new..,can't say that I ever had them until I had my daughter.

02-20-2014, 11:11 PM
I used to have such terrible hot flashes! Everything would be fine and I would just start sweating like a pig. I would just step outside for some fresh air and drink some water. Most of the time I just had to ride them out and make myself comfortable again. I hope you get these to go away soon! I know how annoying they are. :(