View Full Version : Do these fears EVER ease off..

02-20-2014, 01:06 PM
Okay so i'm here yet again with another fear.. I'm sure I have ovarian cancer!! I have the symptoms; pain in lower abdomen & back, sore legs, heartburn & bloating. I also read it's a silent killer & symptoms don't show until it's too late. I'm scared & embarrassed to go to the doctors incase they laugh & say 'don't be silly!' I'm really not sure what to do.. Any advice would be very much appreciated!

02-20-2014, 01:19 PM
Okay so i'm here yet again with another fear.. I'm sure I have ovarian cancer!! I have the symptoms; pain in lower abdomen & back, sore legs, heartburn & bloating. I also read it's a silent killer & symptoms don't show until it's too late. I'm scared & embarrassed to go to the doctors incase they laugh & say 'don't be silly!' I'm really not sure what to do.. Any advice would be very much appreciated!

I would go see the doc anyway (pretend you think you have a water infection if you need an excuse )

Whilst you are there, chase up your CBT referral !

That way you will not only reassure yourself but you can start working on preventing the next fatal illness that comes along :)

02-20-2014, 02:10 PM
Okay so i'm here yet again with another fear.. I'm sure I have ovarian cancer!! I have the symptoms; pain in lower abdomen & back, sore legs, heartburn & bloating. I also read it's a silent killer & symptoms don't show until it's too late. I'm scared & embarrassed to go to the doctors incase they laugh & say 'don't be silly!' I'm really not sure what to do.. Any advice would be very much appreciated!

Go and see your dr hun tell him your concerns they wont tell you your silly. X

02-20-2014, 03:33 PM
Fear stands for


Worse case scenario... quick opp that loads of people have no drama. Friend of mine took her ovaries out.. no more periods woopee

Best case and most likely case???? - Did you know how many symptoms we can create with our minds?

By all means go to the Dr but remember this.. Don't wish for what you don't know you have!
Dont waste any more time on it.

A friend of mine who is dying of her third bout of Cancer says " I worry about things only when they are in front of me"

Use the fear and the query to take action... that is what fear is for. Do nothing else.

Om Shanti