View Full Version : Anxiety and fitness / training or physical illness / do you feel rough?

02-20-2014, 12:34 PM
Am I alone that after some anxiety or depression... my body feels tired for days sometimes weaks... my asthma gets worse, I cannot train at the gym, my bones and muscles feel weak like I am really old and tired - Is this something you can relate to?

02-20-2014, 02:45 PM
Hello. I just joined this forum and this is my first post. I was just scanning through some of the posts and saw yours. I found it interesting. I am a runner and lift weights at the gym. While I was able to continue to run I generally felt better. Almost like I would run all the tension and anxiety out of my body (that probably sounds dumb). Three months ago I injured my foot running and I am still doing rehab. It seems like my anxiety as gotten worse since I can't run. Now I often find it hard to make it to the gym because of the reasons you mentioned. I just feel worn down. I just ran a half marathon in October and felt great. Now I go to the gym and really struggle. I feel like I am in some awful cycle where sometimes I feel fine and other days I feel awful.

02-20-2014, 02:51 PM
Am I alone that after some anxiety or depression... my body feels tired for days sometimes weaks... my asthma gets worse, I cannot train at the gym, my bones and muscles feel weak like I am really old and tired - Is this something you can relate to?

Going through a bout of serious anxiety or depression wipes you out

That is super stressful to your system and for a few days I would experience something similar

However, it didn't last longer than that. Never a week or weeks

Is it something you can push through?

You may feel better after a few days hitting the gym

02-20-2014, 03:15 PM
Going through a bout of serious anxiety or depression wipes you out

That is super stressful to your system and for a few days I would experience something similar

However, it didn't last longer than that. Never a week or weeks

Is it something you can push through?

You may feel better after a few days hitting the gym

I agree with both I have the following relating to gym...

Symptom 1 - Training heavy, growing, looking good, pumped. BOOM Some major relapse or anxiety issue. Training stops.

What I put this down to so far is that an anxiety attack, or that middle of the night wake up dread, cant stop thinking about stuff releases cortisol. Cortisol is not good for anxiety or for immune system.

Through generalised anxiety - I can train through it and the dopamine/ endorphines do sometimes help. In-fact training through mild to moderate anxiety bouts actually seems to work ok. The gym you can sometimes force your mental pain into physical pain and it kind works...So tired after training that you cant be bothered to think about things.

Symptom 2 - Long spells of being mentally drained... brain hurts from thinking, or from worry takes a slower toll leading to a gradual diminishement of energy. Again possible cortisol. This leads to inablity to train. Yes I agree when you try and train when you feel not up to it.. its like trying to go to the gym with flu.

Work rounds.

Ok well - yes sometimes you can just go to the gym and BE there, maybe do 10% of what you normally would could help.

Yoga for ankle issues... very good for anxiety

Gentle walks and swims keep you mobile making you feel that you are not loosing gains or fitness.

Theory... after a long bout of drained, anger, anxiety, upset or out of balanceness.... it can develop into mild depression which is maybe symptomatic of the anxiety... lack of physical or mental energy.

Yes I have the same spiral.

Actually I suffer from acute asthma - it affects my immune response and makes me feel shit. So my training diary looks awful... sometime the "asthma" kicks my energy for a month.. or perhaps it is the anxiety triggering the "asthma"

Be interesting to read other fitness stories.