View Full Version : Anxiety or depression in property or landlord

02-20-2014, 12:32 PM
I was curious to know if you have properties and act in property or landlordism ( I made that word up )

I recently was talking to an adviser and when I told them about my acute bouts of anxiety, she said "are you sure you want to be a landlord"

I have been suffering since 2001 recently pretty acutely and part of my anxiety is worrying about things like my money eroding , inflation and so on, so i started reading up and doing the homework about property.

It has given me a right full on attack :) Although why I am smiling I don't know.

Do any of you deal in property or have any jobs which involve making decisions which are risky?

What do you think an anxious person's approach to risk is? And is this not a false indicator?

02-20-2014, 02:12 PM
To be a property owner and landlord, prepare for plenty of stress

But not all stress effects each person the same

So you may have an anxiety disorder but you thrive on that type of stress and not succumb to it like others would

It really is based on the person so you have to look inside yourself and decide if you can do it

02-20-2014, 02:31 PM
To be a property owner and landlord, prepare for plenty of stress

But not all stress effects each person the same

So you may have an anxiety disorder but you thrive on that type of stress and not succumb to it like others would

It really is based on the person so you have to look inside yourself and decide if you can do it

- Well..

Here is what happens in my silly little brain

Anxiety and sleepless nights over my money eroding at 3% a year.

So I do lots of research - read 3 books and post on tons of forums.

Then I find a place... and stay awake for two nights contemplating it.

I can handle some forms of stress. I guess I am trying to establish if property is something I can handle. They all say there are ZERO ways to ensure you are financially wealthy without property...

Money is not really the object. I have the cash. But for some reason the whole idea of property gives me the serious willies. :)

02-20-2014, 02:46 PM
I would disagree that you need to have property to be financially wealthy.

Invest early and wisely and understand how the game is played

And you would need to decide if the desire for wealth through properties is worth the risk to your mental health if you are unable to handle it

You'll figure this one out

02-20-2014, 03:23 PM
This is a brilliant sentence

"And you would need to decide if the desire for wealth through properties is worth the risk to your mental health if you are unable to handle it"

I am not bothered about working my ass off. I have written books. I am working hours and hours and I would do anything to become wealthy. My illness started when I lost my head and thus my career, I am now 40 something and want to be sure that I always have decent things. I live in the UK and have paid off my house - I AM V V V V V V Lucky!!!!!!!! BUT and this is symptomatic of the illness, many of my peers are v rich with lots of properties Bentleys and so on. Whilst there are certain things I would not do to develop wealth I am desperate to work toward it. Its fear really.

Many people in my position would be happy with their lot... and a lot of depression is not realising how lucky we are all of us.

But and your astute sentence is very curious because.. NO ... nothing will ever make me want to risk my balance... No Women... No relationships... and certainly not property. But at the same time, I loathe to allow my "illness" to stop me from making balanced decisions in life.

I read a lot of Wayne Dyer.. he calms me right down and says things like... "allow the universe to unfold infront of you, and what is yours will come"

But I wonder how many people's net worth is adversely affected by their inability to live a normal life and make normal decisions. This could make the illness potentially more damaging could it not.

02-20-2014, 03:33 PM
This is a brilliant sentence "And you would need to decide if the desire for wealth through properties is worth the risk to your mental health if you are unable to handle it" I am not bothered about working my ass off. I have written books. I am working hours and hours and I would do anything to become wealthy. My illness started when I lost my head and thus my career, I am now 40 something and want to be sure that I always have decent things. I live in the UK and have paid off my house - I AM V V V V V V Lucky!!!!!!!! BUT and this is symptomatic of the illness, many of my peers are v rich with lots of properties Bentleys and so on. Whilst there are certain things I would not do to develop wealth I am desperate to work toward it. Its fear really. Many people in my position would be happy with their lot... and a lot of depression is not realising how lucky we are all of us. But and your astute sentence is very curious because.. NO ... nothing will ever make me want to risk my balance... No Women... No relationships... and certainly not property. But at the same time, I loathe to allow my "illness" to stop me from making balanced decisions in life. I read a lot of Wayne Dyer.. he calms me right down and says things like... "allow the universe to unfold infront of you, and what is yours will come" But I wonder how many people's net worth is adversely affected by their inability to live a normal life and make normal decisions. This could make the illness potentially more damaging could it not.

It depends how you feel happiness is gained.

I owned a successful business, had a large house, 4 holidays a year and drove a brand new Porsche. I hated what I did and who I had become (anxiety or no anxiety).

I now work freelance part time/train full time, drive a 10 year old Jeep and am at the beginning of a new career doing something I find value in, it's the happiest I have been in many years.

Everyone finds wealth in different ways.

02-20-2014, 03:59 PM
You sound like someone I know... who also has a Jeep! He would say the same. I am sure.

Did your job involve you being decietful in anyway? Some rich people have to do things that make others uncomfortable and hate it... such as

Estate agent.. they lie
Car salesman.. they lie
Banker... um well.

02-20-2014, 04:11 PM
You sound like someone I know... who also has a Jeep! He would say the same. I am sure. Did your job involve you being decietful in anyway? Some rich people have to do things that make others uncomfortable and hate it... such as Estate agent.. they lie Car salesman.. they lie Banker... um well.

No I never had to lie, just didn't enjoy the work, I became pre occupied with earning money and financing things to compete with people who were never real friends or ever cared about me as a person, just simply what they could gain and my perceived material appearance.

I never became cash rich due to heavily financed assets, and never really understood why I was doing any of it, social pressure of a capitalist society perhaps? .... Who knows.

Needless to say I wouldn't want to be back in the same position. I'm happy with a more modest income, not owing any debt, a handful of true friends, my health and a future helping others.

02-22-2014, 06:28 AM
Its funny you know.. I have a mate who lives in Zante. Moved away when he lost his parents. He says as soon as he gets back to the UK he NEEDS A BMW and a MASSIVE house.. when he is in Zante... he doesnt give a hoot what he drives or where he lived. Its a F&** up financed society. I agree.