View Full Version : New to this...looking for some help.

02-20-2014, 10:48 AM
I posted something yesterday and I cant seem to find it, so I'm going to try and repost. I have suffered from anxiety for a couple years, however this last year it has gotten pretty bad and I started having awful panic attacks about 8 months ago. I went to see my family doctor and she put me on Lexapro first, then zoloft, then celexa, then paxil cr...nothing worked and had some pretty rough side effects with a couple, zoloft and paxil cr. She also prescribed me Xanex to take as needed. I'm just really struggling. I have been taking Xanex about once a week for three months. If I have a bad day (which is today) I have to take it twice, usually .25mg once and then later in the day .50mg. I am terrified of getting hooked on it, but its the only thing that works for me. So we recently moved about three states away and I actually went to a psychiatrist and he told me I have GAD and Panic Disorder. After telling him everything my family doctor put me on, he prescribed me Buspar to take twice a day. I took my morning pill and felt a little weird and disoriented and dizzy. I had an AWFUL afternoon, ended up taking Xanex twice to calm myself down. I'm getting so frustrated that nothing seems to work other than the Xanex and the side effects are just too much sometimes. I'm just really struggling right now. The doctor I went to here is so backed up and they are the only one in town. I wont see him again until April. I feel like this is consuming my life! Its hard to see past it and miss being happy and the person I used to be. Its hard to talk to my husband about it, because he just doesnt understand and I dont want him to think Im crazy! Thank you for taking the time to read this and any feedback is appreciated. Thanks again!

02-20-2014, 01:10 PM
You've gottttaaaaa find that one medication (besides xanax) that helps you but it looks like you've tried many already...
Some people do reaaallllly well on Prozac, and its very mild too (although it isnt generally used to help anxiety, it seems to somehow)...a couple of people here have success with it.
I've taken xanax for over 7 years, but also came off of it for 1 year too just to see what life was like..I feel better on it then not.
I take 1mg XR everyday, and it keeps me leveled out quite nicely...
Maybe ask the new Doc about an XR version to help you too...
Oh, and welcome LBS!!!...


02-20-2014, 01:12 PM
OOPS...Some people do very well on Buspar and some don't...there are those people here too...

E. :)

02-20-2014, 07:25 PM
I have taken Buspar for a few years and added Zoloft a few months back. Its a little weird when you first take Buspar...you can get the little electrical zaps..as I call them...and a bit of dizziness. Now, since ive been on it a while I do not get the side effects any longer.

02-20-2014, 08:08 PM
Thank you all for your replies! I have spent the last 24 hours reading on here and its comforting to know so many people live with what I do.

Trindiva, I'm getting the "brain zap". How long do they last? I'm only on day 2.

Thanks again!

02-24-2014, 08:00 PM
Back on Lexapro....seemed to help with my depression years ago. So they want to see if it will work for anxiety. Keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks.,