View Full Version : Fear of going out and driving with windows down.

02-20-2014, 09:21 AM
I have a fear of being out in public and just openly breathing in the fresh air. As well as a fear of driving with the windows down in my car. I fear that people will be smoking k2 aka spice or marajuana. And i believe that i will accidentally inhale this and become high. I cant stand jt, it doesn't help that I've seen people smoking on the side of a store and in their cars before. I really wish i could shake this and move on with my lifem i feel like its holding me back from enjoyig life. I also work for a Comcast warehouse, in which we deal with boxes that come in from customers homes. I always have a fear that a customer has spread cocaine or LSD, or some other drug on their box and when i pick it up i will become high. What can i do to combat this fear?

And a little backstory is i was diagnosed with anxiety back in 2009 and was taking 10mg if paxil up until June of last year. This paranoia so to speak had begun about a month in a half ago. And my anxiety had came back around November of last year. In also under a great deal of stress. I recently moved in with my girlfired and we have a baby on the way. In scared on a daily basis and would like some reprieve. Thanks in advance. Brian

02-24-2014, 08:46 AM
Anyone have any insight for me? :/

02-24-2014, 09:44 AM
I just saw this!! It wasn't on my screen so maybe that's why no one had replied..
Yes, it may be a great idea to get back in to see the Doc and get on some new meds bruh..
You've got alot going on, and all this stress is causing some irrational fears and thoughts...
Have you also thought about some therapy and or counceling of some sort???
You have a baby on the way so you're gotta get this straightened out, the baby will need you to be there.....


02-24-2014, 12:52 PM
I hate the smell of cigarettes and marijuana! If I ever come across someone smoking, I hold my breath in until I have passed them. I feel like it will make me feel worse if I inhale it. I definitely don't want to get second hand smoke and feel worse than I already do.

02-25-2014, 08:33 AM
This is all a sign of anxiety right? I'm really trying to get a grip on it. Basically when I'm at work it gets bad as well as when I go out to a store or something. When I'm at home for the most part I'm fine. I have gone as far as looking up symptoms of the drugs and manifesting the feelings so to speak and it freaks me out. I'm willing to try therapy, I just fknt know what my best option would be?

02-25-2014, 09:53 AM
YES!! All signs of anxiety...
1. Get in to see the doc and get some new meds, they'll more than likely offer up some zoloft, lexapro, effexor, or celexa..OUT of all those you may be better off with Lexapro..give that a try first..
2. Yes, and then after a month on that, if you stttiiiilllllll feel this way then think about a councelor therapist to help you work through this issue.
3. Yes, anxiety generally settles when you're in your safe zone or safe place like home...

Go seek some help bruh, youve gotta hold yourself together to raise this new baby!!

Enduronman.. :)

02-25-2014, 11:27 AM
I agree with E-Man!

You should not look up anything on the Internet. It's crucial!

02-27-2014, 12:37 PM
I used to take 10mg of paxil for about 4 years and recently stopped. Probably about 6 months ago. And I was fine up until last month. I'd really like to avoid taking meds again.

But I'm slowly getting better. I'm forced myself to drive with the windows down at certain times of the day. And at work my panic is almost non existant. The main place I get anxiety now is when driving the company work truck on the interstate. I get sweaty and light headed and feel like I'm high. I can't shake it until I get out of the truck.

03-03-2014, 03:17 PM
I used to take 10mg of paxil a day for about 4 years or so. I justvatopped taking it back in June of last year. I'd really like to not go back on medication. It helped a lot but also limited me in areas I don't like.

I've been making myself breath and roll with the windows down in certain areas of town and I'm starting to slowly get better with time. My major concern is still dealing with customer boxes at the warehouse I work in. Always fearing someone dumped LSD on them or there's some meth crystal dust and I'll inhale it and become high. I really need a way to get over this irrational fear asap. Seems like not matter what I do nothing helps. Any thoughts?

03-03-2014, 03:18 PM
I used to take 10mg of paxil a day for about 4 years or so. I justvatopped taking it back in June of last year. I'd really like to not go back on medication. It helped a lot but also limited me in areas I don't like.

I've been making myself breath and roll with the windows down in certain areas of town and I'm starting to slowly get better with time. My major concern is still dealing with customer boxes at the warehouse I work in. Always fearing someone dumped LSD on them or there's some meth crystal dust and I'll inhale it and become high. I really need a way to get over this irrational fear asap. Seems like not matter what I do nothing helps. Any thoughts?

03-17-2014, 03:19 PM
I hate to bump this again, but what are my options besides going on medication. As that's a viable option for me at the moment.

03-17-2014, 03:55 PM
why you not want meds ?? Boy i starting to sound like Eman LOL

Get your stress down , learn to relax and address the crap anxiety caused and you will be fine .

Yes all anxiety that i can see .

HAHA!! Sometimes, it is what's best in certain situations and with certain issues..
There's alot going on here, and medications, and some therapy, would be a great place to start..
Good to see you brother Forwells!

Enduronman.. :)