View Full Version : Since panic attack, I've not felt the same...please advise.

Irish Sammie
02-20-2014, 04:21 AM
Hi Guys,

First time poster here.

It happened just before Christmas, I was shopping in a supermarket and it hit me. Out of the blue I felt the since learned tell-tail signs of a panic attack. Tunnel vision, heart rate 400%+, weak legs, freaking out etc. This scared the hell out of me as I had no idea what was going on. With no previous experience of it, I first thought I was having a heart attack due to the symptoms I heard that one has, and then me feeling something very much like it. Anyway, without going into all the detail I went to the Doctor that very same day, and he checked me out. Only for a heightened heart beat, he said I was fine. Did a blood test, and it all came back fine. I had been under quite a lot of personal stress leading up to it, so I can only put it down to that.

Since then, for the most part I think I've been ok, apart from small bouts of anxiety here and there, and the feeling of disassociation (which for me has been quite bizarre and scary for those who have experienced it). Though one of the main reasons for me posting this, is for the past 2, maybe 3 weeks I've been having problems with my vision. I find that my vision gets very relaxed and de-focuses itself very easily, and I find myself having to make an active effort in having to re-focus them. I find my eyes are more sensitive to light when I leave the house, and they seem to water a bit more than before. I have perfect vision and I'm nearly 30 so I find this a bit alarming. Ever since the attack I find that my cone of vision seems to have decreased, my vision feeling a bit, claustraphobic? It's a hard thing to describe fully being honest.

Do any of you know if this is a side effect of a panic attack? I wouldn't even know who to go to talk about this or have it checked out.

Any advice will be very much appreciated, thank you.

02-20-2014, 04:48 AM
Hello there yes it's all due to panic attacks
It will go,I know it's scary when you don't know what it is,I had every symptom going over the years lol
Welcome to the page :)

Irish Sammie
02-20-2014, 05:10 AM
Thank you Em!

Just to clarify, what I described about my vision and disassociaton, that's related to the Panic Attack?

02-20-2014, 05:26 AM
Thank you Em! Just to clarify, what I described about my vision and disassociaton, that's related to the Panic Attack?

Yes very much so I've had that a few times

Irish Sammie
02-20-2014, 05:32 AM
Thank you, It makes me feel better that it's a known cause and not brought on by something else :)

02-20-2014, 05:41 AM
Thank you, It makes me feel better that it's a known cause and not brought on by something else :)

I know it's so scary when you have anything like that,but your not alone in this :)
It's more common than you think,so many people get panic attacks and anxiety

Irish Sammie
02-20-2014, 06:17 AM
I know right!?

It doesn't help when you start feeling paranoid over what you're experiencing, making you more worried and thus more panicked about it. I know it's purely mind over matter, and staying positive and optimistic is really vital I think.

02-20-2014, 11:12 AM
I find that my vision gets very relaxed and de-focuses itself very easily, and I find myself having to make an active effort in having to re-focus them. I find my eyes are more sensitive to light...

YES!! We're in the same boat. With me, it's computer screens. Unfortunately, it's my livelihood!

My vision becomes blurry because my eyes start to cross but it's totally trigger-driven. It's almost like my eyes are taking a break.
And it's so easy to stop too. But the whole experience is scary.

02-20-2014, 11:16 AM
me too. vision and dr. it shall pass. i am not concerned anymore and you shouldnt be either.