View Full Version : Exhausted :( whats going on with me

02-20-2014, 04:11 AM
It's officially 6 am and I'm still up. I'm exhausted but I've been feeling short of breath and like I can't take a proper deep breath for the last couple hours... I can only describe it like the breath I take doesn't feel fulfilling... I'm trying to do breathing exercises and one time they'll work but then 5 min later I can't breathe in all the wag again... I'm also feeling weird about swallowing, like I have to push to swallow. The second I feel myself doze off, I wake myself by jerking myself up because I feel like I'm not breathing, I go to swallow and it's hard. It almost feels like if I wasn't taking these 'deep breaths" my body will forget to breath! What's going on with me :( has anyone ever felt this way that I'm describing? How do I make it go away :(

02-20-2014, 06:09 AM
Hi Leah im sorry to hear your feeling like this as I know how irritating it is, the only advice I could give you would to give these feelings of anxiety no more respect or no more of your time. I know its easier said than done but the more you come to realise that it is just symptoms of anxiety and totally harmless to your health the easier it will become, the less you monitor the way you feel the more and more better you will start to feel I promise :) Keep smiling and remember you will beat this!

Dan x

02-20-2014, 11:27 PM
I couldn't fall asleep for about two weeks due to the same thing. The more you try to breath the more you're focusing on it. Try to listen to some relaxing music or taking a hot bath before bed. The more you focus on it the harder it gets. I know it's hard to stop thinking about. But you will not stop breathing when you fall asleep. Your body will take control and you'll be just fine. Just relax! Good luck.

02-21-2014, 12:07 AM
Well I'm up with it again :( except this time I I was asleep for a minute or two and I suddenly woke up and feel like I'm going to faint :(

02-21-2014, 12:14 AM
I know EXACTLY how you feel. You just have to remember that all of this is caused by anxiety. There's nothing physically wrong with you. Once you can truly believe that then you will be able to fall asleep easier. Just turn on some low soothing music. Make yourself as comfortable as possible. Close your eyes and picture a black and white photo of something. Any color it in your head. You may have to try several times but eventually you will drift off to sleep and not even know it. :)

02-21-2014, 12:24 AM
I know EXACTLY how you feel. You just have to remember that all of this is caused by anxiety. There's nothing physically wrong with you. Once you can truly believe that then you will be able to fall asleep easier. Just turn on some low soothing music. Make yourself as comfortable as possible. Close your eyes and picture a black and white photo of something. Any color it in your head. You may have to try several times but eventually you will drift off to sleep and not even know it. :)

It's nice to know someone knows how I feel... Unfortunately I have really worked myself up until a full blown panic attack here :( I'm shaking so much and feel like I can't breathe at all and I'm going to faint and I just want to go to the hospital and make it all go away :( I'm so upset I feel so helpless

02-21-2014, 12:27 AM
The hospital won't do anything for you. Step one is realizing that this is just anxiety. You won't pass out, your heart won't explode or stop. Just calm down. I've been there so many times. Breath in your nose and out your mouth for a few minutes just to calm down a little. Try to drink a glass of cold water. Find something to get your mind off of it. Trying reading a book or watching a movie. You will be just fine. Trust me. It's all just anxiety.

02-21-2014, 12:48 AM
The hospital won't do anything for you. Step one is realizing that this is just anxiety. You won't pass out, your heart won't explode or stop. Just calm down. I've been there so many times. Breath in your nose and out your mouth for a few minutes just to calm down a little. Try to drink a glass of cold water. Find something to get your mind off of it. Trying reading a book or watching a movie. You will be just fine. Trust me. It's all just anxiety.

I'm sitting watching tv now and doing some deep breathing... It's just nice to have someone to talk to that actually knows what it feels like who is trying to help calm me down... Thank you. :) just wish I didn't have to feel like this. :(

02-21-2014, 12:51 AM
The hospital won't do anything for you. Step one is realizing that this is just anxiety. You won't pass out, your heart won't explode or stop. Just calm down. I've been there so many times. Breath in your nose and out your mouth for a few minutes just to calm down a little. Try to drink a glass of cold water. Find something to get your mind off of it. Trying reading a book or watching a movie. You will be just fine. Trust me. It's all just anxiety.

She is right........relax and breath........long breath.......count of 7 in through the nose...belly breath.....your belly should extend more than your chest if doing it right.
1. Breath deeply count of 7
2. Hold it in for a count of 3'minumum.
3. Breath out slowly through pursed lips.....
4. Repeat this process until you calm down....

You will be fine !!!! It's just anxiety.


02-21-2014, 02:09 PM
Thanks to everyone who responded.. It makes me feel so much better when people care and try to help :)