View Full Version : How do you really know??

02-20-2014, 02:10 AM
With all of the Heatlh anxiety I have, when do you actually know if something is actually going on with you and it's not just anxiety? You get these symptoms and they don't go away but every doctor says your fine. What happens when there actually is really something wrong and you write it off as anxiety and hesitate on going to the doctors or ER? This is something that always bothers me. What is real and what is just anxiety.!!! So frustrating... :(

02-20-2014, 02:26 AM
I struggled with this for a while. I experienced every symptom in the book. I'm talking from pains to numbness to vision issues to sexual dysfunction. Now that I have explored my anxiety, and conquered it, all of these once continuous issues are gone.

You can take peace in that your doctor thinks you're okay. If you find yourself rotating between different symptoms, that is a sign of anxiety. If you have to wonder if something is wrong, that is a sign of anxiety. If something intense is going to happen to you, you will know.

For me, I had to learn to ACCEPT that I was ok. I was afraid of ignoring any symptom, because I wanted to nip whatever it was in the bud before it got out of control. Through exploring myself I eventually found out that I feared that I had lived past my potential (I'm only 23), and that I would check out before I could live my dreams. Taking control of my life, and living in the moment definitely helped.