View Full Version : List Any Anxiety Sufferer Should Read

02-19-2014, 10:23 PM
I previously typed out a huge post with all the information I could think of in regards to my battle with anxiety, and how I overcame it. Upon adding the tags to that post, I was taken to another page, and lost my entire post (I feel the need to vent this, haha). On that note here is the list of things (from that post) that I think anybody struggling with anxiety should read.

1. You can and WILL find your happiness/stability/peace again!
2. It is okay.
3. It is truly possible that it is all in your head, don't doubt the power of your mind.
4. During your battle you will have good days, and then more bad days. Don't be discouraged! That's okay!
5. Find the lesson your anxiety is trying to teach you.
6. Our bodies are natural pharmacies, and can heal just about everything!
7. There is always hope.
8. You are not the only person who feels this way.
9. DO NOT GOOGLE YOUR HEALTH SYMPTOMS. If it's that bad, take action.
10. Live in the now; in the moment. It is all that really matters. Something will eventually affect us all, enjoy what you have now.
11. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are depressed, you are living in the past.
12. Love yourself, love others, love nature, love the universe.
13. If you think you're going crazy, you're not. Someone who is truly going crazy doesn't realize it.
14. Fear is a choice.
15. Find your path, and take control.
16. Just for today you will not stress, worry, or chew your thoughts. If you find yourself doing that, take a nap.
17. It's a terrible thing in life to wait until you are ready. No one is ever truly "ready". Take action now! Experience! Live!
18. Don't fret when you find yourself losing the battle. You're still you, still alive, just experiencing in a different, and often insightful, way.
19. Anxiety can do anything that you don't want it to.
20. You are in control.

02-20-2014, 03:39 PM
Nice list.

02-20-2014, 04:17 PM
Thank you, nice sims 3 icon!

02-20-2014, 05:00 PM
Love it! Now to put it into action! X

02-20-2014, 05:26 PM
Thank you.

02-20-2014, 05:35 PM
You're welcome! And I agree, make it a reality!

02-20-2014, 05:56 PM
Nice list. Thank you for sharing it! :)

02-20-2014, 06:57 PM
Love this! Thank you for sharing this :)

02-20-2014, 07:16 PM
You didn't lose it .. It's on the other page I just read it ..

02-20-2014, 09:29 PM
Goomba it is nice list, unfortunately you have someone who is copying you.....

02-20-2014, 09:48 PM
Hey, whatever. I didn't make this list for the credit. If it helps people, and reaches people, then I'm happy.

Spartymum, you found my post!? Where!?

02-20-2014, 10:02 PM
Hey, whatever. I didn't make this list for the credit. If it helps people, and reaches people, then I'm happy.

Spartymum, you found my post!? Where!?

and 6 more like that...

02-20-2014, 10:04 PM
It's everywhere lol

02-20-2014, 10:15 PM
Ohh I thought you meant you found my original post about my journey with anxiety that I lost. Cool though, let it spread!

02-21-2014, 07:29 AM
Ohh I thought you meant you found my original post about my journey with anxiety that I lost. Cool though, let it spread!

You could re post your journey if you get the time though Goomba. I am sure plenty of people will draw some form of relevance from it :)

02-21-2014, 08:52 AM
You could re post your journey if you get the time though Goomba. I am sure plenty of people will draw some form of relevance from it :)

Yeah, I have been wanting to. I've just been slightly unmotivated to re-write it :). I'll get it done.

02-21-2014, 09:29 AM
thank you for sharing :)

02-21-2014, 01:31 PM
thank you for sharing :)

My pleasure.

02-21-2014, 07:59 PM
Thank you, nice sims 3 icon! Thanks. It's my Alien sim. :)

02-21-2014, 08:33 PM
Thanks. It's my Alien sim. :)

From into the future?

02-21-2014, 10:23 PM
From into the future?

No, Seasons, aliens come with the Seasons expansion. I don't have Into the future (as of now), plan to get it at some point.

02-23-2014, 05:46 PM
No, Seasons, aliens come with the Seasons expansion. I don't have Into the future (as of now), plan to get it at some point.

You should! It's one of the better expansions in my opinion.

02-25-2014, 09:34 PM
Just wanted to share that if anyone needs an ear, feel free to message me.

02-25-2014, 10:37 PM
I'm anxious and depressed...so, does that mean that I'm living in the now...?

02-25-2014, 10:43 PM
I'm anxious and depressed...so, does that mean that I'm living in the now...?

Not sure if this is a serious or sarcastic question...

I mean I can't say for sure, but I suspect you rotate between the past, and the future.