View Full Version : Will these random palpitations last forever?

02-19-2014, 10:22 PM
Hello everybody,

I have suffered my first anxiety attack yesterday and obviously it was a painful experience. I am not a guy that stresses out as easily, unless it's midterm or final week or if I've done something really wrong. Last week was midterm week and I took a bunch of coffees and energy drinks (terrible decision) and these 2 drinks contributed to my panic attack according to the doctors. I was rushed to the ER last night and had massive palpitations (heart pulse was ok) and I was shivering as well .

Today, I am feeling much better but it just doesn't seem normal at times. I am breathing regularly but there are some random moments where I still have palpitations, though not as intense as the ones yesterday. Do you guys think that it could be due to the shock from last night? Also, will these random palpitations happen everyday for the rest of my life?


02-19-2014, 10:28 PM
Well, coffee and energy drinks can also cause the weird palpitations. I can say that during my most anxious period, my heart was all over the place, and would palpitate a lot. Since I have gotten control of my anxiety, that has almost completely gone away. It is normal for the heart to palpitate, or skip a beat at times, however, when we're not anxious we don't really pay attention to it.