View Full Version : Marijuana use lead to a massive panic attack

02-19-2014, 09:18 PM
that was 2 months ago, and I haven't felt the same since. No more panic attacks, just feel like crap everyday.

Headaches, muscle weakness/twitching, feel jittery internally, can feel my pulse, some derealization/depersonalization. I just feel like crap. Can't concentrate, have a hard time staying still!
It's amazing how the weeks have just gelled together...one after the other.

I've made so many life style changes and I have next to no stress in my life.
The pot was NOT laced.
Does it ever go away? Is there a general time frame for recovery?

02-19-2014, 10:47 PM
I'm sorry you feel this way :(

But I have to ask... Recovery from what? I can't tell if you're talking about the panic attack, or the marijuana? Was it the one and only time or had you been smoking for a while? My answer would very much depend on those things

Have a good one if you see this and can't respond right away n_n

02-19-2014, 10:56 PM
It can do eventually. You need to accept it's all anxiety though - all the pains and symptoms and such like. Panic attacks tend to remove the feelign of safety within yourself. I had 2 panic attacks after 7 years of smoking weed daily. The first didn't change me, the second catapulted me into a world of anxiety and daily pains and fear and worry.

There may have been stress building in the weeks/months prior to the panic attack and getting high tipped you over the edge. Whilst there might not be stress now it doesn't mean you can't still be aching from anxiety and such. panic attacks are traumatic events and they can leave their mark on you.


02-20-2014, 09:31 AM
But I have to ask... Recovery from what?

Recovery meaning when do these symptoms go away?
I smoke 10-15 times a year. This particular time was the first time I had smoked it in a few months.
Obviously, I don't smoke it anymore and probably never will.

I don't understand how one panic attack can leave such a last effect when I haven't even come close to having another panic attack.
And as stated, never had a panic attack in my life. I live a pretty stress-free life too.

02-20-2014, 03:42 PM
Smoking that stuff did the same to me mate.

Set me back months...

Stay off it dude...

Mine were the same... your body is in shock... it doesnt like it. Nor does your brain... takes a while to get it out of your system.

Can damage your chemical brain make up... so you need to seek help to rebalance yourself.

Diet? Sort it out
Alcohol. Seldom for a while no binges
Caffeine - hit the de cafe
Walks - get out in nature.

Take it steady... yes its the Juice...

I had similar issue with a workout suppliment. Lasted about 3/4 months before settling back in.

Your use of M has probably build up. Sorry to say.

My mate smoked it once... in Amsterdam... took him down.. now he suffers from anxiety and needs meds.

There is no probably dude... you won't smoke it... 10 -15 times a year is more than I did... I had two spliffs and was off the rails for weeks.

02-20-2014, 10:37 PM
Smoking that stuff did the same to me mate.

Set me back months...

Did your symptoms go away?

There is no probably dude... you won't smoke it... 10 -15 times a year is more than I did... I had two spliffs and was off the rails for weeks.

No doubt. I'm not even a life long smoker. I went a good 8 years without it. Just pisses me off that something like this can bring me down, something I'm not even dedicated to.

02-20-2014, 10:39 PM
Smoking that stuff did the same to me mate.

Set me back months...

Did your symptoms go away?

There is no probably dude... you won't smoke it... 10 -15 times a year is more than I did... I had two spliffs and was off the rails for weeks.

No doubt. I'm not even a life long smoker. I went a good 8 years without it. Just pisses me off that something like this can bring me down, something I'm not even dedicated to.

02-22-2014, 06:27 AM
Did your symptoms go away?

No doubt. I'm not even a life long smoker. I went a good 8 years without it. Just pisses me off that something like this can bring me down, something I'm not even dedicated to.

Sometimes we just get ill and nobody knows why, but lets be thankful that it is possible for it to pass at times.

Yes my symptoms went away and so will yours. Rest. Try and think less and switch off for a while.

02-22-2014, 04:14 PM
The same thing happened to me last year (nearly 1 year ago, btw)... *Siiigh* I will never, ever do that again. Worst experience of my life. It's weird but my panic/anxiety problems happened months later. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with it but I really don't doubt it one bit. I've never had such bad anxiety in my life before last year. What really annoys me about it is how everyone thinks it is so harmless and downplays anything bad happening to someone using it. Not true at all. It is not for everyone, that's for sure. Not me! Certainly glad I'm not the only one who's had this experience... But I will tell you, I've been doing much better lately. There is hope for you yet. The best advice I can think of is to just distract yourself from how you feel. Like doing something you enjoy to take your mind off things. Hope that helps you

02-23-2014, 07:07 PM
What really annoys me about it is how everyone thinks it is so harmless and downplays anything bad happening to someone using it. Not true at all. It is not for everyone, that's for sure.

Not necessarily a direct response, it's more that this got me thinking, so by all means skip over this if you'd like.

I think of it the same way I think of any other chemical. Look at the side effects of some antidepressants, too. For some people, certain LEGAL meds do make them much more anxious or suicidal, it is no secret that this is a risk, and I have experienced such side effects myself. So why does society generally demonize marijuana for having the same negative side effects for some, while still changing other lives for the better the way antidepressants do? I personally don't think it can help ME that way, but I have seen full disappearance of symptoms and greatly improved quality of life in two people with agoraphobia that had had them completely housebound for over a year, and one with VERY severe tourettes, and have come across very very many similar stories.

Like all chemicals individuals put into their bodies, it's hit or miss.

I obviously respect when it doesn't work for people because it doesn't work that way for me either, but I just wanted to throw that into this discussion in case you ever encounter anyone who it DOES work for so that you have this little bit to think about if you currently view yourself as wholeheartedly against it for use by others when it does save lives the way other equally as unpredictable (If it was predictable in antidepressants from individual to individual then NO ONE would ever suffer adverse effects, which we all know is not the case) legal medications do. We've been propagated into believing that marijuana is so different from other medications, but when you really -objectively- think about it, and avoid scientific sources that accept extremely generous donations *winkwink* from government agencies and anti-drug organizations, it isn't. Up until a few years ago, 90% of all published studies on marijuana were done by labs/schools/organizations with government funding that mostly only sought to document adverse effects.

For example, for over 10 years our government has had a PATENT on the use of CBS's (about half the plant's chemical make up) as a NEUROPROTECTANT (which is a pretty big deal) and an antioxidant, while still classing it as a Schedule I drug, which is supposed to mean it has no valid medical uses whatsoever...? If you take everything you're told at face value in terms of marijuana, you're believing blatant lies, like this one. "Marijuana has no medical uses and should be classed as more dangerous than coke and meth" and then "Marijuana has these miraculous medical properties and we call dibs! No one else can do it! The public can't have it! It's ours!" See the issue here? How disingenuous is this? Does this not impact the government's credibility? It's utterly absurd and goes beyond all logic and reason.

Another thing I've thought about, isn't it also possible that the stigma surrounding this drug can contribute to feelings of anxiety after use? Intense worry over that you've done this unspeakable thing that is perceived so negatively?

Not saying anyone here definitely does believe the fallacies, but even if you don't, these are some points that may come in handy some day in facing someone ignorant to the truth. These things can all easily be verified through a quick Google, but I can find sources if need be.

I don't know why I wrote so much, but I do have the tendency to over explain what I'm thinking, to cover all my bases in case it can be interpreted negatively :x

If this was too much or out of bounds somehow, please just ignore me. I just thought it was all interesting to think about.

Hope everyone is doing well! <3

02-23-2014, 08:11 PM
letssee- I'm not necessarily against it. I know it helps a lot of people... I'm just not one of them either. That's for sure. It should definitely be decriminalized (at the very least). The "war-on-drugs" is a total waste of time and money... I also know/have known a lot of pot smokers. I've always been alienated for not wanting to smoke. Most people really just don't understand... But oh well. :/

02-23-2014, 11:04 PM
So glad you agree! It just kind of sparked those thoughts, and I figured I'd throw all that in there. I'm sorry it was so lengthy! (One thing I do know I really have to work on is omission of details in discussion lol)

Plus, anyone who would make you uncomfortable for not partaking is definitely the type that is doing it for all the wrong reasons, as with people who exhibit such arrogance towards people who don't drink. These people do it because they perceive it as the only option that will get them liked. Which is deeply sad if you think about it, because those people are quite obviously extremely insecure. In high school my best friend didn't drink and I did, but we constantly went to parties together where there was drinking. No one ever even commented on the fact, unless someone who didn't know her offered her a drink by mistake, but they would always just say "oh woops sorry!" and move on. What would they have personally gained by harassing her? Nothing. So they didn't. There are people who don't care and will respect you no matter what, but those who do not aren't worthy of your time or attention. It can be a bummer when people behave that way towards you, but take solace in knowing they're -definitely- not the kind of people you want to have in your life anyways d:

El Lukio
02-24-2014, 01:01 AM
Hey dude...I know how you feel. I smoked my last joint about a year ago and the affect it had on me - I swear I will never do it again.

I had a massive panic attack and spent 3 hours thinking I was going to die. Heart palpitations, irregular heart beat, hot/cold sweats the whole nine yards. I wasn't right after that for months and somehow I think it changed the way my brain works and has added to the anxiety issues I have.

Smoking works for some folk but definitely not for me. What you've described is exactly how I felt.