View Full Version : Anyone in need of one-on-one Therapy? Life Coach here!

02-19-2014, 08:44 PM
Hey guys,

Even though it may be sort of contradictory, I would like to give back and offer anyone help, that need's it. I am very experience with anxiety and depression issues from my own life, and from schooling as well. Anyway, I have tons of knowledge and a desire to help, so if you are interested please feel free to reach out to me!

I will even leave my personal e-mail at the bottom, so that it is easier to get a hold of me. I used to hold online "e-coaching" sessions for people looking for similar help. I am not going to charge anyone for this, though. Hope that's clear ha. Also, I've had a few successful blogs

So...yeah, please, if anyone needs a little extra push, feel free.

Never stop asking for help until you find it, because you never know who's going to give you the right answer, ya know?

Cool. Thanks everyone. I hope I hear from some of ya!

garyg199- at gmail...wont let me post links because I'm a newbie =p

02-19-2014, 08:46 PM
Are you in dare need of the money?????? We are not loaded, nor naive :)) good luck

02-19-2014, 09:35 PM
Not at all! I am in no way trying to exploit anyone for money here!!! I just want to give back. Its always been a sort of "therapy" for myself..helping others. Which is why i went to school for it in the first place.

Sorry dont want anyone to get the wrong idea!

02-19-2014, 09:39 PM
Every time someone tells me that something is for free and is about sharing I am suspicious...must be the grey hair,,,, hehehe
Do as forwells says , then we will see your good intention...:)

02-19-2014, 10:31 PM
I read that the Charles Linden is making Linden Method coaches now. Wow, Linden really is big time! I think Gregg's on this forum is one, but I'm not sure.

I don't need a life coach, but if you ever wanna come onto the fitness thread, and shout at me to get training harder, that'd probably motivate me ;)

02-20-2014, 08:21 AM
Thatd fine..i would be suspicious too, but there are still decent people in this world. Really have no hidden agenda guys. Just figured some might like and benefit from a more private setting is all. A few obviously do as i received quite a few emails immediately!

02-20-2014, 08:31 AM
Thatd fine..i would be suspicious too, but there are still decent people in this world. Really have no hidden agenda guys. Just figured some might like and benefit from a more private setting is all. A few obviously do as i received quite a few emails immediately!
Lucky you, there is many desperate people and naive, they will do everything to get help and fall a victim to the frauds and people who come here and try to feed on the week and vulnerable....
We see them often...often enough

02-20-2014, 09:31 AM
Well that's not right. I mean no harm

02-20-2014, 10:09 AM
I don't think Gary means any harm, I think it's a great idea :) I too like to give advice on the forum. It really helps me organize and clarify thoughts in my own head to eventually help myself too.

02-20-2014, 12:53 PM
We are always open to good advice here, but on forum not one to one bases. I am not thinking about him to mean any harm, but a lot of people are trying to make money pretending it is help. I am old. hheeeee I know life and all the tricks :))

02-20-2014, 01:38 PM
We are always open to good advice here, but on forum not one to one bases. I am not thinking about him to mean any harm, but a lot of people are trying to make money pretending it is help. I am old. hheeeee I know life and all the tricks :))

I'm with you Dahila - lots of people have come in to the forum with a first post blast how they can help and it was just a way to get you to order things

My suspicions are always raised but not necessarily always correct.

The best way is to create a long post on what worked for you so people can see what the basis of your cure is

I understand the desperation of people too that just want this t end so they roll the dice

02-20-2014, 02:11 PM
I think your mother hen instinct is coming out Dahila sounds like you are just keeping an eye on us all, on a serious note its very easy for people to come here and prey on the vunerable. I don't think Dahlia meant to be rude just protective.

02-21-2014, 08:53 AM
Understandable. Not a huge deal, at all. Everyone is free to their opinion and can decline the oppurtunity.

02-21-2014, 09:16 AM
I don't think Gary means any harm, I think it's a great idea :) I too like to give advice on the forum. It really helps me organize and clarify thoughts in my own head to eventually help myself too.

I agree, we are skeptical so often from years of seeing such things. However I know from my experience people react badly sometimes when you say payment needed, but what does

your doc do? And has he had the anxiety/depression you know so well? Nope. I of course as many know do the videos, and I do Skype counseling too. Some want it free and never

show up on schedule, and that costs me, and interferes with others who needed that appt. People will be more serious being coached when they pay a little for it, versus, the I need

help and a quick fix. There is not one thing wrong with being paid to do something well. I don't give away my creative welding designs, artwork. People pay for it, or trade me. I think

we become skeptical when we see a person approach us as nothing but an income, it's a turn off. I even pay for services via internet and they have changed a part of my life many

times. I research them though. I can get to the point from afar that others can't see as they are caught in the seeing of the trees, and when I look I see clearly. I have helped many on

the internet, phone and I always do the first one free. Nothing wrong with making money though, Everyone works for someone, or others pay for them to not work. Which is fine too.

I never thought 35.00 an hour was much to charge, considering I have education and real life volunteer work in fields of psychology, and addictions, as well as criminology, getting life

back after prison work etc. Better than that I have been there, in the depths of it all. So I'm a great resource. It's inexpensive, and it works.


02-21-2014, 09:42 AM
I don't know Gene... I think you're scamming us big time ;)

02-21-2014, 09:53 AM
Hey would you have any info on ssri as to I just upped my dose from 20mg to 40mg after a year been on it for 2 weeks now

02-21-2014, 09:59 AM
See...and you guys thought I was "preying"!

02-21-2014, 10:48 AM
Hey would you have any info on ssri as to I just upped my dose from 20mg to 40mg after a year been on it for 2 weeks now
Use search button man, I will help you with it:)

check it out:)

02-21-2014, 09:56 PM
Gene Allen... If I was paying 35.00 for your therapy, I'd have to do it by skype, rather than by phone.

I'd need to get my money's worth by seeing that handsome mugshot of yours for an hour! Haha

02-21-2014, 09:58 PM
Gene Allen... If I was paying 35.00 for your therapy, I'd have to do it by skype, rather than by phone.

I'd need to get my money's worth by seeing that handsome mugshot of yours for an hour! Haha

E Man would just keep interrupting yelling "YAY" Or Gene would. I can't tell them bastards apart anymore LOL

02-21-2014, 10:32 PM
Nixon you are brave man hehehe

02-21-2014, 10:47 PM
I don't know guys. This kind of breaks my heart in some ways. Ways I don't think I can adequately describe. I just try to be myself and help others for free. I am really sorry how money crept into all this. I could almost be one of those people that gets taken - I'm just a simple guy that likes to share and claim nothing of great wisdom. I much prefer to share and learn from others who are just searching themselves. I think Nixon and many others in here have touched on that - and at other times I have no clue what others are saying ... but at least in here, I can just keep talking to myself who I know and trust.

I agree, one on one --- YEA - also like Frankie says too .......

Sryy guys ---- too vulnerable indeed ... one on one I mean ... when in my own threads I can handle talking with myself - I think much better anyways .... also others can PM me if someone seems to be giving misleading information where as, I'm not sure about when I give in to being coached an all that............ hard to explain. I would like to do videos too, but truth is, I would be tripping on all my words, because I am very much that way inclined albeit for my attempts to talk as it I know anything with some kind of authority.

Anyways ---- you can't just come in like that and expect to have people sign up, you need to build up some kind of trust. It's nothing more than advertising and well - I'll refrain from using things like !!!!! - which kind of made me think - hang on -- Guru here using such emotional responses ... !!!! and the like -----------

So to give in myself all I can really say ---is what BS ---- has really been reveled in this thread. I am quite let down actually. To my good friends I soon do my own vid (for my own confidence is all / nothing else & to say hi - I'm simple like that) - but you can be sure as hell, it wont ever come with some BS attachment further on Down the hidden list. Just share on here and give what you have, otherwise --- in the words of a non guru - Piss Off and stop building people up, only to let them down.

As I said, I am only a simple guy and when it comes to talking with others like this, I am not very good at it. I would like to have friends in here and mean not to piss others off.

Just really let down - I'm sure you understand how I mean Dahila --- Cully - your really inspire me at times like now in this thread. :)

I'm happy with this forum thanks - if you have nothing else to offer, then please take your advertising and post it elsewhere.

Thank You.

Dave .... No billing required.

02-21-2014, 10:57 PM
I just reached out to Chris, but said "No Charge" ..... :)

02-21-2014, 10:58 PM
Yeah this tread is eye opening is it not?
I encounter more and more difficulties to make my peace with today world. Everyone wants something, how to get it, where is the old good world when neighbor helped another one to build a house, because they needed one
When is the time when youngsters got up in bus to let the older to sit down. Where is the time of respect for others...?
I like the forum too, but I wonder if I should do check out like forwells did.
Dave I am happy you are not billing today;)))

BTW every tenth tarot reading for the same client is free at my place :)))))))))

Chris is not billing either :)))))))) happy, happy

Coaching is overrated anyway

02-21-2014, 11:04 PM
yea ... so true ... Dahila ... I hear ya.

I find it difficult when people claim how others actually cost them money ... hmmmmmmm ... this whole thread has tainted much of what came before it.

02-22-2014, 04:15 PM
Gene Allen... If I was paying 35.00 for your therapy, I'd have to do it by skype, rather than by phone.

I'd need to get my money's worth by seeing that handsome mugshot of yours for an hour! Haha

LOL... I like that Jesse. I'd clean up a little, maybe put on some soft music for an extra 5 bux LMAO. Peace

02-22-2014, 04:16 PM
E Man would just keep interrupting yelling "YAY" Or Gene would. I can't tell them bastards apart anymore LOL

Well I hope E man is not offended. lmao. Good stuff. Peace

02-25-2014, 05:51 PM
See...and you guys thought I was "preying"!

Well where'd ya go Gary? Peace

02-25-2014, 05:53 PM
I don't know Gene... I think you're scamming us big time ;)

:D Peace