View Full Version : Thoughts of death

02-19-2014, 04:38 PM
Hello everyone, I've been doing well lately for the most part... But to get to the point, thoughts of death have been haunting me lately. It mostly happens when I'm laying in bed awake late at night. I just realize, "Oh my God... I'm going to die some day...". It scares me so bad. Of course I've always known I was going to die someday like everyone else, but this sudden "epiphany" is just awful. It's hard to explain. I'm not suicidal or anything. I don't want to die... What seems to make it worse is my noticing my own premature aging. *Sigh...*
I just thought that putting this out there might help me with this.

02-19-2014, 04:52 PM
Hello everyone, I've been doing well lately for the most part... But to get to the point, thoughts of death have been haunting me lately. It mostly happens when I'm laying in bed awake late at night. I just realize, "Oh my God... I'm going to die some day...". It scares me so bad. Of course I've always known I was going to die someday like everyone else, but this sudden "epiphany" is just awful. It's hard to explain. I'm not suicidal or anything. I don't want to die... What seems to make it worse is my noticing my own premature aging. *Sigh...*
I just thought that putting this out there might help me with this.

I am not sure how old you are but in your 20's, it is pretty common

That invincible feeling of your teens wains as you have more responsibility and have a real job......for 45 more years

I wouldnt be concerned about your thoughts regardless of your age

Your own mortality can be hard to accept

Depending on your beliefs and faith, some people handle it a little better

02-19-2014, 05:29 PM
I am not sure how old you are but in your 20's, it is pretty common That invincible feeling of your teens wains as you have more responsibility and have a real job......for 45 more years I wouldnt be concerned about your thoughts regardless of your age Your own mortality can be hard to accept Depending on your beliefs and faith, some people handle it a little better

I'm not in anyway religious, but you do have a point there NIXON , I really wish I got the whole God/Gods thing, I often wonder if it would be easier to accept mortality. We have a mix in clinical practice, we have the ones that faith/belief pulls them through, and the flip side where it hinders (sin and hell and all that shenanigans), makes it really difficult to treat.

02-19-2014, 05:44 PM
Hello everyone, I've been doing well lately for the most part... But to get to the point, thoughts of death have been haunting me lately. It mostly happens when I'm laying in bed awake late at night. I just realize, "Oh my God... I'm going to die some day...". It scares me so bad. Of course I've always known I was going to die someday like everyone else, but this sudden "epiphany" is just awful. It's hard to explain. I'm not suicidal or anything. I don't want to die... What seems to make it worse is my noticing my own premature aging. *Sigh...*
I just thought that putting this out there might help me with this.

Im so proud of you for being able to be so honest. Be proud of yourself. I want to hug you HUGE!!!! Life is tough, God is good and YOU are important!!!!! friend me....we can talk

02-19-2014, 05:46 PM
I'm not in anyway religious, but you do have a point there NIXON , I really wish I got the whole God/Gods thing, I often wonder if it would be easier to accept mortality. We have a mix in clinical practice, we have the ones that faith/belief pulls them through, and the flip side where it hinders (sin and hell and all that shenanigans), makes it really difficult to treat.

I am a very religious person and I can tell you it makes nothing easier LOL Do not second guess yourself for your choices, although I have to tell you God loves you :)

02-19-2014, 05:51 PM
I am a very religious person and I can tell you it makes nothing easier LOL Do not second guess yourself for your choices, although I have to tell you God loves you :)

That's very kind of you BlessedMom, I personally see the idea of God as a construction of man rather than the other way around, but I'm pleased that you find it of value in your life. :)