View Full Version : new to forum

02-19-2014, 04:31 PM
Hello all, im Charlie. I have some questions about my sexual desires.... I have a problem with having a orgasm, but the only time i can actually climax is when i slap myself. sounds a bit odd, but i really enjoy it. Hopefully i'm not alone. Also, I get a lot of general anxiety because I'm afraid of how my partner will think of me. Thanks in advance.

Amy Smith
02-19-2014, 04:36 PM
Sounds like you need to talk with your partner about this?

02-19-2014, 04:41 PM
Well that's a great first post

But I get it. I like when my wife stabs me in the face with a pitchfork

So erotic

Amy Smith
02-19-2014, 04:55 PM
Well that's a great first post

But I get it. I like when my wife stabs me in the face with a pitchfork

So erotic

Very erotic, Nixon lol.

02-19-2014, 05:03 PM
Well, the best thing you can do is be honest! Just understand it may be harder for someone to understand so try not to get offended. Good luck. :)

02-19-2014, 05:03 PM
I feel like i am being judged right now....is this not the forum I should be on? I really have anxiety about this :/

02-19-2014, 05:08 PM
Well, the best thing you can do is be honest! Just understand it may be harder for someone to understand so try not to get offended. Good luck. :)

thank you ab123, Nixon...you are a dick bro. Thanks for the compassion...exactly what i expected from this, somebody who gets on here...ridicules people on here JUST to make yourself feel better. Grow up dude, seriously. You act like you are perfect and shit...then why are you on here!? I pitty people like you bc youll be that one person that will never change.

02-19-2014, 05:13 PM
I feel like i am being judged right now....is this not the forum I should be on? I really have anxiety about this :/

Im not judging you.

Was a little hard to believe being so direct on a first post

You need to warm up to that one

Kicking one's own ass in an erotic moment is a tough situation to be in

Have you done the Rocky thing on yourself in front of your girl or is it a new girl that hasn't seen it and you are concerned?

I think you may want to look at why you want to MMA yourself during sex

Chicks aren't gonna be too cool with this

02-19-2014, 05:16 PM
thank you ab123, Nixon...you are a dick bro. Thanks for the compassion...exactly what i expected from this, somebody who gets on here...ridicules people on here JUST to make yourself feel better. Grow up dude, seriously. You act like you are perfect and shit...then why are you on here!? I pitty people like you bc youll be that one person that will never change.

Well if I ever do change, I don't want to change into someone that needs to go Chuck Norris on himself to get off

I didnt think your post was real

Don't judge me as you say

02-19-2014, 05:31 PM
Maybe you don't need to tell her.

When you're having sex, just tell her that her ass feels bigger.


Orgasm assured.

Seriously though, have you watched a lot of pornography in the past? That can cause more extreme fetishes in people. There's a TED talk about it. Some people just dig different stuff though, no worries. If you tell her like it's no big deal, and she loves you, she'll probably get over it quickly. Otherwise, maybe you wanna find someone more suited to your sexual needs. It's not the rarest of fetishes actually.

02-19-2014, 05:36 PM
Well that's a great first post But I get it. I like when my wife stabs me in the face with a pitchfork So erotic

Ok you have problems hahaha

02-19-2014, 05:37 PM
Maybe you don't need to tell her. When you're having sex, just tell her that her ass feels bigger. *Whack* Orgasm assured. Seriously though, have you watched a lot of pornography in the past? That can cause more extreme fetishes in people. There's a TED talk about it. Some people just dig different stuff though, no worries. If you tell her like it's no big deal, and she loves you, she'll probably get over it quickly. Otherwise, maybe you wanna find someone more suited to your sexual needs. It's not the rarest of fetishes actually.

No do
Not say that lol you will
Get knocked out lol

02-19-2014, 05:39 PM
I think you need to talk to your girlfriend about this,she maybe ok with the idea or she may not,but if it's something that you enjoy then I think you need to be open about it and talk with her :)

02-19-2014, 06:16 PM
ok, i dont think youŕe understanding my fetish.....i slap MYSELF not her. My face, not HER ass

02-19-2014, 06:32 PM
ok, i dont think youŕe understanding my fetish.....i slap MYSELF not her. My face, not HER ass

Oh you slap YOURSELF? I thought maybe you liked her slapping you.

Loads of people are into kinky stuff anyway. Find yourself a nice open minded girl. Maybe she's it..

02-19-2014, 06:33 PM
Ok Question. I m serious

How did you find out that you dig that?

Like what possessed you to do that?


Anxious Abi
02-20-2014, 03:02 PM
Hey Charlie.
It's understandable that you have developed anxiety about this particular issue. It's not uncommon for people to feel 'abnormal' when they develop what some would consider to be unusual sexual desires. Sexual fetish can be linked to the smallest experience, from the fairly usual to extremely specialist.
You are definitely not alone. Everybody has different sexual boundaries, finding a partners (and your own) is often something that takes a lot of trust and time.
If you trust your partner there is no shame in broaching the subject. Accepting that some people will think it is odd and judge you, you also need to know that some may be extremely open and understanding.
The worst that could happen in opening yourself up, is you end up becoming a topic of conversation.. "Yeah, I once dated this guy..."
Like this... I knew a guy that loved having the hair on his balls twisted and pulled during in oral sex.. Was it surprising? Yes, was it a game changer? No.
Be open, don't be ashamed.
Best wishes.