View Full Version : had a suicidal thought today 2days before menstrual

02-19-2014, 01:45 PM
Im really worried. I don't like these thoughts. My cycle will be here tomorrow. I had a small incident happen yesterday and this morning,been crying a bit.. No anxiety. Jist the thought and how.. :/ please HELP

02-19-2014, 01:50 PM
i am suffering from bad PMDD too right now- it's so awful. I am not on BC, are you? I've heard it can help but can cause depression for some. I don't know whether to start taking it or not.

02-19-2014, 01:54 PM
Someone stole my identity. And they racked up a bunch of bills and also have worked with it. They took all my money out of my bank account for someone elses mistakes. Im overwhelmed

02-19-2014, 01:55 PM
I've been on bc for several years and never experienced depression but i started taking Prozac and I'm afraid possibly the combo of the two is causing it. I'm sure it all depends on your own body's chemicals

02-19-2014, 01:55 PM
i am suffering from bad PMDD too right now- it's so awful. I am not on BC, are you? I've heard it can help but can cause depression for some. I don't know whether to start taking it or not.

Not on birth control and.dont.plan on it. Just my personal opinion. I,have heard horror stories on some. Just hope that's whats causing the emotions is my cycle

02-19-2014, 02:13 PM
Try to see them as thoughts and nothing more .

I find when i have them really bad it is best to just remember that everything changes in time .

Sorry to hear about your situation and i hope they sort it all out for you .

Thanks. I called my mom, she says don't lose hope, dont get depressed over something YOU CANT change, and move forward. Kind of helped me some