View Full Version : Bad day

02-19-2014, 08:14 AM
Today is not going great. I keep breaking down and crying at work which is terrible because I have 9 more hours to go and I have to take care of my patients with a brave face. I don't feel brave at all. Still getting sparks of electric like tingling in my arms, legs, feet and hand. So hard to ignore and tomorrow is the appt with the neurologist. I know I'm not going to get any answers tomorrow as it is only the first appt. I seriously feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown soon. I don't know what I will do with myself if I have ms

02-19-2014, 08:26 AM

I have a Neuro appointment today!!!...SO WHAT!!! and have to have an EMG of my legs...done by a friggin lady, and the tests is a very weird one at that.

SO,..pllllllllleeeeaaaassssseeee stop thinking about it and focus on the people that need you to be their ROCK!!


Enduronman..Endure On J Loca!!! :D

02-19-2014, 10:40 AM
YOU DON'T HAVE FRIGGIN MS!!! I have a Neuro appointment today!!!...SO WHAT!!! and have to have an EMG of my legs...done by a friggin lady, and the tests is a very weird one at that. SO,..pllllllllleeeeaaaassssseeee stop thinking about it and focus on the people that need you to be their ROCK!! TWERP!...:) Enduronman..Endure On J Loca!!! :D

What exactly are you diagnosed with btw? I can't stop thinking about it. My skin is literally crawling and tingling everywhere! Never felt this before. But it's been a steady four days of this. I tried to go about my normal routine and work out with the trainer but both days I had to stop early and literally beg him to let me test because I was so weak/dizzy etc.

02-19-2014, 10:53 AM
I have a rare disease (1 to 3000 people in the world) called relapsing polychondritis. Arthritis, mixed connective tissue diseases, and have had Lupus like symptoms with ataxia and seizures that "look" like MS or cerebral palsy...along with all these mental disorders too..It's a mixed bag of fun!!....YOU don't have MS....
Your skin is crawling because of your thoughts, fears, and overthinking everything imaginable..calm the mind JLOCA!!!! That's an order!!!....LOL!
It's ALL psychological with you friend....


02-19-2014, 11:00 AM
I have a rare disease (1 to 3000 people in the world) called relapsing polychondritis. Arthritis, mixed connective tissue diseases, and have had Lupus like symptoms with ataxia and seizures that "look" like MS or cerebral palsy...along with all these mental disorders too..It's a mixed bag of fun!!....YOU don't have MS.... Your skin is crawling because of your thoughts, fears, and overthinking everything imaginable..calm the mind JLOCA!!!! That's an order!!!....LOL! It's ALL psychological with you friend.... E-Man..:)

I am really trying to believe you EMan! That's horrible for you! I'm sorry you have to deal with all of that.

02-19-2014, 11:27 AM
I'm sure it's nothing either and you're just scaring yourself because I tend to do that to myself as well. I freak out and then I find myself calm. I hate anxiety!

02-19-2014, 12:03 PM
They have just finish testing me for MS . I would find it hard to believe that you have MS reading your past post . This one sort of sums it up . o I've had this funny feeling if fullness in my head lately. Sort of like pressure, in my head, ears, cheeks. I thought it was sinus related but I noticed my brain feeling foggy too like I'm getting confused or tongue tied. It's very scary. I'm a 30 year old RN, slightly overweight with health anxiety, panic attacks and some agoraphobia. The later part is what you are letting control you . It is important that no matter what you may think you have , no matter what they are testing your for if your didnt have anxiety then you would accept it until its tested for and not let it scare the shit out of you . You will be fine . Make sure you tell the doc about the bit you wrote above so he gets the real story . good luck with it all :) You sound like me! At first I wasn't sure if I was reading one of my old posts! I too am an RN, overweight, panic attacks and depression, health anxiety and I'm 31. I never had health anxiety over ms before. Never! My biggest fear was cancer. I had been experiencing tailbone pain for almost a year now with no relief or answers. I chalked it up to exercise and possibly chiropractic manipulation gone wrong. But then started noticing that every time I sat on the toilet (sorry tmi) my legs would get tingly and numb until I got up. Then I started waking up every morning with both of my arms heavy, numb and tingling until I got out if bed. I thought ok maybe I am laying on them funny. But no, even when I sleep on my back it happens. So I go for my routine check up, a day after getting a horrible migraine that knocked me out for two days, I tell my pcp what's happening and she suggested ms! So this is not something I was focusing on at all until then (last week). After I left her office I began getting these prickly poking, electrical sensations to my extremities. I started googling and the rest is history!

Ok so I'm an idiot! I just realized that was my past post! See what I mean? Brain fog. That was last year. But I realized that you were quoting me from before. Sorry

02-19-2014, 02:14 PM
Today is not going great. I keep breaking down and crying at work which is terrible because I have 9 more hours to go and I have to take care of my patients with a brave face. I don't feel brave at all. Still getting sparks of electric like tingling in my arms, legs, feet and hand. So hard to ignore and tomorrow is the appt with the neurologist. I know I'm not going to get any answers tomorrow as it is only the first appt. I seriously feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown soon. I don't know what I will do with myself if I have ms

Seriously jloca forwells is talking so much sense.

I work around hospitals (non medical), my anxiety has been well managed for a number of years now, had one really crap week and I'm weak in the legs (feel like I'm having a sugar crash) (no symptoms of diabetes) heart palps, tingling skin, feeling like I can't breath properly ,diagnosing myself with every terrible condition I hear about from the medical staff......sounding familiar? I still cannot cope properly around neurology (and this is the main area I am around at the moment) .

I've taken up running again (literally just got back) so unfit and totally exhausted but I feel so much better, that, and I am also taking valerian root supplements.

You are intelligent, you know medical conditions, you know the risk factors, the statistics.

What advise would you give a colleague coming to you at your age with your symptoms?

You will get there!

02-19-2014, 02:50 PM
Seriously I just can't believe that one can imagine feelings of pain and electric jolts. It's just very unnerving.

02-19-2014, 03:14 PM
listen get this though your head . You are not imagining anything . Every single thing that you feel is real , its not like you are just sitting there thinking oh this hurts and it hurts.

What your feeling is simply your nerves on edge and over firing . Sort of like you hit your elbow .

Stop telling yourself its all in your head and start telling your self it over firing nerves from over stimulation and you need to relax and let them settle iinstead of feeding them with nasty bullshit thoughts that have no bases .


I like this post!!!

02-19-2014, 05:50 PM
Today is not going great. I keep breaking down and crying at work which is terrible because I have 9 more hours to go and I have to take care of my patients with a brave face. I don't feel brave at all. Still getting sparks of electric like tingling in my arms, legs, feet and hand. So hard to ignore and tomorrow is the appt with the neurologist. I know I'm not going to get any answers tomorrow as it is only the first appt. I seriously feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown soon. I don't know what I will do with myself if I have ms hang in there Hun... It really is unnerving when you have an upcoming doctors appointment and all these "what if "thoughts run thru out heads. Believe me I've been there too many times to count. I have to Agree with the other posters on this thread, coming from very personal experience my mother suffered from ms as well as her sister. The symptoms you describe (as terrifying as they are) do not sound like anything my mother experienced. From my own experience please try your best not to google .... It has diagnosed me with so many diseases .... Too many to count. Best wishes to you , I'll say a Prayer that you get a good report :)

02-20-2014, 12:50 PM
I appreciate all the positive affirmation. I hope you guys are right! I had a better workout with the trainer today, finished it but still had buzzing and tingling in my legs and private parts after. Still I happy to have strength back. At the drs now ...:-/

02-20-2014, 12:57 PM
You're going to be just fine J Lo....:)

02-20-2014, 08:51 PM
I appreciate all the positive affirmation. I hope you guys are right! I had a better workout with the trainer today, finished it but still had buzzing and tingling in my legs and private parts after. Still I happy to have strength back. At the drs now ...:-/ how did your doctor visit go, sending well wishes your way :)

02-20-2014, 09:41 PM
how did your doctor visit go, sending well wishes your way :)

Well the dr was great. Very attentive, thorough and caring. I had my husband with me and after I told him everything he asked if he (my husband) had anything to add. If course he tells him that I think I have ms! The dr shut that down immediately. He didn't even entertain it for one minute which was reassuring. He wants me to get a sleep study, he thinks I may be having sleep apnea hence the excessive daytime fatigue. He says the arms being numb could be carpal tunnel syndrome but he's going to do emg testing anyway. Gave me a script for blood work and b12 level. The headaches, are a combo of stress/anxiety and just migraines. So he wants me start topamax to prevent them. Topamax also helps with weight loss so that's a plus. He suggested I start taking klonopin at bedtime also. I don't feel out of the woods yet, but a little relieved. Of course now I'm scared to take the meds because I'm scared of the side effects!!! But I'm gonna do it. I have to in order to stop suffering.

02-20-2014, 09:45 PM
Well the dr was great. Very attentive, thorough and caring. I had my husband with me and after I told him everything he asked if he (my husband) had anything to add. If course he tells him that I think I have ms! The dr shut that down immediately. He didn't even entertain it for one minute which was reassuring. He wants me to get a sleep study, he thinks I may be having sleep apnea hence the excessive daytime fatigue. He says the arms being numb could be carpal tunnel syndrome but he's going to do emg testing anyway. Gave me a script for blood work and b12 level. The headaches, are a combo of stress/anxiety and just migraines. So he wants me start topamax to prevent them. Topamax also helps with weight loss so that's a plus. He suggested I start taking klonopin at bedtime also. I don't feel out of the woods yet, but a little relieved. Of course now I'm scared to take the meds because I'm scared of the side effects!!! But I'm gonna do it. I have to in order to stop suffering. sounds like you have a very attentive and caring doctor, that's good! I'm glad he was able to reassure you about the ms. I pray your meds work out for you, it's nerve racking for myself to start something new but in a week or so I seem to be able to forget about it and think of it as routine. Take care!

02-20-2014, 09:47 PM
Thank you blessed! Yes that's how I have to think of it, routine.

02-20-2014, 10:01 PM
YAY!!! No MS!!!!
Sounds like you had a great visit and good results...YES take your new meds!!!!

Happy for you!!


02-20-2014, 10:08 PM
Thanks E-man! Lol

03-03-2014, 01:40 PM
Had my lower extremity emg today, wasn't so bad. Uncomfortable but I've been in worse pain. So they didn't tell me anything was wrong but I looked at the technicians notes when she left the room and it said left f wave something and then there was something else scribbled under that. And I read scribble all day from doctors but I couldn't understand that!! Oh well I guess if it was that bad he would've told me.