View Full Version : awareness of body sensations

02-19-2014, 07:30 AM
it has been awhile since i've posted on here and i havent been lurking as much as i used to. my anxiety has been progressively getting better without the use of medication or therapy, i've come to accept that it's a part of my life at this point.

One thing that is still bothering me is that i always freak out about normal body sensations such as headaches or stomach aches. I always interpret these sensations as something extremely wrong with me even though they subside eventually. i just hate that i have to get worried about stuff like this.

does anyone deal with this to? thanks!

02-19-2014, 07:58 AM
Just recognize hypervigilance is part of anxiety and also part of why we have it. Sucks but there it is. Alankay

02-19-2014, 10:32 AM
Hi, yeah I get what you are saying. I've been coping really well but as soon as I get a slight pain or anything, that anxiety voice nags at me telling me I must be dying and something is wrong with me. I now try and laugh at the thoughts now it is hard but its helping me. Well done on coming so far with your anxiety, it sounds like you are coping really well. Good for you