View Full Version : is it normal that sometimes I just want to be alone?

02-18-2014, 09:50 PM
Heres a great question. I love my girlfriend alot. Shes really the only person I hang out with and of course my family and brother and her family. So its cool. Lately though this past 2 weeks I have been constantly anxious about stupid shit. Its stupid stuff but it has made me anxious and its just dumb worrys and obsessions. Now my question is, I sort of been getting irritated lately and withdrawing from people. Not just my girlfriend but also my family. Its not intentional. It almost feels like my life is a chore and sometimes I just want to be alone by myself. I love my girlfriend and shes awesome and always supports me, but sometimes I just want to be alone. Is that normal for an anxiety suffer? I havnt really felt like this before...but the obsessions and all that stuff has taken its tole on me mentally and not having time to myself for once is a bummer. Am I normal? I love my girlfriend but sometimes I feel guilty for sometimes wanting her to go home so I can relax by myself and do my hobbies and interest..does this mean my relationship is in trouble or I just need some time for myself to unwine and recharge?

02-19-2014, 03:23 AM
Hi first off you are perfectly normal everyone needs time to themselves sometimes though its not good that it makes you feel worse. For me my anxiety wanted me around someone constantly as I feared I would die, but my depression made me want to be alone.
I have had a course of CBT which has helped me loads to deal with my thoughts and helped great with my anxiety.
I still get days when all I want is my own company, but I've started reading again to take my mind off my worries. As my own company is hard when I live with my hubby and ten year old son.
I hope you are ok :-)

02-19-2014, 03:51 PM
You are totally normal!! I agree with petrified: my anxiety makes me want to be around my husband, my depression makes me want to be alone. There's absolutely nothing wrong with spending some "you" time – in fact, I think it makes relationships stronger when each person realizes that they need to be their own individual too – you can't just be part of a whole, you need time to be yourself. What if you suggested to your girl, that one day a week you each spend time alone?

02-19-2014, 04:38 PM
Heres a great question. I love my girlfriend alot. Shes really the only person I hang out with and of course my family and brother and her family. So its cool. Lately though this past 2 weeks I have been constantly anxious about stupid shit. Its stupid stuff but it has made me anxious and its just dumb worrys and obsessions. Now my question is, I sort of been getting irritated lately and withdrawing from people. Not just my girlfriend but also my family. Its not intentional. It almost feels like my life is a chore and sometimes I just want to be alone by myself. I love my girlfriend and shes awesome and always supports me, but sometimes I just want to be alone. Is that normal for an anxiety suffer? I havnt really felt like this before...but the obsessions and all that stuff has taken its tole on me mentally and not having time to myself for once is a bummer. Am I normal? I love my girlfriend but sometimes I feel guilty for sometimes wanting her to go home so I can relax by myself and do my hobbies and interest..does this mean my relationship is in trouble or I just need some time for myself to unwine and recharge?

It's completely normal whether you have anxiety or not

Everyone needs a break from their constant nagging LOL