View Full Version : Suffering from anxiety just want some advice

David Randolph
02-18-2014, 08:33 PM
My name is David I'm 24 year old very healthy & fit the last 3 months I have developed something I have never expiereced before in my life my doctor says it's anxiety it started with daily random panic attacks as I'm sitting on the couch watching tv I'll feel as if I have a weight on my
Chest I get a burning sensation in my chest and arms my breathing gets short I get
Very dizzy sometimes the dizzy spells last for hours I can't sleep I feel as if I'm having a heart attack after 3 trips in a week to the emergency room not knowing what was happening they did EKG and chest X-rays also had blood work done all is clean they prescribed me sertaline 50mg for daily use and Ativan .05mg for use as needed I can use tons of Advice this is all new to me the last 3 nights have been the
Worst it is like right before I go to sleep I get the worst panic attack and cannot sleep I spend all night awake feeling paranoid shakey and if I close my eyes and start to fall asleep this jolt suddenly wakes me it's like I'm being
Tourtured does anxiety just happen for no reason or is something wrong with me this is really affecting
Work and family life

David Randolph
02-18-2014, 08:49 PM
I also feel pressure I'm different parts of my head or like a bubble feeling and like everything is so sur real like of someone was to walk up behind me and tap me I'd flip out I'm so on edge have never had any of this before and I'm scared

David Randolph
02-18-2014, 09:14 PM
Yes they ran a blood test in the ER last night they said it was a basic test for blood clots ect and that came back clean what do you suggest about my insomnia it has been a week since I have fallen asleep on my own