View Full Version : GAD going up again-- Eek!

02-18-2014, 07:01 PM
First I want to point out I'm not looking for advice just kind of venting a bit.. Discussing this topic. Thanks.
I have panic and anxiety disorder and my general anxiety ( GAD) will come and go. Often it's triggered by life stress when it's too much.
At the end of November I broke my foot, was in an aircast for over a month, it'd still healing but since my income dropped to 1/3 of what I normally make. My husband makes good money and has started to work longer hours because of this, but I see it taking a toll on him. He's been a bit short with his temper lately. Also I am very much an independent person and enjoy having my own money and contributing equally to our family.
So I was off my SSRI ( Celexa) for a couple of weeks ( because financially other things came first), and back on for the past few days. I'm hoping my GAD going up is just a side effect.. Which has been in the past. I'm on a very low dose and HATE taking high SSRI dosage and have gone off and them for years. I prefer my clonazapam for when I need it.
So been doing deep breathing and play relaxing games at night, listen to relax and classical music at night, candles, aromatherapy... It does help keep my anxiety down so that it doesn't escalate, but hate the constant feeling of that slight tenseness in my body and mind.
I also feel this has been preventing me from more work, as I worry people can see the stress.. I am sure it is showing which normally I'm good at hiding.

Anyone else going through anything similar that wants to talk???

Anyone else taking Celexa???

Anyone else ambivalent with SSRIs and go off and on them. I just hate their side effects. Celexa has worked best so far. My only complaint is it makes me sleepy so I take it at night. But I still have periods during the day where I so want to nap ( and I'm totally not a napper!)

Anyone else has GAD that comes and goes???

I've actually gotten much better with anxiety attacks and keeping them under control ... To a Minimum where I don't freak right out. Breathing exercises and meditation and not obsessing or letting intrusive thoughts get into my head have helped.

Thanks for reading and any like stories or feelings shared or anyone with similar experiences.. What you do maybe would be welcome.

Again I'm not looking or advice on a cure, or someone messaging me trying to counsel me. No offense but I find it annoying especially because my background is in psychology and counseling. When I'm being counseled ill analyze the counselor, and how they counsel me. I have found only so few that not just go through the motions as a counselor and actually help me, and help me feel better.

02-18-2014, 08:14 PM
Such a beautiful yng lady. Every guy in tha world must want you. Do u kno this. Why u possibly have anxiety my luv :)

Boinkers xxx

02-18-2014, 11:39 PM

I'm married for one and don't need every guy in the world wanting me to feel good about myself. Maybe your intention was good but I find it offensive.
I went through extreme trauma over 16 years ago that resulted in PTSD, severe PTSD psychotic flashbacks, self harm, depression, panic, anxiety, and for a few years was in a downward spiral with drugs and alcohol. I've overcome most of this.. It has taken years and years of healing.

Yes I take care of myself inside and out-- I try but that does not affect my anxiety and panic issues. And for myself most of them are deeply rooted from this trauma.
I feel I need to keep healing from that mostly to fully heal myself.

We all have a different story. And please understand mental health issues can be brain chemistry, genetical, causes my trauma or an event or events ... It is complicated and has NOTHING to do with ones looks.

02-19-2014, 05:53 AM
Ive been on and off Zoloft....and I too, only take a small amt. I feel ok most days, but when things DO get a little tough in my life, I still struggle to "keep it together".

It sounds like you are doing all the right things....with the meditation, etc. I also try to pay close attention to my diet, meditation and breathing exercises and the amt of regular exercise that I do. I can usually keep the panic attacks at bay by utilizing my breathing exercises and meditative exercises.

02-19-2014, 01:18 PM
Trinidiva... That is what I am finding too.. That breathing exercises and taking my mind off of my anxiety and not obsessing on it helps to keep anxiety from blowing into a full on attack.
But some things trigger them more... Anything that relates to my trauma can trigger it. Last night was on Facebook and in a discussion seemingly unrelated to my trauma ( which caused my PTSD and triggered anxiety and panic disorder) but actually made me think about it and had a bad attack. I called a woman's abuse line which helped me before, but the lady didn't help a lot... But just talking through it did help.

So I'm really really really hoping my GAD is just a side effect from going back on my SSRI. If it doesn't on down my doctor will want to up my dosage and I would rather not. My goal is someday not to need SSRIs ever again.... Some day.

02-19-2014, 01:54 PM
Celexa has always been pretty good to me in the past going off and on it. I've done it quite a few times, just taken it when needed for a bit. The withdrawals and startups have always been really short lived, so, I hope that settles for you soon BlondieQTpie, if that is what's making you feel worse.

I get set off by stuff I see too. That sucks. How often do you come across things that set off your PTSD?

When I was in a car accident, as a kid, I broke some ribs, and couldn't breathe, it was incredibly scary for a kid.

I have this OCD problem that hides under the surface, related to breathing. I get flare ups where by I focus on my breathing 24/7. Like, it's utterly infuriating. Causes hyperventilation, extreme dizziness, body tension, and lasts for weeks. I focus on all the aspects of this normal process, the inhaling, the sensations, the feel in the muscles, the volume of breath. And I can't focus elsewhere. Ugh.

It's like my mind was soooo scared by that incident years ago, that when it remembers it, it wants to take over all aspects of breathing, and do it consciously, which is a fucking disaster, as it should happen on it's own.

When I keep myself well, it's really rare that happens, but if I get a shake up, like sickness, or stones of stress of whatever, it gets closer to me.

It can be set off by stuff on tv or movies too. Like, someone drowning in the water which sometimes you see in movies, or people exercising and appearing out of breath. Or car accidents in tv, which are pretty frequent.

I don't know how much yours gets set off, but it's nasty. I used to get knife attack PTSD too, but thankfully that's eased since moving a lot, and meditating a tonne. That paranoia has kind of gone. Celexa was pretty helpful for that too, and therapy.

Keep on trucking BQTP!!!!

P.s. Aren't you in Canada? I thought healthcare there was free.

02-19-2014, 06:09 PM
Trinidiva... That is what I am finding too.. That breathing exercises and taking my mind off of my anxiety and not obsessing on it helps to keep anxiety from blowing into a full on attack.
But some things trigger them more... Anything that relates to my trauma can trigger it. Last night was on Facebook and in a discussion seemingly unrelated to my trauma ( which caused my PTSD and triggered anxiety and panic disorder) but actually made me think about it and had a bad attack. I called a woman's abuse line which helped me before, but the lady didn't help a lot... But just talking through it did help.

So I'm really really really hoping my GAD is just a side effect from going back on my SSRI. If it doesn't on down my doctor will want to up my dosage and I would rather not. My goal is someday not to need SSRIs ever again.... Some day.

I completely understand. I have issues with Health anxiety. I find it difficult dealing with programs related to heart attacks and strokes. It seems almost impossible to watch the news and not hear something about one or the other. Some days I can deal with it better than other days.
My GAD definitely increased when I initially started Zoloft. It eventually decreased and levelled out to a manageable level. I feel the same as you....I would like to eventually one day get off of the Zoloft, but I am not setting any time limits for myself.