View Full Version : Weird question

02-18-2014, 04:08 PM
Hey everybody...

I've got a weird question for you all. Has anyone noticed panic attacks when they have to urinate? I'm talking specifically anxiety when say I've got to pee and haven't gotten up to do so from my desk or am stuck in a meeting and cannot go at that point. I don't know if it's the body sensations that come along with it or what... Anyway... It's not a fear of public urination but just something that seems to be Associated with when I have to pee.

02-18-2014, 04:29 PM
I notice mine a lot I need to go loads when I'm panicky and I understand it would make me worse if I couldn't go. I also panic if I don't go enough as I read something that if you didnt pass water it was dangerous. Anxiety makes us worry over some strange things at times

02-18-2014, 05:58 PM
Thank you both for responding. I guess it leaked me feel better. I am starting to almost notice it as a trigger because today I needed to pee but a meeting was starting...that I was presenting in over the phone. Needless to say, I lost my train of thought while speaking as I started to get into my presentation. I kind of stumbled a bit and had just that whoosh of anxiety and disorientation for a moment that goes with my dr realization and panic... I managed to get back on track but it really rattled me. I managed to not take a pill but as I was walking out of work (after peeing) I was just still off and a bit rattled and had to take my pill which is such a little amount of Valium it's ridiculous but it seems to help.

02-18-2014, 06:00 PM
Makes me feel better not leaks... Although leaks might be more appropriate for this thread:)

02-18-2014, 07:11 PM
For everyone their panic or anxiety attack symptoms are different. For example one other student I went to college with would black out when she had panic attacks.
I don't think I urinate more myself during attacks, but oddly urinating more often and at certain times has become an OCD of mine since being pregnant and having children. For example I can't wake up at night without going to the bathroom and forcing myself to go. It's so annoying!!!

I think it's good to recognize what symptoms you have during attacks to try and address them... Or try to.

But how many movies or shows have you sen where someone gets scared or nervous and pees themselves?? I think it's a normal reaction your body has during high stress.