View Full Version : need something to help panic attack in the moment

02-18-2014, 01:35 PM
Hi everyone. Does anyone have something they do that helps to stop a panic attack when it's going on? Tapping (EFT) has helped me a couple of times, but sometimes I'm too panicked to even do it, if that makes sense. Deep breathing helps, but again, hard to do. I guess I just need to try harder. I do have ativan, I take a half a 50, so not much. I hate taking it and wait until I don't see any other way out. I don't think badly of anyone who takes it on a daily basis, I just hate medicine and want to find a way to get through this without the drugs. The last year has been rough. I'm terrified of driving on the freeway, and it's to the point where I'm afraid to be alone :--(
I feel so alone in this, trying to find an in person support group also.

Thanks for any help

02-18-2014, 01:44 PM
Walking quickly always has stopped EVERY panic attack. I had one very bad before Christmas a full blown. I woke up with it and it was hard to,walk but I did it.,you have to shut.your mind.off .. Yell stop and.get mad... I yell in my mind.,sounds crazy but it reverses the thought. :)

Kyle Morgan
02-18-2014, 01:50 PM
Sometimes walking or Exercising helps me, what I'll sometimes do too is phone someone I know if I feel that I'm having a Panic attack. Whatever you do don't mention yourself having a Panic attack to the person you're phoning because you'll be dwelling on it. Sometimes Music helps me out, Sorry about your panic attacks!

02-18-2014, 01:51 PM
Hi everyone. Does anyone have something they do that helps to stop a panic attack when it's going on? Tapping (EFT) has helped me a couple of times, but sometimes I'm too panicked to even do it, if that makes sense. Deep breathing helps, but again, hard to do. I guess I just need to try harder. I do have ativan, I take a half a 50, so not much. I hate taking it and wait until I don't see any other way out. I don't think badly of anyone who takes it on a daily basis, I just hate medicine and want to find a way to get through this without the drugs. The last year has been rough. I'm terrified of driving on the freeway, and it's to the point where I'm afraid to be alone :--(
I feel so alone in this, trying to find an in person support group also.

Thanks for any help

Instead of distracting or stopping it, you should just do nothing and let it run it's course

Once it has stopped, you will see the same thing happened to you from the last time.....Nothing

If you do that, you will start to lose the fear of it

Once you lose the fear of panic, you completely take the power away from it

02-18-2014, 01:56 PM
Instead of distracting or stopping it, you should just do nothing and let it run it's course

Once it has stopped, you will see the same thing happened to you from the last time.....Nothing

If you do that, you will start to lose the fear of it

Once you lose the fear of panic, you completely take the power away from it


I love that method you and others talk about, but unfortunately for me I cant seem to sit still for even a few min.. If I sit still I feel like im,drowning. Wish I could learn to sit through it...... :/

02-18-2014, 01:58 PM
Exercise really helps as soon as I feel like one is coming on I try and stay active or distract myself with something, music is always very helpful to me as well but if all else fails I just take a pill and ride it out, why suffer..life is too short.If you have while driving which I frequently do especially in heavy traffic, I turn up the radio and just sing with the music or pull over and call someone to distract my mind.You are not alone we are all here for the same reasons, I'v been dealing with this since elementary school and I'm now in my 30's so dont feel bad or hopeless,best of luck tc

02-18-2014, 02:07 PM
Hi I totally agree with Nixon, I used to wander constantly during a panic attack which made it worse I literally couldn't sit down. Now if I feel one coming I grab a pint of water sit myself down and sip the water really slowly. It usually passes fairly quickly if I do.

02-18-2014, 02:25 PM
Thank you all. I did go to a therapist for a couple of years who worked with mindfulness meditation, and it seemed to help a lot when the panic was less, but now that it's worse, it is not working so well. I will try the walking fast. I am joining a gym this week and going to start exercising every day, I know that will help. I get SAD in the winter, the lack of light really affects me. I have a light box, just need to do it.
Thanks again!

02-18-2014, 02:28 PM
while walking or talking on the phone always helps me, i know that its just avoiding/distracting whats happening. Tapping / breathing exercises would be best to just get the feelings out/ but I understand that it can be really hard to do in the moment of panic

02-18-2014, 02:53 PM
Thank you all. I did go to a therapist for a couple of years who worked with mindfulness meditation, and it seemed to help a lot when the panic was less, but now that it's worse, it is not working so well. I will try the walking fast. I am joining a gym this week and going to start exercising every day, I know that will help. I get SAD in the winter, the lack of light really affects me. I have a light box, just need to do it.
Thanks again!

A combination of meditation, exercise, healthy food and supplements helped me. I haven't had a panic attack for 2 months. I no longer fear them. If I feel one coming, it's more than welcome.

What Nixon said. Just watch it go by. Because it really doesn't last that long, it's the fear of it that makes it last longer.