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02-18-2014, 12:35 PM
As anyone had surgery while taking fluoextine?

Ive got to have a op real soon and scared cuz of taking fluoextine :(

02-18-2014, 12:48 PM
Prozaac isn't going to impact or affect the proceedures or outcomes of any surgery...If I was to have surgery (prednisone, testosterone, atenolol) to name a few, would have some impacts on their proceedures prior to any surgeries...Don't worry about this one Dweeeb!!! No big deal..

Enjoy the day!


02-18-2014, 12:51 PM
Thank you e-man

Im really scared never had a operation before or general anaesthetic shouldnt be under for long maybe 20mins still really scared thou

02-18-2014, 12:51 PM
As anyone had surgery while taking fluoextine? Ive got to have a op real soon and scared cuz of taking fluoextine :( hi. To answer your question, no I've not personally had surgery or take fluoxitine. However, as a nurse, I see lots of patients both pre and post op who take this drug and other psych meds. It not one that I recommended to be held pre or post op. The only time I've ever questioned this type of med is if the patient has an epidural, and even then it's not usually contraindicated. I work in Canada,I can't speak for the practices that are in your country, but that how it is here.

02-18-2014, 12:57 PM
There you go Dweeber from a nurse!!...
Remember that they more than likely perform your surgery dozens of times a day, whatever it even is...
You're going to be just fine!!
Hi Kris!..
