View Full Version : I'm bbaaaaaAAAAACK!

02-18-2014, 07:44 AM
Hello hello hello :)
Its been a loooooooooong time since I've been here, for a multitude of reasons but mainly I couldn't get my internet service fixed and it was a huge mess... H>U>G>E.

Anyways I hope this finds you all well and working towards better days. Have I mentioned what a complete BITCH anxiety is?

The past few weeks have been unbelievable...I have to laugh because I feel like I'm on "punked" every day, every minute. I cannot for the life of my type out all of the major drama but its down right laughable and couldn't possibly be real, but it was.

But I want to focus and share a few things I think are positives, wish you all a good day and clean this darn house :)

First I weaned myself off of my meds....I was taking 100 mg of Zoloft a day and was getting major headaches, from it I believe...was it real? not sure LOL But its what I believed and I've learned over the past month or so I have to give myself some credit and let myself be the one who is right and not everyone else, since my "thinking" is messed up. I'm sure many of you can relate. Anyways I called my doctor told him I wanted to back it down.....he said ok but if the headaches continued I had to come in. I decreased by 25 mg a week, and felt better quickly, meaning no more super intense headaches. so I kept decreasing and then finally just flushed the rest, along with the bottle of sleep assistant meds my doctor prescribed and a bottle of some other hoopla they gave me, flushed it all. Then, sorta panicked LMAO but its all good and its gone.

Secondly, hmmm what was that other positive OH!! I quite smoking...... over 4 weeks. Cool deal, I like it. I quit for a long time but then picked it back up for 4 years and now its been done for awhile, good stuff. Can't say I won't ever pick it up again but if I do I think I will look into the ecig and vape :)

Life is beyond trying right now and why in the world I chose to take on two major things at first was confusing to my husband, but I told him its about the only thing *I* can control....and I'm proud of myself for it. So while the rest of the world is crashing in on me I'm busting my sorry ass through it! LOL

I have had some moments of "losing my temper" over what may seem trival for others but I'm sure its nicotine withdrawl and maybe even Zoloft withdrawl, not sure but it'll get better with time, and honestly its maybe once a day I get angry for ME that's a record :)

Have a super day everyone!

*****disclaimer this IN NO WAY in encouraging anyone to stop taking their medication, ever. And probably not best to match with quiting smoking either. So do not take what I say as a recommendation or a slam at smoking OR medication the reasons I stopped both have nothing to do with my love or dislike for them <3

02-18-2014, 10:04 AM
Nice to see you again!!...
You sure have alot of energy for someone who's coming off all that!...YAY!!!


02-18-2014, 10:59 AM
Congratulation on quitting smoking, it is huge achievement. You will see the difference in your health intermediately. I am not surprised you quit antidepressants too, not everyone can take them. However do not quit more for now. Just smoking and meds. Quitting smoking took me like ten years. I am smoke free for 6 :))

02-18-2014, 12:16 PM
Congratulation on quitting smoking, it is huge achievement. You will see the difference in your health intermediately. I am not surprised you quit antidepressants too, not everyone can take them. However do not quit more for now. Just smoking and meds. Quitting smoking took me like ten years. I am smoke free for 6 :))

THANK YOU and congratulations!!!! I agree, I quit quitting stuff for now, I'll keep all my other habits lol

02-18-2014, 12:19 PM
Nice to see you again!!...
You sure have alot of energy for someone who's coming off all that!...YAY!!!


I think I may be a tad manic too, maybe that's my energy source? I worked outside today emptying 3 boxes of wood into the basement for the woodstove, all I could think about was smoking.......not good but I live way out in the middle of no where and we are snowed in so I made it through the "I want a cig" hard to do when you can't leave house and have none for those OMG moments.

02-18-2014, 12:20 PM
one thing at the time, I tried to quit smoking and lose the weight....you know what happen.. none of it was successful
BM if you need support while fighting the urge to go back just pm me. I have a years of struggling with it . I quit with the help of champix , what about you? Cold turkey?

When I quit, we did not have anything in the garden. I took a wheelbarrow and started to build rock garden, I was carrying stones all day and it moved into 4 weeks, then the flowers started to come out, the garden saved me, and helped me to keep away from it. I do not want to name the evil thingy:))

Now i look at this huge rock garden and I can not believe , I build this:) My flowers are awesome.
Then the veggies beds. Very soon you will not see me posting, spring is going to come, next week I will start to prune the trees and shrubs if I can get to it. I got like 20 inches of snow in the garden.

Do whatever it take to keep free of that thingy:))

02-18-2014, 12:50 PM
I admire your strengths and courage Blessed!!!...Manic? Go with it because you're doing well! :)

02-18-2014, 07:25 PM
Jesus, your so inspirational blessed! Honey! You are amazingn

02-18-2014, 08:07 PM
God has truly blessd u with good health now :)

02-21-2014, 08:58 PM
God has truly blessd u with good health now :)

God be with you!!!!!! I am thankful for you!!!

02-21-2014, 08:59 PM
Jesus, your so inspirational blessed! Honey! You are amazingn

Thank you gorgeous, we ALL struggle how nice of you to lift me up!!!! :) smooches

02-21-2014, 09:00 PM
I like when happy people spread happy energy :)

Long may it last for you BM!!

02-21-2014, 09:01 PM
I admire your strengths and courage Blessed!!!...Manic? Go with it because you're doing well! :)

ha!!! love it anyone that can enourage my maniac state is fan of mine!!!!

02-21-2014, 09:01 PM
I like when happy people spread happy energy :)

Long may it last for you BM!!

thank you,, and it may not, but I will live for now :)

02-21-2014, 09:04 PM
I have had the WORST day and you alllllllll can relate but wow I come back here and I see all the love, and gues what, Im GREAT .... thank YOU all :) WE CANDO THIS!!!!

02-21-2014, 09:08 PM
We can...we have no other choice but to prevail!!!....My day is getting more interesting by the moment, and its 11pm!!!...LOL!! :)

02-21-2014, 09:39 PM
We can...we have no other choice but to prevail!!!....My day is getting more interesting by the moment, and its 11pm!!!...LOL!! :)

But all of us don't turn into werewolves at night so our day is essentially ending at 11:00

keep your fangs to yourself, E-Man. LOL