View Full Version : Search or not to Search.... never ending story...

02-17-2014, 09:58 PM

We have multiply threads about the same subject ei. Magnesium, Panic attack, and many others.

When I see the some posts, I just want to grab the person and shake them while screaming "What are you thinking?!?!?!?!"

We have a wonderful option here, I keep talking about Search bar

It would be beneficial for members and forum space to search before they make a new thread, the same as was made two hours ago.... It started to be very annoying, I think more members feel that way, especially senior members, who have a certain number of posts. POSTS not threads....

What do you think people about search bar? is not big enough, or bright enough?

I would like to know your opinions , so far I had not made many new threads maybe 3.....
Thank you for your attention


02-17-2014, 10:06 PM
My opinion is patience!! Some ppl don't have here. Its very simple to scroll past something if it annoys one.. my opinion!!!

02-17-2014, 10:09 PM
The courtesy to others is listen when they talking, nothing personal :)

02-17-2014, 10:12 PM
Non taken!! But some try to come here to try to vent and get away from the world that cant understand their situation and still unhappy people here complaining. I dont get it.,theres not a limit to what u can or cant say..

02-17-2014, 10:12 PM
When I see the some posts, I just want to grab the person and shake them while screaming "What are you thinking?!?!?!?!"

We have a wonderful option here, I keep talking about Search bar

This made me laugh a lot. Dahlia I just never know what to expect from you :)!!!

Shaking people and screaming. I can just imagine it hehe.

And this post feels like Eman, rolling eyes, bigger letters!!

But true, there are some good things to be found by searching.

For future reference, it's best to name threads so others can find by searching too!

02-17-2014, 10:16 PM
try "raw" in button search, it comes Ponders wonderful tread. I use it like twenty times a day; the search button here and on other forums:))

02-17-2014, 10:16 PM
Smh... Dont understand some

02-17-2014, 10:18 PM
Non taken!! But some try to come here to try to vent and get away from the world that cant understand their situation and still unhappy people here complaining. I dont get it.,theres not a limit to what u can or cant say..
it is possible to vent in the thread of others, there is more chance for a sound advice, people get discouraged to post when they see all the same threads day after day , sometimes 5 the same in one hour :))) I had seen it

02-17-2014, 10:24 PM
Okay, so let me ask u something. When I posted about magnesium and how I felt alot better you,replied "lol placebo effect" was that necessary... ?? That made me feel like shit.. Why?? Because you dont live in my body. You dont know what I struggle with daily. Everyones anxiety is different!! And let me add that im not the only one who thinks your cold in your "replies" or "comments" 2 others have felt the same that I know of. We should not have to walk on our toenails around you!! And thats what its been like. Im tired of seeing people,posting about "the search engine" but do,I rudely, bluntly say anything absoulutely not because its noy my place!!

02-18-2014, 07:49 AM
Okay, so let me ask u something. When I posted about magnesium and how I felt alot better you,replied "lol placebo effect" was that necessary... ?? That made me feel like shit.. Why?? Because you dont live in my body. You dont know what I struggle with daily. Everyones anxiety is different!! And let me add that im not the only one who thinks your cold in your "replies" or "comments" 2 others have felt the same that I know of. We should not have to walk on our toenails around you!! And thats what its been like. Im tired of seeing people,posting about "the search engine" but do,I rudely, bluntly say anything absoulutely not because its noy my place!!
I never thought about myself being cold, rather the opposite, but I have difficulties to believe in miracles maybe because I am well over 50 my dear. I had seen many "miracles" that stop working after a week. Of course supplements are important (I am not sure the one I take actually contain what they claim) but they do not cure they only help a bit. The problem with people posting the same multiply topics every day is not only on this forum, most forums just merge them. This one is very specific forum and probably for this reason they are not merge... If I insulted or upset you in any way, I apologize. I am everything but cold:)

02-18-2014, 07:59 AM
I agree with this and sometimes people may post the same question because they want to have their "own discussion" and they deserve that. They also want to feel heard and recognized, they deserve that. They want to feel important, not annoying because they didn't search the topic, they deserve that. Etc..... I believe not making someone feel annoying, or like is courtesy to them.

You could make the space bar the entire welcoming page, it wouldn't change a thing. I don't think merging is the way to go either, it makes the OP feel grouped into one big pool of the same issue and we all have our unique experience with that. But if making it bigger would make you feel better I say go for it, just don't get even more frustrated when you don't get a major change in behavior. Heck, God can't even get his kids to listen LOL

02-18-2014, 08:05 AM
My opinion is patience!! Some ppl don't have here. Its very simple to scroll past something if it annoys one.. my opinion!!!

my post was in agreeance with you not sure why it didn't insert your quote :)

02-18-2014, 08:08 AM
Just think if these repeat threads weren't posted we wouldn't be having this wonderful conversation right now.............angry much????? Why sweat the small stuff

02-18-2014, 08:10 AM
I also think since its a never ending story and topic, maybe its posted too much? Or should be merged? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

**sorry I could NOT resist

02-18-2014, 08:30 AM
Blessed it helps to smile so the thread is good, and people are talking which is good too. I mean no harm about merging topics, every forum does it. It is about having answers in one place, for me it is easier to find the answer. I use forums for info mostly.
I do not vent on forums. I never talk about my days, maybe that a mistake :) I do not think I should put my struggling on everyone, I hide my pain, it does not mean I do not feel it. In about 20 years when you will be my age, you will do the same. I am here because I believe I can do some good.
When someone needs the support people post there.,

02-18-2014, 11:02 AM

I think there is merit in both here.

yes we all wish to feel important and at times vent as required. equally it's great to pick up older threads as I don't think any of us have read everything that we can learn here.

I've really enjoyed reading old posts and info on an old thread regenerated. It brings together more opinions and experiences than what only us current posters offer.

Older posts offer as much to us as do the new ones.
I am addicted to old posts Frankie, we have so much information here, about all meds, and the ways to deal with our conditions, so many success stories, a lot of sad stories. Anxiety symptoms thread with 388 posts is eye opening :)

02-18-2014, 11:35 AM
my post was in agreeance with you not sure why it didn't insert your quote :)

Thanks mam.. I see that sometimes ppl are frustrated and ready to tell it like it is. But ppl should open their hearts more

02-18-2014, 09:44 PM
Thank you Forwells :)) yes, lets make it a good day :)

02-18-2014, 10:54 PM
I searched, and I found so much!! Ahh it made me feel better. Currently, I took a epsom salt bath with lavender and baking soda. Got out..put my headphones in...cleaned the house at the fastest pace I could...ignoring my heart rate climbing, and I just sat down and am drinking a big ice water. Feels amaaaaazzingg! I needed some positive hormones released thanks brain. :)lol I sound like a nut. But I feel good so idgaf :):)

02-19-2014, 08:54 AM
I searched, and I found so much!! Ahh it made me feel better. Currently, I took a epsom salt bath with lavender and baking soda. Got out..put my headphones in...cleaned the house at the fastest pace I could...ignoring my heart rate climbing, and I just sat down and am drinking a big ice water. Feels amaaaaazzingg! I needed some positive hormones released thanks brain. :)lol I sound like a nut. But I feel good so idgaf :):)

Happy to hear it, you must feel good to clean the house
searching gives this small but very satisfying feeling, I found it, I found it myself. When I search for something , I remember and learn, even in my advance age :))

Ab please keep the feeling of amazing with you, when you start feeling worse, just recall the feeling of today.. Have a wonderful day,

02-19-2014, 08:59 AM
I woke up feeling good too, which is very rare. However I am catching the awful cold everyone in the house had, and I happen to know it's going to knock me on my butt for a few days. Dangit. Any natural remedies guys??

02-22-2014, 04:00 PM
Thank you Forwells :)) yes, lets make it a good day :)

I used the search bar.........and I liked it ;) Just wanted you to know. It was nice to have instant info too...instead of posting and waiting. But then I fear its not really a "support" forum, its more like a publication. Does that make sense? :)

02-22-2014, 04:02 PM
Blessed it helps to smile so the thread is good, and people are talking which is good too. I mean no harm about merging topics, every forum does it. It is about having answers in one place, for me it is easier to find the answer. I use forums for info mostly.
I do not vent on forums. I never talk about my days, maybe that a mistake :) I do not think I should put my struggling on everyone, I hide my pain, it does not mean I do not feel it. In about 20 years when you will be my age, you will do the same. I am here because I believe I can do some good.
When someone needs the support people post there.,

What makes you think I'm 20 years younger than you? :)

02-22-2014, 04:06 PM
Blessed I am absolutely sure:))) I have phenomenal memory, what I had seen once, I remember, I mean what I had see in writing... I love search bar, I think it awesome tool

02-23-2014, 07:31 AM
Blessed I am absolutely sure:))) I have phenomenal memory, what I had seen once, I remember, I mean what I had see in writing... I love search bar, I think it awesome tool

I'm 43 :) so that makes you 63?