View Full Version : Is there a difference between "bad" anxiety and "good" anxiety?

02-17-2014, 09:11 PM
I'm trying to figure out if I have anxiety or not...

Under certain, unfavorable situations I have a myriad of symptoms that make me feel ill (headache, derealization, jittery, pulse sensation, etc). I have chalked these up to anxiety.
For the purposes of this question, I'll call this "bad" anxiety.

However, I ran into some black ice last night while driving and had an eventful time getting the car to stop. My adrenaline soared. I'll call this "good" anxiety.

My experience is that the "bad" anxiety and "good anxiety seem NOTHING alike.
The "bad" anxiety makes me feel like crap/tired and lasts for minutes to hours. It feels NEGATIVE.
The "good" anxiety make me alert and ready for action, but lasted only a few minutes. It felt POSITIVE.

Can anyone explain the difference?!