View Full Version : Had an emotional breakdown at work.

02-17-2014, 06:37 PM
Back history: I was forced to work a temporary job/reassignment at work for a few months. It was such a bad
experience it is what escalated my anxiety to where i got medical help.

Well i am back at my old position. Slightly stressed at getting back into things and things were going ok. Seemed like my meds were working till my manager tried to tell me they wanted to send me back again for a few months. I got so upset at the idea of working at an assignment that destroyed me mentally I had a total melt down and I panicked and was shaking, almost crying. I was so embarrassed. I had such a meltdown that they agreed they will not force me.

have any of you had a melt down at work? I was so embarrassed. The thought of going back to an assignment that was pure Hell on earth set my anxiety skyrocketing, and after I been doing so well. *sigh*

people that do not deal with anxiety and depression do not understand the seriousness of how bad it is. people at work look at me like I am a loser sometimes. Its so hard to beat depression and anxiety when you have obsticles at work

02-17-2014, 07:20 PM
I have never experienced a meltdown like that at work, but have had meltdowns while just standing in line at Walmart years ago...It will get better. Don't worry about what others think friend, it doesn't matter to you one bit. You will beat this, because youre trying to beat this...where others may not. We're proud of your efforts for sure!!...

Hopes for a better day tomorrow too...:)


02-17-2014, 07:39 PM
I have never experienced a meltdown like that at work, but have had meltdowns while just standing in line at Walmart years ago...It will get better. Don't worry about what others think friend, it doesn't matter to you one bit. You will beat this, because youre trying to beat this...where others may not. We're proud of your efforts for sure!!...

Hopes for a better day tomorrow too...:)


Sheesh....can't blame you for that. I can barely work up the nerve to go in there. WAY too overwhelming, too crowded, all the shopping carts have that one broken wheel.....my palms are getting sweaty just talking about it. I will pay more at Target ANYDAY! LOL

02-17-2014, 08:22 PM
Sheesh....can't blame you for that. I can barely work up the nerve to go in there. WAY too overwhelming, too crowded, all the shopping carts have that one broken wheel.....my palms are getting sweaty just talking about it. I will pay more at Target ANYDAY! LOL

Yes,,,the carts all have (1) broken wheel but Target is 12 miles away!!!...LMAO!!!....I try out each cart to be sure it isn't clanging and banging around before I shop....You made me laugh Trin!!! sweaty palms BAAHAAAHA!!!... OMG I have tears in my eyes now...:D :D :D .......

02-17-2014, 08:33 PM
Yes,,,the carts all have (1) broken wheel but Target is 12 miles away!!!...LMAO!!!....I try out each cart to be sure it isn't clanging and banging around before I shop....You made me laugh Trin!!! sweaty palms BAAHAAAHA!!!... OMG I have tears in my eyes now...:D :D :D .......

Glad I could provide some comic relief......lol!!!!!!!!!! I'm so serious though.....I just cant do Wal-Mart. Nope....dont care how good the prices are. Lol.!!!! :)

02-17-2014, 08:35 PM
Nope! Can't do Walmart and even if everythings free!!! LMAO!!! :)

02-17-2014, 08:41 PM
Nope! Can't do Walmart and even if everythings free!!! LMAO!!! :)
same here ;))

Actually shopping,especially grocery shopping is difficult for me. I think I need the latex gloves next time. It gross me up thinking who touched the cards. What they touched before... I know a lot of people who do not wash their hands at all.....

02-18-2014, 04:30 AM
same here ;))

Actually shopping,especially grocery shopping is difficult for me. I think I need the latex gloves next time. It gross me up thinking who touched the cards. What they touched before... I know a lot of people who do not wash their hands at all.....

Our grocery stores here offer sanitizer wipes at the door and I wipe down my cart before using it. I know in the trial size sections of target, they sell small packages ( small enough to fit in your purse) of clorox wipes. I keep those in my purse too for those types of situations. I definitely think about that. I also keep hand sanitizer and a roll of Clorox wipes in my car so im never caught without it. I have an issue with pumping gas....I hate to touch the pumps...you can actually SEE the dirt on them.

02-18-2014, 04:42 AM
Back history: I was forced to work a temporary job/reassignment at work for a few months. It was such a bad
experience it is what escalated my anxiety to where i got medical help.

Well i am back at my old position. Slightly stressed at getting back into things and things were going ok. Seemed like my meds were working till my manager tried to tell me they wanted to send me back again for a few months. I got so upset at the idea of working at an assignment that destroyed me mentally I had a total melt down and I panicked and was shaking, almost crying. I was so embarrassed. I had such a meltdown that they agreed they will not force me.

have any of you had a melt down at work? I was so embarrassed. The thought of going back to an assignment that was pure Hell on earth set my anxiety skyrocketing, and after I been doing so well. *sigh*

people that do not deal with anxiety and depression do not understand the seriousness of how bad it is. people at work look at me like I am a loser sometimes. Its so hard to beat depression and anxiety when you have obsticles at work

My job is stressful too. When I was in the office. ...I would need to excuse myself at certain times and take a walk or I would just go into the bathroom and sit to give myself time to clear my head. I had to set realistic goals for myself and tell myself I can only accomplish so much in an eight hour day. I feel that sometimes, we put alot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect and give off that perfect persona......Type A personality. ...at least I am...but im learning that it is ok to let people see that you are vulnerable, human.....that we have troubles and issues. I personally uses to try to hide that from everyone till I had a total meltdown one day on the phone with my boss. You know what, even though he was known to be a tough manager, he was VERY understanding and helped to make my work situation alot more manageable for me.

02-18-2014, 04:49 AM
I had a breakdown too... A few days ago now. But boss was sympathetic at the time but... Next day it's back to being a pain in my ass.. I've basically been offered a job but the thought of starting a new career scares the dick off me... Plus knowing I'm moving in the next year.. Ok... Wow I'm overwhelming myself just talking about this crap. Life... Just blah... It needs to be more easy!!! Cup of green tea and chillin out with a book is def needed.. Got myself all worked up.. DAMMIT

02-18-2014, 07:18 AM
Trini I like you more and more, you are like me, the difference is you understand more about it;)) fantastic posts lady:)

I had meltdown in work about 9 years ago, the worst ever, the worst I had in public. I was humiliated, panicky. After that It was maybe 6 weeks when I was laid off :)) I still was on modified duty so It actually took care of my problem; how to quit the job...
It was awful the job was highly stressful and the bosses were mental abusers...

02-18-2014, 07:29 AM
I suffer bad from PMDD and have been crying all week at work. I share an office with 3 other people so that's been fun/embarrassing. I just try to hide or go to the bathroom.

02-18-2014, 07:56 AM
Trini I like you more and more, you are like me, the difference is you understand more about it;)) fantastic posts lady:)

I had meltdown in work about 9 years ago, the worst ever, the worst I had in public. I was humiliated, panicky. After that It was maybe 6 weeks when I was laid off :)) I still was on modified duty so It actually took care of my problem; how to quit the job...
It was awful the job was highly stressful and the bosses were mental abusers...

Dahila- Thank you so much for the kind words. I really admire you as well....you give some excellent advice here....sometimes tough love too when needed. I think its great that people can see that they are not alone in dealing with anxiety and can share their experiences without feeling ashamed/embarrassed.

My job is slowly getting better....not so much because the job parameters have changed but more so because I have changed. Not putting so much pressure on myself. Im trying to learn to be a bit more light hearted and not as serious about life in general.

PS...would you believe we got another dusting of snow last night? Im serious....im about to hitchhiker a ride to someplace warm soon if this snow doesnt stop!!!!!

02-18-2014, 08:05 AM
Dahila- Thank you so much for the kind words. I really admire you as well....you give some excellent advice here....sometimes tough love too when needed. I think its great that people can see that they are not alone in dealing with anxiety and can share their experiences without feeling ashamed/embarrassed.

My job is slowly getting better....not so much because the job parameters have changed but more so because I have changed. Not putting so much pressure on myself. Im trying to learn to be a bit more light hearted and not as serious about life in general.

PS...would you believe we got another dusting of snow last night? Im serious....im about to hitchhiker a ride to someplace warm soon if this snow doesnt stop!!!!!

Thank you, snow hmmmmmmmm I am getting dressed and going to play with my snowblower. Driving will be a B**** again.
I am trying to change the way I treat myself, I put pressure on me, no one but me. So every 5 minutes I close the eyes and tell myself not to hurry, i have time, no one is rushing me, It helps a bit.
Next two weeks I am working with biggest stresser for all the people there. I hope I will survive, with the help of clonazepam :))

02-18-2014, 08:27 AM
Girl, I can't even tell you how many times I've had a break down at work! Probably 10 to a dozen over the 14 years I've worked there. One good ole' freak out per year!

Thankfully, my bosses wife and daughter both suffer from anxiety too, so he totally understands. I'm extremely lucky in that regard. I hope things get better for you. Was there anything in particular about this new assignment that upset you?

02-18-2014, 08:32 AM
Changing the routine and new places can really cause melt down. I would say the work is always the most stressful for most of the people. lucky ones who are self employed :)

02-18-2014, 09:57 AM
I have never experienced a meltdown like that at work, but have had meltdowns while just standing in line at Walmart years ago...It will get better. Don't worry about what others think friend, it doesn't matter to you one bit. You will beat this, because youre trying to beat this...where others may not. We're proud of your efforts for sure!!...

Hopes for a better day tomorrow too...:)


Take his word for it...he knows his stuff :)

02-18-2014, 12:14 PM
Changing the routine and new places can really cause melt down. I would say the work is always the most stressful for most of the people. lucky ones who are self employed :)

It's not much different being self employed Dahila, I ran my own company for several years and had melt down after melt down, I think it depends on how much you enjoy your work/type of work and how you handle stress, it did however allow me to work my own hours so I could study/retrain, but it's been a long slog to the point where I am only now about to return to having a management structure dictating what I do.

02-18-2014, 12:17 PM
It's not much different being self employed Dahila, I ran my own company for several years and had melt down after melt down, I think it depends on how much you enjoy your work/type of work and how you handle stress, it did however allow me to work my own hours so I could study/retrain, but it's been a long slog to the point where I am only now about to return to having a management structure dictating what I do.
at least you have a place to cry.
14 I am still ashamed of my melt down in front of two a***les ,,,, I could not stop crying.... they caused this. It is almost ten years and I still get panic attack when I remember ...

02-18-2014, 12:25 PM
at least you have a place to cry. 14 I am still ashamed of my melt down in front of two a***les ,,,, I could not stop crying.... they caused this. It is almost ten years and I still get panic attack when I remember ...

You are so right though Dahila work is one of the most common causes of stress (including lack of it given the economy)

Anxiety/depression is on the rise at astronomic levels over this side of the pond, particularly young people.

02-18-2014, 12:29 PM
i worked from home for 5 years and my anxiety was minimal. I got a new job a year ago that requires a commute and going to an office every day and it's the most stressed/anxious/depressed I've ever been. I am currently looking for new jobs where I can work from home.

02-18-2014, 12:30 PM
Or old, advanced age does not help in work, they all want people in their 30ths the rest is too young or too old...

02-18-2014, 07:44 PM
i worked from home for 5 years and my anxiety was minimal. I got a new job a year ago that requires a commute and going to an office every day and it's the most stressed/anxious/depressed I've ever been. I am currently looking for new jobs where I can work from home.

I work from home now too. After my meltdown at work, my boss allowed me to work from home full time. I have been at home for over 3 years now.