View Full Version : Feeling rubbish

02-17-2014, 03:18 PM
Hi everyone. I am knew to this. Hoping to get some help and feel better. Its proper getting me down and controlling my life i use to be so outgoing and care free now all i do is constantly worry! Iv recently not been able to watch the tv I start to get all panicky and I can't seem to find the reason, my panic attacks started in November whilst driving home in bad conditions I had to ask my partner to swop places and seriously thought I was Dying never experienced anything like that in my life. Its completely throw me and I haven't been the same since. I'm wondering if I should take some medication or carry on and try and get though it.

02-18-2014, 01:45 AM
Thanks a lot. You try explaining it to people and they just don't get it. Feel a lot better just talking about it si I reckon this is the right place :-)

I'm going to give it till Monday and head back to the doctors