View Full Version : bad day.

02-17-2014, 02:56 PM
Ive felt so down today when i try to talk to people about how i feel the subject gets changed. I just feel like im in a world on my own until im needed and i have to be the strongest person in the world when really im not.

02-17-2014, 03:07 PM
Ive felt so down today when i try to talk to people about how i feel the subject gets changed. I just feel like im in a world on my own until im needed and i have to be the strongest person in the world when really im not.

Well you certainly are the typical anxious type

Spending entirely too much time helping others and not enough time helping yourself

Mental health is a touchy subject to most, especially if you are mental health issue free

Don't let it bother you so much. People don't really know what to say

But fortunately, here in the land of misfit toys, you are always able to talk about things when they aren't going so well or even when they are

I hope you get through your down feeling quickly

02-17-2014, 03:52 PM
Yeah, some people find it hard to deal with other people feeling bad - they don't know how to react - often they just want you to feel better and they think, in a simplistic way "well, what will make it better is if I change the subject so she is distracted or not thinking about that any more, and we can talk about something nicer" - they don't always understand that you want to express how you are feeling. And then, like Nixon says, sometimes they can't really handle hearing how you are feeling because it makes THEM feel sad or it makes them confront the problems and they don't want to, so again they change the subject... it isn't out of lack of caring is what I'm trying to say :) People are just people, imperfect and not always understanding. But if you say "listen, I know it is hard but I just want to offload for a minute, is that ok?" normally people will try and do what they can to be there for you.

And on a similar note, you shouldn't have to be perfect either :) You don't have to be strong all the time, you don't have to do it alone - embrace the weak moments, they are what makes us sensitive, caring humans. Tell us what you feel :) I would bet that the vast majority here don't mind because we have felt the same too! I know I don't know you, but BIG HUGS :) I won't say 'stay strong' cos that's not the point - stay weak! Stay flawed! It is ok xxx

02-18-2014, 12:41 AM
Thanks :) i feel a little better this morning.