View Full Version : Seriously in need of help, advice, and ???????

02-17-2014, 02:52 PM
1. have had severe anxiety, panic disorder since 2001
2 got better off and on until 2006 until I broke down
3 Got on zoloft 50 mg and Klon .5 x 4 daily
4 Life got better, still had occasional panic attacks (maybe 10 or less until october this year)
5 took myself off zoloft last october. November had a bad pain attack and started having small boughts of depression.
Life still went well was happy most the time, fully functional, honors engineering student.
6 Things however seemed better when on the zoloft so two weeks ago I tried to get back on...
7. By the third day I was going insane, couldnt eat,sleep, sit still, had the worst scary thoughts and depression Ive ever had.
8. Wound up calling 911 while out running ( i couldnt stop running or walking) couldn't sit still
9 Wound up in a psych emergency place.
10 next day was with a psychiatrist who gave me seroquel and lexapro ( i am medicine phobic) even aspirin
I tried but after three days couldnt handle the lexapro
11. Now i am barely making it through my days, I had to drop school, started getting phobias that I have overcome before... and agoraphobic
12. I am so lost and confused and scared, do not know which way to go. It can be hell even trying to make it from one minute to another.
my life is in turmoil and I dont know what to do.

Please help...ANYTHING?

02-17-2014, 03:18 PM
1. have had severe anxiety, panic disorder since 2001 2 got better off and on until 2006 until I broke down 3 Got on zoloft 50 mg and Klon .5 x 4 daily 4 Life got better, still had occasional panic attacks (maybe 10 or less until october this year) 5 took myself off zoloft last october. November had a bad pain attack and started having small boughts of depression. Life still went well was happy most the time, fully functional, honors engineering student. 6 Things however seemed better when on the zoloft so two weeks ago I tried to get back on... 7. By the third day I was going insane, couldnt eat,sleep, sit still, had the worst scary thoughts and depression Ive ever had. 8. Wound up calling 911 while out running ( i couldnt stop running or walking) couldn't sit still 9 Wound up in a psych emergency place. 10 next day was with a psychiatrist who gave me seroquel and lexapro ( i am medicine phobic) even aspirin I tried but after three days couldnt handle the lexapro 11. Now i am barely making it through my days, I had to drop school, started getting phobias that I have overcome before... and agoraphobic 12. I am so lost and confused and scared, do not know which way to go. It can be hell even trying to make it from one minute to another. my life is in turmoil and I dont know what to do. Please help...ANYTHING?

1. Find a great therapist. Keep switching them until you find one that works well WITH you

2. Get through the fear of meds. They helped you before and going back on the same one often isn't as helpful as when you took it originally. Also use a benzo in to calm you down as needed until the SSRI kicks in

3. Like the therapist, if the med isn't working after its target time period, switch it until you find one that works for you

4. Do not stop doing things and going places. The longer you do that, the harder it is to get started again. Push through the anxiety with this. Important

5. Begin doing therapeutic meditation and yoga to help calm yourself without benzos

6. Start a supplement plan that targets the negative things you are experiencing. Search the threads for these. PM E-Man and he can give you a lesson on supplements

7. Read and post a lot here. You will learn more here in an hour that a doc could tell you in a month.

8. Understand that this is temporary, although it doesn't seem like it could be. This does stop

02-17-2014, 04:02 PM
took myself off zoloft last october. seroquel and lexapro ( i am medicine phobic) even aspirin.. my life is in turmoil and I dont know what to do.

Man from reading that, I know you're trying so hard for sure...
I only wonder why you chose to take yourself off of zoloft in the first place, even though this is all past history? I'm just curious....
I read through some of your previous posted threads also and you asked if it's possible that there's a chemical imbalance?
Yes, It's possible that your hormones are all messed up but the only way to know would be a simple blood tests.
Has any Doc ever ordered a blood tests for you and if so what were those results?...I'm wondering about the workings of the endocrine system..hormones..and
Also to see whether you may be deficient in certain vitamins, minerals, or have other body chemicals out of wack..there are many...
A complete blood count, and a hormone panel, would be where I would start with you and also others that visit here too...to rule anything else out..
Before just saying that it's depression, anxiety, or merely some mental malfunction or disorder....
No, Doctors usually do not start by doing this first, but you can request that they order these simple tests to see how your systems are working if properly..
This medicine phobia is going to cause even more issues if there may be, by chance, something going on internally that requires medications to correct.
What caused this severe medicine phobia, if you had taken it for 5 years prior with no previous issues???
Seroquel is a pretty good AP medication and my daughter is doing wayyyy better than she ever had before on it too...(a blessing).....rare.
Some people don't get along with the lexapro, as well as other medications too so I don't blame you for stopping it..I've had issues like that myself.
How does the seroquel make you feel???? It is a great medication for some really deep seeded neurotic disorders that you're presently experiencing..
And now, you're becoming agoraphobic too???? Oh my,,....yes...you must at least try the seroquel friend.....it would be greatly helpful right now......

Yes, a Councelor is in great need, some new medications are in need and try what you now have, and relax because you were obviously pushing yourself hard...

Just some thoughts, we're here to try to help you bruh....


02-17-2014, 07:10 PM
you sound like me. I went to the ER twice the same day believe it or not on 1-2-2014. I had a total meltdown at my job the other day and embarrassed myself. I also have a drug phobia. So far every depression and anxiety drug made me feel really sick. I am on Buspar now for it is very mild and amitriptyline at night and i am just barely able to stomach that. I feel I need stronger medication but everything makes me feel sick. I been on medication since January and I am doing a lot better. outside of the breakdown at work last week I managed to have a few weeks of feeling normal. I have 3 more refills of the buspar and 1 year refill on the amitriptyline. I hope to god I will have it under control by then.

What has helped me some is try positive reinforcement. I will try to think of the good things in my life and try not to dwell on my panic attacks and anxiety attacks. When i go into a panic I will dismiss myself if possible and tell myself my fear is irrational and sometimes it helps me calm down out of a panic

What works wonders for me is Xanax but my doctor refuses to prescribe it.

02-17-2014, 07:22 PM
Agreed...xanax is wonderful, and made for this specific reason. BUT, some doctors are not willing to "manage the risks"...Hell we get drug screened every single month here, but I don't care on bit...I'm doing as they tell me to do..


02-18-2014, 04:53 PM
Thank you everyone. I know this is something I am not alone in. I did go to the doc and had bloodworm, everything came back fine other than high uric acid. I do not know why exactly I took myself off of the zoloft last october. Maybe I thought the weight gain and sexual side effects would go away. I just seem to be in a whirlwind of emotions.. My life turned upside down within the past 3 weeks. Before I was functioning and although had some mild to moderate depression, I was happy, and even though I did feel anxious a lot and feared having panic attacks I was again doing a million times better than I am now. I had to drop from school, am an emotional wreck. I am scared of meds although I was on the zoloft and Klonopin for 7 years and am still on Klonopin and now seroquel. I try not to take the seroquel during the day as It makes me feel out of it and I am afraid it may make the depression worse. Plus I want to sleep through the night and a nap during the day may throw that off. I don't know guys, what has exactly happened, why it has happened, or how to go about getting things back in order. I tried to get back on the zoloft twice and then overcame my fear and tried the lexapro. I am scared I may need to be on a med , but I have lost faith in the doctors the medications and since trying to get back on the zoloft triggered all this spiral I am scared more so than ever to try another med. I literally hurts to get through the days, and although my mother has come down to help and my GF is amazingly supportive, I can only do so much and am so pissed, scared, and confused as I have ever been.