View Full Version : Heart beating fast after exercise, normal?

02-17-2014, 02:37 PM
Hi guys,

These last days has been pretty good. Best days since I got my anxiety. However, today I went to the gym, had a beast workout. I've noticed that everytime after I train, my heart is still beating kinda fast. Not too fast, but around 80-90 bpm. It's usually 55-60 when resting and 60-70 when normal. Is it normal that it stays like this for about 6-7 hours?

I've been to the doc. Did an EKG, they took some blood tests and she checked my lungs if anything is wrong. Nothing wrong, maybe a little high BP, 130/70. But I think it was high because I panicked.

I don't feel anxious, worried or stressed. Actually I feel pretty good. I'm not freaking out or anything about it. Just wondering, is it normal?

02-17-2014, 02:50 PM
The more you exercise the quicker your heart rate will return to normal. It's a muscle. Keep at it with exercise and it'll reduce in time. Ther'es no need to ask us here if it's normal. You've had the dr's do their tests, tests none of us can do with words on a forum. They said you're fine.


02-17-2014, 02:51 PM
Well if you checked yourself out at the doctor already and you're fine, then nothing to worry about. My heart can beat faster when I am sleep deprived, and it can beat faster after I eat (while I'm sleep deprived), so maybe you're just fatigued? My heart does all sorts of freaky things when I'm tired..but last I checked, my heart was normal at the doctor (that was a year ago) who knows now? *bites nails* but like, I smoke, I'm chubby, and I eat junk food, I have a history of heart problems on my dad's side of the family (since many of them were smokers also) ..and if I am alright, most likey you are too. :)

02-17-2014, 02:52 PM
Short answer, yes,.you've kicked up all the internal systems into high gear. It should pass within a few hours. At least that's how long my heart rate would stay up after my workouts.. A hot shower is always good too afterwards, it makes muscles grow also...YAY!!! (forces more blood flow through the muscle).. You're good bruh!!

Enjoy the day...


02-17-2014, 02:58 PM
Ah, okay. I had this before the anxiety. I'll take a hot shower and that does usually brin it down to normal. Thanks!