View Full Version : Currently struggling with anxiety. I need your support.

02-17-2014, 09:12 AM
I'd like to start off by saying i've never posted in an anxiety forum. My name is Victor. I have been battling anxiety for years. I hate to say it, but it's beginning to interfere with my life. I have been going to the doctor constantly. I always feel on edge and can't seem to relax. I always fear something medically is wrong with me. My wife is supporting me but I feel like a burden from time to time. I miss work because I'm afraid of having a panic attack at work. Anxiety is beginning to interfere with my life. I need some support from people who understand this disease. I can't just turn it off. People tell me all the time to shake it off. But most people who tell me that don't have it. Recently I was diagnosed with depression. I am beginning therapy this week for my anxiety and depression. Wish me luck.

02-17-2014, 09:20 AM
Hello there and welcome to the forum this is one place you won't hear snap
Out of it etc,it's a real
Pain in the backside and scary and people that have never experienced a panic attack really
Do not know how it feels

02-17-2014, 09:39 AM
Welcome Victor, I'm Chris...
You came to the right place bruh, make yerself at home....


02-17-2014, 01:20 PM
I'd like to start off by saying i've never posted in an anxiety forum. My name is Victor. I have been battling anxiety for years. I hate to say it, but it's beginning to interfere with my life. I have been going to the doctor constantly. I always feel on edge and can't seem to relax. I always fear something medically is wrong with me. My wife is supporting me but I feel like a burden from time to time. I miss work because I'm afraid of having a panic attack at work. Anxiety is beginning to interfere with my life. I need some support from people who understand this disease. I can't just turn it off. People tell me all the time to shake it off. But most people who tell me that don't have it. Recently I was diagnosed with depression. I am beginning therapy this week for my anxiety and depression. Wish me luck.

Your story is my story to the last period. I am still mending but it will get better. I can now work again and have my life back for the most part. I still see a shrink for cognitive behavioral therapy and was on meds (Paxil ) for about 3 months. I got off the meds to see where I stand. And I am still standing. Hang in there ...... Health anxiety and panic attacks do suck. It will get better. :)

02-17-2014, 04:15 PM
Wow, how familiar all these stories are!

Good news is that if you work on improving, it's going to improve. Just gotta find what works for you, and it may take a little experimenting.

But man, I'm really going to have to side with you on the whole 'people just don't get it' thing. I totally feel that. The advice I always get from non-anxiety sufferers is something like 'just try not to let it get to you!' or shrugged off like an easy to fix problem a la putting lotion on dry skin…but anxiety ain't that easy folks! It's pretty frustrating.

02-17-2014, 04:21 PM
Thanks everyone for the support. I had my first therapy session today. It turns out I could have had anxiety since I was a kid. I had an abusive step father who put me on edge since i was little. This may have snowballed and created the panic stricke person I am not. I didn't realize childhood issues can last a lifetime.

02-17-2014, 04:34 PM
Hey brews

I think the only way to not get majorly frustrated by this is to remember when we were pre-anxiety we probably would have thought the same thing. Thankfully now we have the forum we have somewhere to go and not have to come up against that kind of thing. People just get you here. It doesn't seem to matter how neurotic the thoughts or behaviour, you're not judged. Just supported. It's brilliant. :)

Agree completely. A lot of people have good intentions and want to help, but just don't know how/the right way….even my mother and girlfriend can seem to trivialize it a bit, though.

Another one I get alot is 'Oh I get anxiety all the time, it's normal'. Yeah, getting some anxiety before a job interview or a date can be normal, but not for everything.

Thanks everyone for the support. I had my first therapy session today. It turns out I could have had anxiety since I was a kid. I had an abusive step father who put me on edge since i was little. This may have snowballed and created the panic stricke person I am not. I didn't realize childhood issues can last a lifetime.
Daddy problems here too…

Not abusive but I always got the impression that my father resented me a bit/I didn't turn out how he wanted me to and now he's disappointed and distant from me.