View Full Version : tingling or numbness down left arm?

02-16-2014, 10:31 PM
Hi all i am a new member here! I am 23 and have been experiencing panic and anixety attacks for almost 2 years now. I am on anti depressants but they are not helping a great deal. Just recently i have started experiencing alot of numbness and tingling down mg left arm. I am aware this can be related to having a heart attack however im pretty sure id be rollimg around the floor in agony if it was tha. However that being said as a sufferer of anxiety and panic i often over think and read into things to much so i was just wondering if any of you fellow sufferers had the same experience or new ways of dealing with it. I literally cant sleep at night when this comes om and i have not found a sure way method of easing it off!

As a 23year old genuwinely health man panic attacks are ruining my life no matter how much i try to relax the fear and dread evee rarely subsides now to the point i will not go to work incase it is sparked off. I havw though about ending my life so many times through this fear but i really dont wany it to beat me. I get scared to.death when they happen as all i can think is im about to die. :(

Hooe you guys have some tipa for the tingling would bw greatly appreciated!

02-16-2014, 10:37 PM
Tingling can very well be overactive nerves.. I get the same...

j brown
02-16-2014, 10:41 PM
I get tingling all the time almost feels like when your foot or hand is sleep. I just think it's nerves, bc I also get my muscles twitching at times

02-16-2014, 10:46 PM
Yeahh my arm always feels heavy and somewhat sedated so to speak im very clumsy with it aswell can never hold things properly or use it alot.

I have payed alot of time reading up on this and nerves is one of the main aspects that come up. Guess i just want it to subside as it triggers my anxiety a hell of a lot of the time

02-16-2014, 11:28 PM
I posted up a post about this yesterday too and no response. I get a weird sensation down my left arm too.