View Full Version : Heart fluttering

j brown
02-16-2014, 10:26 PM
How long does fluttering last, and heart palpitations? Do you get them because of stress, are am I thinking to much or paying to much attention to my heart. My doctor said my palpitations Is nothing to worry about, but they are frightening. Like now my heart is fluttering and palpatating which is making me anxious

02-16-2014, 10:37 PM
Heart palpations or fluttering is really nothing to be worried about i experience the same thinga on a daily basis. Almost like my heart is like a buttlerfly flapping away inside. They gwnerally dont last that long but can be frightening when u first experience then. Dont look to much into it this is a regular thing for alot of people, try a d trust your doctor They generally know best. Heck if your that worried get yourself up the hospital and they will do an ECG sounds stupid but if it put your mind at rest from the worrying then its worth a shot?

j brown
02-16-2014, 10:39 PM
I did a EKG twice and I was fine, I just think I pay close attention to my heart bc I never experienced this before about 8 months ago.

02-16-2014, 10:51 PM
I am the same my friend your not alone in this so dont let it worry you. When concentrating on something so much u are in a sense amplyfying its reaction on your body.. the more u think the worse it gets. Try relaxation techniques.. i like to hold my hand on my chest/heart and slow my breathing down being able to feel my heart beat and realise all is well helps alot.

j brown
02-16-2014, 10:56 PM
Yea I try that sometimes too... I kinda figure nothing is wrong with my heart because I run a lot and work out , but when it flutters or I think I get a sharp pain I worry