View Full Version : Could just use someone to talk to

02-16-2014, 06:26 PM
Was doing really well with my anxiety/panic attacks and was only having anxiety once a day or so pretty mild and would only last around 20 minutes...... Then all of a sudden the last week I've been getting all sorts of weirdness; mild nausea every night around dinner time (doesn't last long though), a lot of anxiety symptoms I guess, like jolting awake with the "I'm gonna stop breathing" feeling, an eye issue where things goes fuzzy or something and it's like I'm seeing double cause I can look at an object and it has a glowing object right beside the real object (this happens once a day for about 30 minutes), them I get this off balance/light headed feeling where I standing but kinda feel like I'm leaning or like I'll fall over... Back in 2011 when my anxiety/panic started, I got a LARGE amount of anxiety related symptoms all day every day, but these are all new symptoms and seeing how I have been having barely any symptoms recently besides small ones I've been getting for years then these new ones (maybe anxiety related, maybe not??) are scaring me! :( I don't want to go back to living every day scared and crap, my husband works 12-15 hours days and I am a stay at home mom to my wonderful 1 year old son so I have to be alert and strong for him and not be riddled with anxiety. Can anyone lend any reassurance or can you relate in any way?

02-16-2014, 06:41 PM
All the things you state certainly can be related to your anxiety.

I am sure you have been checked by a doc and that is always wise to rule things out

Anxiety will try and catch you off guard if you have stopped giving previous symptoms little attention.

It is something that keeps on giving, unfortunately

But face the new symptoms as you have faced up to the ones from the past

This too can be put behind you