View Full Version : Driving a car?

02-16-2014, 05:33 PM
Checking in to see how many of you get panic-y when driving a car. I know I do.
Waiting at red lights, a-hole drivers, the freeway, among others all get me worked up--not to mention that it's pretty dangerous to drive a car, which makes me feel more at unease, and the vicious cycle begins.

On the weekends I make frequent trips on the interstate down to Atlanta to hang out with my friends, I think I just have it associated now that fear comes with the drive--it's horrible…and inevitable.

Music can tend to make me feel better but not always…how do you cope in a car?

02-16-2014, 05:35 PM
Well you have the most important point realized

You have the association of the panic and driving

Not that driving makes you panic, which is what most people believe

You already have done the hard part

I did anything to distract myself which was putting a band aid on a bullet hole

Address the anxiety itself

Not the little nuances that accompany it

Kyle Morgan
02-16-2014, 07:07 PM
That's why I haven't driven yet, I'm 18 most people I know are either driving or having lessons but the thought of driving freaks me out.