View Full Version : What my bully does!!!

Kyle Morgan
02-16-2014, 04:30 PM
This is a guy making a video on the loser who gives me shit on this forum http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsP3Y3gDZTs

02-16-2014, 04:33 PM
This is a guy making a video on the loser who gives me shit on this forum http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsP3Y3gDZTs

Kyle who or what are YWC?

Kyle Morgan
02-16-2014, 04:34 PM
I think it's a wrestling community, he's obsessed with wrestling. The video is funny

02-16-2014, 04:46 PM
Is this the same bully you dont want to get in trouble or someone different

Was that first guy, Matthew?

02-16-2014, 04:52 PM
I like the internet, you can do so many cool things on it. But it's easy to forget sometimes, that some very troubled people make it their home. And sometimes it's hard to tell. You can end up talking to people, who in real life you'd avoid instantly thinking they were nuts.

The longer you spend on it, the more you meet those people.

Like,the whole troll thing. Whenever I hear somebody talking about trolls for too long, it's always a signal to me that I'm going in too deep, and, I try shut my computer off for a few days and do stuff outside, or with real people. That time makes my mentality so much better.

It's easy to get caught up in the wrong world. The online one isn't the real one. You don't get trolled when your computers turned off and you're enjoying the sunshine... Only by the IRS!

Kyle Morgan
02-16-2014, 04:54 PM
Is this the same bully you dont want to get in trouble or someone different

Was that first guy, Matthew?

It's him because I have a youtube channel (Don't make videos though) that he constantly used to troll on

02-16-2014, 04:56 PM
^ Talking about my experience of trolls there btw, not about your situation in general, lol.

02-16-2014, 05:00 PM
Give up on the girl...and ignore her!!!


Either kick the shit outta this bully that keeps fucking up this site, and your mind,...or give me his address and I'll handle it myself!!!

Thanks Kyle!....


02-16-2014, 05:01 PM
Give up on the girl...and ignore her!!!


Either kick the shit outta this bully that keeps fucking up this site, and your mind,...or give me his address and I'll handle it myself!!!

Thanks Kyle!....


Stop acting hard...

We all know you'd hide behind Duro ;)

02-16-2014, 05:03 PM
BHAAHAAAHA!!! and.....you know I haven't hidden from anything or anyone in my life!!!

SAVE MEduro!!!!!



02-16-2014, 05:10 PM
What a farce with that bully. I am really sick of the drama. I do not want to see youtube videos of bully or bullied or whatever, it is anxiety forums for **** sake..... We spend on this nonsense enough time already. Things like that, thread like that chase me away. I lose interest when it repeat and repeat. I like when people who have problems do something to solve it. Imagine Eman is hiding behind the poor puppy ;)))

02-16-2014, 05:19 PM
^ Talking about my experience of trolls there btw, not about your situation in general, lol.

It was a year ago I either asked Jesse or janey what trolling was. I thought it meant hitting on someone up to that point

I hear it all the time now

A girl friend of mine had a brother who was being harassed on the internet all the time

Went on for several months until it came out that he created another account and was doing it to himself

Spending that amount of time working to prepare and continue that illusion told me two things

Either he can't score with the ladies or he and his friends spend too much time in their super hero pajamas listening to Nickelback

Needless to say, she was not my friend after stating my opinion on her jackass of a brother

02-16-2014, 05:19 PM
Give up on the girl...and ignore her!!!


Either kick the shit outta this bully that keeps fucking up this site, and your mind,...or give me his address and I'll handle it myself!!!

Thanks Kyle!....


This!! LMAO!

Give that bully a pill that he wish he never ever took.

02-16-2014, 05:22 PM
Either he can't score with the ladies or he and his friends spend too much time in their super hero pajamas listening to Nickelback


02-16-2014, 05:23 PM
What a farce with that bully. I am really sick of the drama. I do not want to see youtube videos of bully or bullied or whatever, it is anxiety forums for **** sake..... We spend on this nonsense enough time already. Things like that, thread like that chase me away. I lose interest when it repeat and repeat. I like when people who have problems do something to solve it. Imagine Eman is hiding behind the poor puppy ;)))

You know I love ya Dahila

But you scare the hell out of me :laugh:

02-16-2014, 05:25 PM
Nixon you think the same as I do:))))

A girl friend of mine had a brother who was being harassed on the internet all the time

Went on for several months until it came out that he created another account and was doing it to himself

Spending that amount of time working to prepare and continue that illusion told me two things

Either he can't score with the ladies or he and his friends spend too much time in their super hero pajamas listening to Nickelback

Needless to say, she was not my friend after stating my opinion on her jackass of a brother

I started to wonder yesterday that it may be some kind of game...

02-16-2014, 05:53 PM
Nixon you think the same as I do:))))

I started to wonder yesterday that it may be some kind of game...


I never thought about that

Kyle, you don't have a sister that used to be friends with me, do you? LOL

02-16-2014, 07:31 PM
I am with you Nixon! Dahila, you are one tough lady!

I would still be afraid of her if I had your 2 legged dog next to me

02-16-2014, 07:34 PM
Kyle, you still up? You got college tomorrow?

02-16-2014, 07:43 PM
Yeah, im with you D.....im kind of tired of hearing about this bully....he was here, now he's gone. Plenty of people have said to just ignore him, who cares what he says over the internet. Just ignore and the problem will go away. Dont feed the wolf and it will go elsewhere....if you get my meaning. Seriously....its time to let him and that other girl who is bothering you go.

Kyle Morgan
02-16-2014, 09:04 PM
Jesus christ!!!!! You're the ones bringing her up, so fucking what, If I mention him, God why is this forum so freaking serious all the time!!!!! Fuck's sakes if you were in my situation maybe you people would understand. It's ok for that prick to harass me but when I stand up for myself, you people tell me to quit mentioning him???????????? I can't expect to ignore him after everything he's done, threatening to kill me etc.

02-16-2014, 09:22 PM
What you have you done to stand up to him?

When people want to report him, you tell them not too because he had a hard time

I don't care what you post here. I read what I want to so it makes o matter to me

I read your posts

But some people are tiring of a different thread about the same thing. Their prerogative

If you seriously dont want to ignore him because he threatened you, all the more reason to go to the cops

Don't get so upset at people with differing views of yours, or anyone else's situation

That is why we are here. To talk about things with support and disagreements

I see people bringing her up by saying, F her, and not to focus so much on her

You post what you need to

Just be aware that there are different opinions of what they see going on

02-17-2014, 11:16 AM
Jesus christ!!!!! You're the ones bringing her up, so fucking what, If I mention him, God why is this forum so freaking serious all the time!!!!! Fuck's sakes if you were in my situation maybe you people would understand. It's ok for that prick to harass me but when I stand up for myself, you people tell me to quit mentioning him???????????? I can't expect to ignore him after everything he's done, threatening to kill me etc.

What is it exactly that you are doing to stand up for yourself? You say he had threatened to kill you and you can't ignore him but on the other hand, you say that you dont want to go to the police because you dont want want to get him in trouble. You are not making sense. Make a DECISION. Please!

Dont catch an attitude with us because we are telling you the truth. Do something to remedy the situation or stop talking about it and accept it! I mean this to sound as harsh as im saying it because honestly, I think you need to hear it. I feel bad that this guy is giving you a hard time but multiple posts flip flopping on an anxiety forum.......pushing back on all the good advice that plenty of people are giving you, IS NOT going to help you. If this guy has truly threatened you, then go to the police. File a report. The harassment should stop. Problem will be solved. Why do you care that he has had a hard life but he isxmaking your life a living hell?

Drop the attitude please.