View Full Version : real physical problems and anxiety. (If you are too health anxious don't read)

02-16-2014, 02:50 PM
Okay! So, I feel like I have been doing really well with my anxiety lately. It feels like a thin blanket of fleeting thoughts rather than a cloud of heavy thoughts that consume everything. On December with 2013 my heart did something strange and then started beating 170 bpm. ( which is very scary and uncomfortable to say the least) I got taken out of my place of employment by ambulance, to get to the hospital for them to be not concerned, find a little low potassium then I was on my way. After this I felt very weak and didn't get out out bed due to fear and weakness for about two weeks. At the end of this two weeks it happend again! I was laying in bed at the time. Went by ambulance again, still they weren't worried..which didn't help at the time..But helps now. I finally got sort of a diagnosis which was Svt (supraventricular tachycardia) Which isn't dangerous, my heart just can jump into a really fast rhythm very quickly and out of nowhere, and fizzles out within 15 minutes usually. Finally got to see a specialist which I thought would do a certain surgery to burn off the extra nerve causing this heart rate. I was nervous but determined to get my life back. I wore an event monitor for two weeks and had 12 episodes during that time. Talk about exhausting!!. Got back to the specialist and he said it didn't look like I had svt, but ist (innapropriate sinus tachycardia) which means my heart responds inappropriately to exertion, And other things. Again not dangerous..but there was no surgery" fix" No cure, and no medication as my blood pressure is generally low. Frustrated, scared I would never get my life back I've tried to go on as normal. When you get so emotionally exhausted even anxiety doesn't have a place anymore and that's where I was at. I've been doing better in some aspects, and haven't had so many fast heart rates But now I am experiencing different things. I can't tolerate standing for very long and I become very dizzy, after I eat I feel awful,and generally just feel off all of the time. I am Hoping to get answers because I know these aren't anxiety related and so does my Dr. Anyways!!!what I wanted to get out of this...was if anyone here has a real physical disease, or problem on top of anxiety. How do you deal with it? The hardest part is telling apart the symptoms because they are a lot a like. Although I'm getting 80 percent better at.dismissing anxiety symptoms. Just wanted to be honest about my story because truthfully before this, My panic.disorder had been in check for a long time. I think I'm a little traumatized from the way my life just stopped and I have to return to work soon. Any advice is appreciated. :)

02-16-2014, 03:38 PM
Oh! And let me know what you suffer with, it kind of helps to understand others.

02-16-2014, 04:00 PM
Oh! And let me know what you suffer with, it kind of helps to understand others.

I haven't experienced SVT (other than normal heart palps and anxiety related BP fluctuations and bpm). I did however have Bells Palsy (temporary paralysis of the left side of my face) 3 times between the age of 19-24 which (having a major fear of brain tumours/strokes etc.....totally freaked me out.

Despite MRI, CT , X-rays and 18 months under a specialist (Bells is rare to have more than once) it was all to do with swelling of one of the nerves that control motor function in the face. It took between 3-9 months on steroids to go back to normal each time (thankfully I was office based at the time so didn't have to face anyone).

I do think a lot of this escalated the health anxiety on top of the condition (constantly waiting for test results). Even now I'm working around hospitals, I have to "cope" with a brave face when it's anything based on neurology.

Perhaps it is a "very minor" but nevertheless potent reminder to our subconscious that there is a viable problem, and we are so used to thinking the worst, it kind of gets tied up in one weird messy behaviour?

Hope you can get to grips with it ab! :)

02-16-2014, 04:06 PM
Thank you! And wow!! That is awful. I think the fact my health anxiety was centered around my heart, because I've always had weird feelings around my heart at chest, I think that made it much worse! I am doing better but I just want to function normally. I am fortunate, this could be much worse. It is still hard have your life change in an instant. Thank you for sharing your story!!

02-16-2014, 04:09 PM
Hiya it is so annoying when u want it fixing,my heart goes fast when nervous or when am asleep and i wake up it goes fast,my fear aswell is my heart going fast so it fuels my anxiety to come back,i have had all heart tests in the past and the doctor wont send me for anymore but seein a lady doctor since my anxiety at christmas and because i said about my heart going fast when i keep waking up i have had a 24hr tape on but if that comes back normal yes i will be made up but still think its missed something because 24hrs isnt long

02-16-2014, 04:21 PM
Hey Fisher, I've been through all of that too...very frustrating. I've had so many monitors and caught nothing that for a long time it was anxiety. Then this all happened and they've caught it and disproved anxiety but that doesn't make you feel better. My heart goes fast when I'm anxious. But it is much much different when it does it on your own. Very distinct difference. Appropriate sinus tachycardia would be like what we have when we are anxious. Or exercising. All appropriate responses to stimuli, what I have is the opposite. I stand up and get a heart rate of 140, and my blood pressure drops. I only say this to comfort you, if you don't seem to have issues separate from be I ng anxious or upset. I wouldn't worry. However don't be afraid to be an advocate for yourself. Just don't let anxiety take over! Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.

02-16-2014, 04:22 PM
Thank you! And wow!! That is awful. I think the fact my health anxiety was centered around my heart, because I've always had weird feelings around my heart at chest, I think that made it much worse! I am doing better but I just want to function normally. I am fortunate, this could be much worse. It is still hard have your life change in an instant. Thank you for sharing your story!!

A very good lecturer once told me that she thought our fear of bad health wasn't a fear at all, it was an underlying frustration at not being perfect.

She wasn't meaning perfect in a conceited way, but more that our struggles are focused on minor ailments due to a strong will not to become terribly ill.

The idea came about through a discussion about terminally ill children, she simply said "we are all imperfect from the day we are born as our genes begin to deteriorate" "it is simply a case of the rate of that deterioration that no one can predict, that is at the root of the problem"

She was barking mad with terrible hair, but she always made you think.

02-16-2014, 04:26 PM
Fourteen. I agree with that in some ways. I was telling someone last night, that a lot of my anxiety isn't about being scared..it's about a strong will to live, and getting upset when I feel something in the way!. This thing being so unpredictable is hard. When it happens I have to sit down very quickly or else I'd probably pass out. And always feeling like I have to control my environment keeps that blanket of anxiety there.

02-16-2014, 04:31 PM
Fourteen. I agree with that in some ways. I was telling someone last night, that a lot of my anxiety isn't about being scared..it's about a strong will to live, and getting upset when I feel something in the way!. This thing being so unpredictable is hard. When it happens I have to sit down very quickly or else I'd probably pass out. And always feeling like I have to control my environment keeps that blanket of anxiety there.

That must be really draining on you ab!

It's almost like you are caught between idiopathic attacks and habitual behaviour, that's a bit of a crappy cocktail. Have you tried to challenge yourself a little (letting go of your comfort blanket little by little), maybe build up your confidence that it won't harm you?

Easier said than done I know.

02-16-2014, 04:36 PM
Alaina - I have spoke to you about my heart condition and how it makes me feel. If there is some hope for you, it may be this

I also didn't know the difference from what was anxiety driven or actually my true diagnosed issue

What I did find as time went by was I started to be able to delineate between the two, although at first it was impossible

Finally something good came from my OCD

I paid so much attention to each feeling until I started seeing the subtle differences

Neither was going to kill me but me and my friend Anxiety swore otherwise

I hope that soon you too can see the difference and act accordigly

02-16-2014, 05:04 PM
Nixon, that is where I am at, I am noticing the differences in my heart, and I can tell the two apart instantly. Its the weakness and other things I'm not quite sure of. But thank you. It is getting better: )

02-16-2014, 05:16 PM
Nixon, that is where I am at, I am noticing the differences in my heart, and I can tell the two apart instantly. Its the weakness and other things I'm not quite sure of. But thank you. It is getting better: )

Maybe you need to apply a touch more Vicks? ;)

02-16-2014, 05:23 PM
Fourteen, I tried lol. I think I need to listen to my cardiologist and up the sodium to up the blood pressure that could be the issue. !

02-16-2014, 05:25 PM
Fourteen, I tried lol. I think I need to listen to my cardiologist and up the sodium to up the blood pressure that could be the issue. !

The good news is, you will probably be telling your grandchildren about it when you are 90 " I've had this all my life never did me any harm"....yadadada..... :D

02-16-2014, 05:50 PM
The good news is, you will probably be telling your grandchildren about it when you are 90 " I've had this all my life never did me any harm"....yadadada..... :D

...and I now realize how much time i wasted worrying during those 90 years

A lesson we all need to realize sooner than later

02-17-2014, 02:15 PM
I have the same thing ist and my heart rate would go up to 150 for no reason usually waking me up out of my sleep and all it all started suddenly too just one day bam and my anxiety was horrible I thought I was going to have a heart attack every day and wasn't getting any sleep it just ruled my life. Well here I am about two months later and I havent had a heart attack lol I am currently wearing a 15 day event monitor to make sure it is ist but already had all the heart tests done you can think of including the 24 he monitor . The beta blockers keep it under control and my anxiety has been a lot better and I've just accepted that this is something I just have to live with and deal with. My Bp is also already low and the beta blocker makes it lower so that's something that I have to figure out with my doc because I am already on the lowest extended release dose. I take Xanax .5 every night to sleep but thinking about starting to cut it in half. Sorry for the really long post but just know you are not alone I know how the racing heart feels coming out of nowhere and feeling like it's just gonna pop out of your chest

02-17-2014, 02:33 PM
Ali's momma. It's awful isn't it!! I just can't figure out why I feel so weak all the time too!!do you get that?

02-17-2014, 02:34 PM
Oh and what beta blocker are you on?

02-17-2014, 03:28 PM
Yess I do feel weak and no energy but it's been getting better one of the side effects of the beta blocker is a tired groggy feeling but I think my body is finally adjusting to the med after being on it for almost 2 months and I'm on propranolol 80 mg er

02-17-2014, 03:31 PM
Oh yes true, I was only on 40 mg of that. And I actually cut to 20 and then to 10 because it made me feel awful. It just didn't agree with me

02-17-2014, 06:42 PM
Ab what did they diagnose with your heart?i do know alot of people say they feel dizzy and sick off beta blockers,i wish i could get the fear of my heart going fast to stop because it takes over your life,i get alot of palpitations like today i only got out of the car to the shop and when i stopped my heart was just banging away thud thud and i think bet no one elses heart does this its uncomfortable:(

02-17-2014, 06:52 PM
Well they aren't sure, but all they know is my heart is very healthy. Just some palpitations and fast rates. When I stand my heart rate goes up significantly.. but the doctor said it could be that I need to work out a little more to build up my heart muscle. And the other thing svt/ist is just a side thing that I will tolerate better with exercise

02-18-2014, 04:22 PM
Oh ab its a horrible thing,like today i have had palpitations like even when i have got out of the car and walked into the shop i can feel my heart banging away but i think other people i bet wudnt Have that happen,i wake up from my sleep and my heart goes faster and i have to do breathing exercises to bring it back to normal,its horrible,do you get panic attacks ab?x

02-18-2014, 04:51 PM
Not really anymore Fisher, I get the initial adrenaline rush. But I can have it fizzle out very quickly. It's awful. But we will be fine.

02-22-2014, 04:02 AM
Have ist issues also and some other heart arrhythmias. It is scary and can feed into anxiety but I try to remember it's not dangerous just uncomfortable

02-22-2014, 12:27 PM
Yes uncomfortable for sure, I just hate the unpredictability of it, and Morningstar very hard for me. I have low blood pressure too...which no doctor will worry about unless you are passing Out.. lol which I'm not. In fact I always feel fine when they say it's low. And when I'm stressed I'm a perfect 120/80 lol. Our dang sensitive bodies.

02-22-2014, 11:09 PM
Am the same ab i have low bp like 90/52 but i feel fine,as u say if not symptomatic they dont worry,i always think sometimes when am sat down for a while and jump up i get a banging of my heart were i can really feel it,i hate getting up of a morning i always wake about 5.30 am to early but always feel abit anxious until i get up:(

02-23-2014, 12:18 AM
That's crazy, sounds like our bodies operate really similarly. If you want to private message me you can. I'm interested in your other symptoms

02-23-2014, 10:39 PM
Hiya abs i sent u a long msg but wudnt send sayin your inbox was full xx

02-23-2014, 11:29 PM
Oh sorry let me go ahead and delete some things

02-24-2014, 01:50 PM
I also experienced the rapid heart situation when getting off of bed. My regular doctor told me anxiety can cause all sorts off symptoms with the heart. Regardless of what the doctor told me, I was freaked out! The doctor prescribed me a beta blocker to keep the heart relaxed, but the fact that it slowed my heart down freaked me out even more!!! I stopped the beta blocker after it's first use. My heart seems to not be acting up anymore. But I still feel lost !

03-03-2014, 09:19 PM
Well.... I've has a great week...back at work..and I've been doing extremely well...but I still had an episode that caused me to have to leave work...must keep pushing forward..this thing will not rule my life!!!

03-03-2014, 09:52 PM
Well.... I've has a great week...back at work..and I've been doing extremely well...but I still had an episode that caused me to have to leave work...must keep pushing forward..this thing will not rule my life!!!

That's the ticket. Nice job !

03-04-2014, 04:34 AM
How awful for you! I had a period of racing heart before my wedding and was put on beta blockers and prozac. I'm off the beta blockers now and got the all clear from my cardiologist, but I still have occasional bouts of a racing heart, but it seems to be getting better. I stopped the prozac and started lexapro again. I may need to go up a dose though because I can feel it coming on again. I know what you are saying about being exhausted all the time. I get so tired after work I literally get a dizzy/drunk feeling. And my memory goes as well. It's bizarre. I also have weird things go on with my eyesight. And my legs get jelly like. It's so horrible. I feel for you guys.
Fisher, I get that banging in my chest as well at the weirdest times! Anxiety is seriously the devil.

03-04-2014, 04:58 AM
Well.... I've has a great week...back at work..and I've been doing extremely well...but I still had an episode that caused me to have to leave work...must keep pushing forward..this thing will not rule my life!!!

Hi ab,

Just read through this thread! And feel much the same symptoms as you. I completely understand the exhaustion after an episode. Had one like you about 2 weeks ago, thought I would pass out at work and when I got home the heart started beating really fast and hard, ended up in the hospital. Slept for 4 days after. Just finished a 48 hour holter monitor with only a couple of incidents, not as severe as the one that landed me in hospital.

I'm so encouraged to read your story because you are getting back to work and hopfully getting your life back.

I hope my results turn out so well but I will have to wait and see.

Be well!

03-04-2014, 11:15 AM
I'm sorry to hear that others have this as well. I sometimes have racing heart from minimal exertion...but I try to push forward because eventually it evens out. But there are other times it is sudden and takes over my whole body, I can't feel my legs and it goes so fast I can't count it. These are the ones that bother me, my doctor told me a very important thing for my body. Numbers don't matter so much as how you feel. And I feel okay during some episodes and others it is just awful and I cannot handle it. Hopefully this evens out but it's been over two months of me quitting smoking. Lowering my overall anxiety...and eating gluten free and very healthy. Hopefully it evens out soon.,