View Full Version : Panic Attacks

02-16-2014, 10:29 AM
Hello! I've been having panic attacks recently and although it may seem irrational, here goes. I'm terrified of the present someday being that my dog is dead. He's alive right now, and every day I hug him, pet him, walk him, play, etc. But the idea that the present circumstance will someday be that he's gone, and I'll have nothing left but memories and not be able to hug, pet, walk, play, etc anymore. This thought of this being the present is reinforced by the fact that I've lost pets in the past, and each time is a heartache. I know the joy of having a dog outweights the pain of loss but this dog is the first one that's been mine alone. He's my best friend, and I can't imagine life without him. I'd love to take comfort in believing that someday I'll be reunited with him but without evidence to support that I feel it's just wishful thinking. I know it's inevitable and there's nothing I can do to stop it but I just hate feeling this sense of dread and fear.

02-16-2014, 11:16 AM
Aww hun you need to think of everyday your dog is here because when it does happen you will wish you didnt spend everyday thinking like that. Im guilty of doing that with things and should take my own advice. Enjoy every day and think posotive im sure you have plenty of time left together xxx