View Full Version : A key to peace. Gratititude! 5 day challenge guaranteed, or your money back. :D

02-16-2014, 10:12 AM
I am making a challenge, although mainly to myself, as I need this. The goal is to write 5 things you are grateful for each day, people places, things, even feelings, thoughts, and as I do this my hope is to set a fire to my ability to examine those very real things in life that are indeed much needed, to see the little things that I keep in the recess of my mind, the things I do not notice when I'm wrapped up in life experiences.

Join me if you wish, I hope you do, but I am grateful I don't have the responsibility to make anyone participate.

So I will begin. Peace y'all

1. I am grateful for my father, and the things he has taught me, hunting, fishing, work habits, as well as working on cars, welding, and building things.

2. I am grateful for my mom, the great food she cooked, and the time she worked to manage various business's and the care she took of her home, the cleanliness, the funny jokes she has told, as well as her cooking for an army, and now the time she spends helping her friends go through some health issues, doctor appointments.

3. I am grateful for my brother, his skillful architectural work in the sheet metal industry and his strong desire to do it right. I am thankful for his innocent ways, his giving nature, and commitment to his son. I am grateful for his humor, and his relentless desire to help his friends complete jobs around their homes.

4. I am grateful for my son, who is a father of 3, and only 28 and has accepted raising 2 step children. He works hard at being a family man, loves giving to his family, and is a compassionate friend. His love of the less fortunate ( I recall when we lived in Nashville he wanted me to give all my money to a homeless man on the street). His honesty, and his determination to make sense of his panic, and work to keep his balance. He's insightful, and ambitious, and so curious about life.

5. I am grateful for my daughter, her drive in education, her hard working nature, and her ability to overcome the loss of her first child. She's a scheduled person, strong willed and beautiful inside and out. Her compassion for others, and her choice of a husband who is quite fitting for her.

6. I am grateful for my youngest daughter. Now 18, works full time, knows what she wants, and works to get it. She bought paid cash to buy her first car, got her license even though scared to take the test. She pushes on and respects her grandma, and has always been by my side, laying hardwood floors, wiring outlets, laying carpet, cutting and chopping firewood these last 5 years as it was our source of heat. (we have a furnace now) YAY! She's helped build decks, porches, install doors, and is trying her hand in my new welding, blacksmith shop. She's a great cook, and so giving to others.

I know I went six. LOL Anyway this was not as easy as I thought. I wanted to get into what I don't like too. I seen how strengths are usually associated with what I might judge as weakness's too. Ahh judgements, those thoughts that creep in.

Good luck.... Peace

http://youtu.be/F-iTlKDVwng (this video may help get you started)

02-16-2014, 02:27 PM
It is such nice idea, but I will go smaller

1. I am grateful that I wake up after long sleep, with not pain.
2.I am grateful to my hubby who help me to do something in house today.
3. I am grateful to my grandchild for a hug I received.
4. I am grateful that I have place to stay and bed to sleep in, when so many of others do not have..
5. I am grateful to my son who build my computer, so I may meat people like Gene and countless other kind peaple:))

02-17-2014, 09:32 AM
Such beautiful thread and no one posting?

02-17-2014, 09:36 AM
I'm still trying to find 5 things friends!!!...:)


02-17-2014, 09:37 AM
Such beautiful thread and no one posting?

1. that i am done with dp
2. that i am super strong and i lived through hell and managed to get out alive
3. family and friends
4. that i am done with stupid thoughts
5. that i refound what life is and how to enjoy it
6. thanks to eman, aliaseq and many others here plus my girfriend and doc and the guy who invented lexapro i got my life back.

02-17-2014, 09:39 AM
Eman do you want me to help you? I can easily give you 5 things to be grateful for starting with your puppy maybe? ;)) or friends you have, look so many people look up to you and you helping them, :))

6. thanks to eman, aliaseq and many others here plus my girfriend and doc and the guy who invented lexapro i got my life back.

02-17-2014, 09:46 AM
Yes...thank you Dahl!
1. I am proud of Cimi!
2. I am proud of Alias!
3. I am happy that you reminded me of something good!
4. I am uhhh,..loving the puppy but he won't go outside he's petrified of the cold and snow and wind!
5. I am grateful to have such good friends here too...I wish I could go visit with you all and assist even more!
6. I have 0 anxiety...even though my world is caving in around me..I don't really care! Hence=no anxiety...YAY!!!
7. I am proud of all those countless others that we've seen here that found their lives and moved on,,,(just wish some would've stayed around to share the strength and spirits to assist others that struggle).....


02-17-2014, 10:00 AM
1. I'm happy I'm not having any anxiety symptoms at the moment
2. A big thank you to E-man and Cimi - I'm happy that they helped/are helping me out with one of my biggest challenge in my life.
3. I'm happy that I'm working out every day -new records everyday
4. I'm happy that I'm soon getting my driver license
5. I'm happy I found this forum!

Elias :)

Anxious Abi
02-17-2014, 10:20 AM
A brilliant thread.
I would like to join in, even though the task proved more difficult to get started than I first thought.
1. I am grateful for my Mum, she is the strongest woman I know. She has always been there, trying to understand what I'm going through, trying to get me out the other side. She is my rock.
2. I am grateful to my Dad, the hours he spent working under cars to give us our childhood home. How I know when I see him now, he is telling me he loves me when he gives my arm a quick hard punch.
3. I am grateful for my pets, the way my cats curl up in front of the fire and purr away in complete contentment. My bunny hopping around and leaping in the air for pure joy.
4. I am grateful I have a roof over my head and food in the cupboard.
5. I am grateful that people can be filled with such huge capacity for kindness and warmth for others.
6. I am grateful for my best friend, who can make me laugh like no other.

I will try to acknowledge more things I am grateful for each day.

02-17-2014, 11:21 AM
YAY!!! Hi Abi!!! Good to see you....and read your posts too friend...

E-Man.. :)

02-17-2014, 05:07 PM
Great job folks

I am grateful for my dogs who are always ready to please and full of love.

I am grateful for all the people here

I am grateful for the internet, and all the great resources available

I am grateful for my wife who is as patient, loving, kind, and strong ( not quite Chuck Norris strong, but still strong) : )

I am grateful for medicines, herbs, vitamins and relaxation, as well as brain wave technology.

It's a great thread, hope we can keep it going. Peace Y'all

02-17-2014, 05:29 PM
I am grateful for 12 blessed years I had my late dog
I am grateful for all the advice you guys are giving me every day
I am grateful to you for wonderful thread
I am grateful for -8 C instead of usual -20 C
I am grateful there is only 3 cm of snow on my driveway
I am grateful to Jon ;))

02-17-2014, 10:10 PM
1) I am thankful for my dad and everything that he continues to do for me
2) I am thankful for having friends that I can do anything with from bullshit to talk about anxiety
3) I am thankful for my grandma for being a rock in our family
4) I am thankful I am almost finished with my masters degree!
5) I am thankful for finding this forum!

02-17-2014, 11:18 PM
I am grateful for....
1. Waking every morning, happy, sad, depressed, or anxious.. Dosent matter. I have been given another day.
2. My mum, strongest woman I have ever known. Raised me and my sister alone... A truely amazing woman.
3. My partner, my god am I grateful for him. Regardless of our issues, he loves me unconditionally. He is there for me no matter what and offers his advice or just listens to me vent. A truely amazing man, I am blessed to call him mine.
4. My skills. I'm able to think (overthink), talk, run, jump, bloody climb up a pole and hold myself by my legs.. Brilliant.
5. My will. My will to live, get better, make my relationships better, improve myself, live and love to the fullest.

02-17-2014, 11:25 PM
Forget about me. This woman above me is the real deal. Truly something amazing and special. Above all else, I am most grateful to have this angel in my life. She brings out the best in me.

02-17-2014, 11:27 PM
^ Get a room!

Glad you guys are doing well. It would have been a real shame of you broke up, you're great together.

02-18-2014, 04:00 AM
Fantastic thread!
positive attitude is key! we should make every thread on this forum positive...negativity will not make people anxiety free, it's kills of positive thoughts and actions.

1. I am grateful to wake up everyday being anxiety free!
2. I am grateful for being a live and healthy
3. I am grateful for having a creative and positive mindset
4. I am grateful for having a wonderful, caring family
5. I am grateful for finding the program which helped me to become anxiety free
6. I am grateful for sunshine

02-18-2014, 04:32 AM
Awwwwwwww :) haha Jesse, it's true.. I don't know what we would do without eachother... I tell him when he is being a dick and he tells me when I'm being a pain in the ass. But we do love eachother unconditionally :)

02-18-2014, 06:57 AM
WOW, Just reading over everyone's postings. Just doing that inspires the hell out of me. I really love it.

Forwells, I do know where you're coming from, dude this is NOT easy when you're feeling roughly. I feel ya there Bro, and yet you did it!!! That is awesome Kev, as its exactly those

times we have to dig deep to find something, anything, and you laid it out, and reached deep down and did it. My first day, was like that one when I began the thread, I felt so

downhearted and angry, and just felt like oh here I go again. One thought that came to me during this time was most of our present day difficulties are representative of our sub

conscious mind, and as we actually make ourselves do anything we may not "feel" like doing or our heart is not into, we are counteracting the very thing holding us down. I am not

sure how others are, but this really is how I work. I get very specific when I see the things I am grateful for for in my mind more so than in type. I see it, imagine it, fake it till I make

it kinda thing. Keep bringing the body around, and the mind will catch up. Peace folks.

I'm grateful for a new contract I have a chance to bid on today.

I am grateful for the differing personalities we all have, and the likeness inside them too.

I am grateful I can walk, am healthy, strong, and determined, and have integrity

I am grateful I can forgive myself when I make a mistake, as well as not blame others.

I am grateful for that peaceful place I go to with the soft green grass, next to a clear stream with the birds singing, twitting by, and the butterflies landing on the wildflowers, as I look around and see the Big Walker Mountain to the south and the East River mountain to the north, and just that feeling of serenity. Light pants and unbuttoned shirt, and my wife in a flowing dress, almost see thru, all alone and no need to speak just feeling the warm breeze on my skin, and noticing the perfect sense of being alive. Kinda just flowing as the breeze blows warmly.

This is my favorite song to sing to my wife when I get up on stage......http://youtu.be/ZUI86KUdAsw

02-18-2014, 07:10 AM
Forget about me. This woman above me is the real deal. Truly something amazing and special. Above all else, I am most grateful to have this angel in my life. She brings out the best in me.
I am very happy to see you guys together, where is love , there is understanding. Beautiful; Amber, sapper you are awesome

there you go
I am grateful Amber and Sapper are back together, it is so uplifting
I am grateful I am able to go and clear all the snow which came through the night
I am grateful for meeting such inspiring people, they improve my mood before first cup of coffee:))
I am grateful I still have work.
I am grateful I can afford awesome cup of coffee in the morning

Coffee is important to me :rolleyes::rolleyes:

02-18-2014, 08:53 AM
I am grateful for...
1. My husband – he is very understanding of my anxiety and depression and always helps me feel better. He's my partner in crime!
2. This forum – has helped so immensely. Just knowing that other people are going through what I go through is peace of mind that no pill can buy!
3. My job – Even though it can be stressful at times, work has proven to be very therapeutic for me on those days when my anxiety is through the roof. It helps that my job is creative in nature, that helps to keep my mind occupied with healthy thoughts.
4. My therapist – He is the best, I hear so many horror stories about docs and therapists on the forum... it makes me so unbelievably grateful to have found someone that I can trust.
5. My cat – She's the best, even if she pees on the carpet sometimes!

02-18-2014, 09:27 AM
Hmmmm.....I'll give it a go

1. Grateful that the sun is shining amongst a blue sky.
2. Grateful for the many blessed people in my life
3. Grateful for another day on this earth to see my boys fighting, then getting along
4. Grateful for the spirit inside of me
5. Grateful for the power to change anything I choose

02-18-2014, 11:06 AM
Gene you are a genius, such uplifting thread:)
I am grateful
Sun shining,, and cleared driveway
My hubby smiling
The bubbles of happiness inside me...
possibility of being an easy day in work
for the temps going up :)

02-19-2014, 09:52 AM
It wouldn't be the thread it is without all who come here. It looks like we're all doing it. YAY! This is indeed a collective work.

I am grateful for the will to write those things I am grateful for even when I don't "feel" like it.

I am grateful knowing Dave (Ponder), and his awesome thread, and art. He's a true fighter, and an inspiration.

I am grateful for the sunshine, it feels so warm on the skin.

I am grateful that within me are my answers and I find one occasionally.

I am grateful for thunderstorms, and the sound of rain on a tin roof.

Peace Y'all Rock it!

02-20-2014, 07:22 AM
WOW... The thread has stopped, well what the hell, let's get it rockin again. :D

I am grateful I lack nothing

I am grateful I have learned to say NO

I am grateful when I say YES

I am grateful I have boundaries

I am grateful I can now accept me, faults, success's and all.

I am grateful I have variety in life

I am grateful my dog look at me in love as I rub his ears, and groans a little. LOL

I am grateful my wife rubs my ears. :D

02-20-2014, 10:44 AM
Frankie, I'm sorry to hear about your uncle :(

Today's things I'm thankful for:
1. ...that McDonalds started selling shamrock shakes for the Spring!!!! I loves me some shamrock shakes.
2. ...that Pittsburgh is going to be seeing some warmer weather this week which means... no shoveling snow!
3. ...that we're finally nearing the end of winter.
4. ...that so far I've kept up with my New Years resolution which is to pay off my debt.
5. ...that we're warm and cozy in our new house with our new boiler.

02-20-2014, 02:37 PM
I will be grateful if my uncle does not have too much pain after his hopeless C diagnosis today. :(

you and your uncle are in my thoughts.

1 I am thankful for making it through this week
2 I am thankful for nyquil which put me to bed when I was sick last night
3 I am thankful for my family after seeing the terrible things some students go through day to day
4 I am thankful that I have homework to do because it means I can go to school
5 I am thankful for my dads health!

Anxious Abi
02-20-2014, 03:17 PM
I am grateful for anxiety, for I fear without it I would be a lesser person, less able to understand, less able to empathize.
I am grateful that I slept the day away, my mind feels much more rested now.
I am grateful that I have all my senses.
I am grateful that it has not yet flooded in my area.
I am grateful that so far this year I have found no Death Watch (Black Clot?), big black beetles in my bedding.
I am grateful for this thread, because the more I read it, the more I want to look for things to be grateful for.

Many Thanks

02-20-2014, 03:29 PM
I am grateful that lots of cool people on here are as mental as me.
I am grateful that my body is free of disease.
I am grateful that my cat sits on my hand at bedtime.
I am grateful for Wayne Dyer
I am grateful that as I sit here this moment, nothing is attacking me and there are no dramas in my life.


02-21-2014, 06:55 AM
Oh yes, Wayne Dyer. The power of intention. Love that guy!

I am grateful for realizing the law of reverse effort. Quit trying and just be.

I am grateful for realizing the "what you resist will persist". Love everything that arises, and when you can't love yourself.

I am grateful for seeing that anxiety is multiplied by fearing the fear itself, which is an empty trick of the mind we are holding on to by resisting it.

I am grateful knowing I can change my beliefs, and thus change my world view.

I am grateful that I have been reminded the sub conscious mind can be retrained, as I fill it with positive affirmations.

I am grateful that I am a co-creator with all others.

Peace Y'all

02-21-2014, 07:21 AM
1. I am grateful to be fit and healthy
2. I am grateful to science and it's research
3. I am grateful for the sunshine today
4 I am grateful for my friends
5. I am grateful to live in a country where healthcare is free to everyone.

02-21-2014, 12:30 PM
I am grateful for my children. Because without them I would not have a reason to want to be a better person each day.

I am thankful for the people who truly care about me, although I may feel like it's not many...it's quality that matters.

I am thankful for ny ability to recover from my anxiety, I'm on the right road..and im very proud of myself:)

I am grateful to even write this list because I tried to a few weeks ago And I couldn't.

And lastly, I am thankful for my health. No matter how many times I go to the doctor they cannot find one test that proves otherwise. I'm happy to have a doctor That doesn't put up with my bullshit and who won't appease me by taking my blood pressure twice because I want to know what it Is for anxiety sake. I'm thankful she cares enough to do the tests for me But won't allow me to ask for benzos, because my mind is stronger than I think.

02-21-2014, 01:27 PM
Oh yes, Wayne Dyer. The power of intention. Love that guy!

I am grateful for realizing the law of reverse effort. Quit trying and just be.

I am grateful for realizing the "what you resist will persist". Love everything that arises, and when you can't love yourself.

I am grateful for seeing that anxiety is multiplied by fearing the fear itself, which is an empty trick of the mind we are holding on to by resisting it.

I am grateful knowing I can change my beliefs, and thus change my world view.

I am grateful that I have been reminded the sub conscious mind can be retrained, as I fill it with positive affirmations.

I am grateful that I am a co-creator with all others.

Peace Y'all

I'm interested in learning more about this law of reverse effort... do you have any links you could provide?

02-21-2014, 02:22 PM
I'm interested in learning more about this law of reverse effort... do you have any links you could provide?

If you search 'non-doing', you'll be able to read anything really based on the old zen principal.

One of the most helpful books I've read about non doing was about non doing and golf. Teaching golf players to let go, and not try, and let natural instinct, and practice take over. It's very, very hard to let go actually. Seems like something we can just do, but it's rarely the case.

That book was one of the most helpful things I've ever read, despite it not being about anxiety.

If I remember the name, I'll link it :)

02-21-2014, 02:36 PM
I'll go in this thread though.

I'm grateful for my family, I'd have been homeless otherwise during my magnificent breakdown
I'm grateful for free healthcare. We were really poor growing up, and boy did I need it
I'm grateful for GF food and it's continuing improvement. Had to say it!
I'm grateful for music
I'm grateful for education. Joking. I'm grateful for alcohol ;)

02-21-2014, 02:40 PM
I just feel grateful...and wish you all a grateful day!

Enduronman.... :)

02-21-2014, 03:10 PM
I am grateful for thunderstorms, and the sound of rain on a tin roof.
^That's such a cozy and relaxing sound to me; rain on a tin roof.. btw, thanks Gene for creating this thread. It's always good to take a step back and think about the things we are grateful for.. :)

1. I'm grateful for my parents and brothers. They have put up a lot with my craziness, and helped me through hard times; supporting me they best way that they can.

2. I'm grateful that I have food, clothes and shelter.

3. I'm grateful for music. It keeps me going day and night.

4. I'm grateful for adversity & assholes. they really teach me to be a better and more mature person.

5. I'm grateful for the internet. It's quite awesome meeting great people all over the world :)

02-22-2014, 04:27 PM
I do not know much about this site, but it has info on law of reversed effort. I was acquainted with it through a satsang session on you tube with Burt Haring. I enjoy him.

I'm grateful for the chance I had to talk to my dad yesterday.

I'm grateful I am creative and people come to me and ask if I can weld this or that.

I'm grateful I am able to pay bills.

I'm grateful I can search for things on the internet.

I am grateful I see people getting well, and feeling better.

I am grateful for those who help me understand their point of view, and it opens doors for change.


02-23-2014, 01:38 PM
I'm grateful I get to see my wife in her tight jeans today. :D

I'm grateful my welding/blacksmith shop is up and going, orders are in and will help as I have been without a employer for 1 year and three months. Just call me boss now.

I'm grateful for the precious woman I met from Devon UK, and her will to get over finding her young hubby hanging when she got home. Precious souls, everywhere.

I'm grateful that man I offended did not pull the trigger.

I am grateful the sun is shining, the spring is in the air, and for my daughters smile.

Much Peace y'all

Anxious Abi
02-23-2014, 04:52 PM
I'm just feeling grateful all around tonight.

02-24-2014, 07:54 AM
I am grateful that I don't know it all and it's not my responsibility to know it all either.

I am grateful I have my answers with me.

I am grateful my body tells me when I need to change a habit that don't work.

I am grateful my brain tells my heart to beat with no thought needed.

I am grateful for ah ha moments.

I am grateful I don't need to take my thoughts, beliefs, opinions too seriously.

Peace folks!

02-24-2014, 08:16 AM
Today I am grateful that I can see the following

1. Frankie cruising around the streets of Ireland with Zola
2. Alaina crushing her first day back to work
3. Jillian rolling her interview and getting her masters
4. Dahila being the sweetest and most terrifying woman I have ever met
5. The two sides of Ponder, which are always a great read
6. E Mans health improving and an endless positive attitude facing great hurdles
7. Kris being proud to be a Canadian. That's so cute!
8. Always guessing where the next comma will be in Gene's posts
9. And of course, trying to keep pace with Jesse's wit, which is a tall order
10. Lastly, all the new friends that I have recently met here and on Facebook chat

All of you are pretty fun hanging out with

02-24-2014, 01:12 PM
Choke, sniffle! That's beautiful Nixon! :)

LOL Made you cry! My work here is done!

02-24-2014, 05:35 PM
Today I am grateful that I can see the following

3. Jillian rolling her interview and getting her masters

thanks nixon! I'll keep you guys posted how it goes

02-25-2014, 06:35 AM
I am grateful that the lil bird that just hit my window and knocked himself out, was fine after I brought him in and got him warm.

I am grateful for my grand children. Jaylee, Emma, Julien, Henry and Kena.

I am grateful my dad is doing well with his chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

I am grateful that I learned some people are very happy being grumpy, and letting it be.

I am grateful that people from diverse cultures and religions, and politics can be polite and compassionate to one another.

I am grateful I learned love of self is not narcissism, or selfish.


02-26-2014, 12:33 PM
I am grateful I don't have to chop wood all winter this year.

I am grateful my life is filled with loving people.

I am grateful I can feel my emotions, and express them positively.

I am grateful for music, all kinds of music.

I am grateful for the veteran I met yesterday at the grocery store.

I am grateful I am able to free my mind.

Peace, and yep I'm thankful for peace.

02-26-2014, 12:39 PM
I'm grateful I can give this thread a BUMP. Peace :D

02-27-2014, 05:31 PM
I'm grateful for the end of some threads

I'm grateful I attract fun people.

I'm grateful for sex

I'm grateful for paradigm shifts

I'm grateful silver prices are rising, and gold.

I'm grateful there is a Harley Davidson in my future

Pee ace

Anxious Abi
03-01-2014, 09:56 AM
I am grateful that my next Psych appointment is getting closer.
I am grateful that the sky has been a beautiful blue today.
I'm grateful for mint choc chip ice cream.
I'm grateful I have a way of expressing myself when I feel alone.
I'm grateful for the joyful way my six year old niece sees the world.
I'm grateful for the mouse one of my cats lovingly placed by the door.

03-01-2014, 06:13 PM
I am grateful for chamomile tea.

I am grateful for David McGraw's videos

I am grateful for saddle up Saturdays.

I am grateful my childhood best friend and I still stay in touch.

I am grateful to see people getting a chance to connect here.

Peace Y'all

Niicole Lynne
03-01-2014, 06:17 PM
I am grateful for my family and friends who babe always tried to understand and have stayed by my side through my triumphs and struggles

I am grateful for my boyfriend who has been a huge blessing in my life

I am grateful for my job and the students I teach :)

I am grateful for my nieces who bring me more joy than I could ever explain

I am grateful for The Lord and even tho I am trying to find my way back I know he has not left my side

03-01-2014, 06:29 PM
I am grateful for......

A loving husband who puts up with all of my quirks, anxieties and panic attacks and loves me unconditionally.

A fantastic 14 year old autistic son who reminds me daily that there is wonder in everything.

Being able to find joy in all the little successes, (above mentioned 14 yr old not spilling his cereal) yeah!

My 2 dogs, & cat even if she spits and hisses at the young dog.

My iphone, what would I do without you!


03-01-2014, 06:53 PM
Hmm let's see...

1. I am grateful for my family.. They've been here for me through my whole anxiety & though they may get frustrated, they've been my rock!

2. I am grateful for my boyfriend of almost 3 years & his mom. They are amazing.

3. I am grateful for my boyfriends NA support group that has keep him clean/sober for just about 16 months!

4. I am grateful for this forum.. It's amazing knowing you're not alone.

5. I am grateful for God! Because without him, I wouldn't have any of the above :)

03-03-2014, 03:09 PM
I am grateful for all the creative people in the world.

I am grateful for peaceful sleep.

I am grateful for my daughters great cooking today.

I am grateful there are treatments and cures for anxiety and depression.

I am grateful for upbeat positive people, who give little attention to annoying bumps in life.


03-04-2014, 05:21 PM
I'm grateful for listeners, when I need an ear.

I am grateful to have found my gggg grandmother Raven Feather. Another Cherokee lady.

I am grateful for springtime

I am grateful for learning new things each day.

I am grateful for the powerful mind I have.


03-04-2014, 05:48 PM
I am grateful for.....

A full belly and the ability to afford to eat.

Old TV shows on DVD (watching lost in space now, what a hoot! Sci-Fi has come a long way)

My new dog...7 month old Australian Shepard full of piss and vinegar

My acupuncturist ...thank you Christine!

My health... Getting better every day!

03-04-2014, 07:59 PM
I am thankful I am healthy physically.
I am thankful for the gift of Friendship
I am thankful for people who helped and remind me that anxiety is a work of Satan and its just a lie.
I am Thankful to God who gives me strength to endure what I'm going through and thankful to His promises that are going to pass..
I am thankful to the people here in this site, because of you guys I feel less afraid knowing that you guys experience the same thing and I am not alone.

Olive Yew
03-04-2014, 08:12 PM
I am thankful for a spectacular family who loves and supports me no matter how psycho my "ideas" get. I'm thankful for my incredibly sweet beau who loves me and is there for me no matter what. I'm thankful for my pets who provide an EXCELLENT distraction when I'm in need of one. I'm thankful for my God that he's always there for me and takes care of me and keeps me strong in times of weakness

03-04-2014, 09:53 PM
1. I'm grateful for bumble bees
2. I'm grateful for cherry danishes
3. I'm grateful for new socks
4. I'm grateful for little flowers
5. I'm grateful for wiggly toes

03-05-2014, 09:45 AM
I am grateful for this forum and the support it gives people

I am grateful for my loving fiancee who always handles my moods so well, and stays calm!

I am grateful for my kittens and their purrs!

I am grateful for warm blankets and cups of tea, curling up on the sofa and watching TV

Finally, I'm grateful that I have a new job and will soon have a bit of money coming in :)

I needed this today, feel a little bit better now :)

03-05-2014, 06:43 PM
Awesome posting folks. Thank you for the encouragement!!!

I am grateful for the many people who have posted here, and elsewhere of course.

I am grateful for realizing how I feel about my dad, regardless of what we have been through in the past.

I am grateful for ah ha moments.

I am grateful for Burt Harding

I am grateful for Byron Katie

I'm grateful for Eckhart Tolle

I'm grateful for you, yes YOU reading this.


03-05-2014, 06:56 PM
Today I am thankful for......

My mom and dad without whom I would be lost. They help me keep perspective on life.

My cat "Spooky" who hates the new dog but keeps her in line.

The ability to laugh at sheer stupidity. I work for Walmart...every day with customers is a trip!

Tylenol 3.....when I need them they always help.

Tim Hortons....if you are Canadian, I need not say any more!

Cheers everyone! Until tomorrow.....

03-06-2014, 08:04 AM
I am thankful for what I call "The Flood". Nothing from the moment I awake for the day but positive affirmations, brain wave technology, visualization, progressive relaxation etc. NO TV

I am grateful for the healing and integration of body mind and spirit.

I am grateful for daydreaming.

I am grateful that I manifest, as well as generate solutions.

I am grateful I have all my answers, sometimes I just gotta look inside.

I am grateful for Claire Weeks, A must read! Thank you Jesse

Peace folks

03-06-2014, 04:52 PM
Today I'm grateful for .....

Being able to appreciate ah ha moments!

The brilliant sun....still brutally cold but when there is a clear sky it seems tolerable.

Netflix .... Will be able to find something to watch

WiFi..... Otherwise my data usage would be way way over my plan,

Being able to offer a smile and kind words to those in need.

03-09-2014, 08:59 PM
I am grateful for my three dogs, their fun to watch.

I am grateful for being able to change negative thoughts to positive ones.

I am grateful for I am able to stay busy in my new shop, and making some unique metal pieces.

I am grateful for my daughters ability to sing and play the guitar.

I'm grateful warmer weather is here.


03-10-2014, 03:50 AM
I am grateful for my three dogs, their fun to watch. I am grateful for being able to change negative thoughts to positive ones. I am grateful for I am able to stay busy in my new shop, and making some unique metal pieces. I am grateful for my daughters ability to sing and play the guitar. I'm grateful warmer weather is here. Peace

Nice to see you back Gene! Missed your posts on this thread, I find them really inspiring!


03-10-2014, 07:06 PM
LOL. Yes I have been oh so busy. I do try to make it daily for this part though. I'm glad you get inspired too. :D I enjoy yours as well. Thank you

I am grateful for people like Pam who just like to add a smile to my life.

I am grateful my doc visit went as expected today, and am thankful for his care he takes of all his patients.

I am grateful for this beautiful peaceful evening at home, next to my wonderful woman who is so tired and sleepy, and snoring a little. LOL

I am grateful that I can embrace more and more the person I am, with all the twists and contradictions, just perfectly imperfect.

I am grateful for the many varied beliefs we all have and so interesting too.

I am grateful for all the people who love and care about me. So good to feel that now.

I am grateful for you, who is reading this now too.

Peace Y'all

03-11-2014, 04:02 AM
LOL. Yes I have been oh so busy. I do try to make it daily for this part though. I'm glad you get inspired too. :D I enjoy yours as well. Thank you I am grateful for people like Pam who just like to add a smile to my life. I am grateful my doc visit went as expected today, and am thankful for his care he takes of all his patients. I am grateful for this beautiful peaceful evening at home, next to my wonderful woman who is so tired and sleepy, and snoring a little. LOL I am grateful that I can embrace more and more the person I am, with all the twists and contradictions, just perfectly imperfect. I am grateful for the many varied beliefs we all have and so interesting too. I am grateful for all the people who love and care about me. So good to feel that now. I am grateful for you, who is reading this now too. Peace Y'all

Hey Gene,

I saw this saying/proverb yesterday and immediately thought of you. The name of the person it is credited to is Tzu, but for the life of me I can't rember the first part of the name. It goes something like this....

If you live in the past...you have depression.

If you live in the future....you have anxiety

If you live in the present....you have peace.

You my friend seem to have found the holy grail. The present and peace!
Hope your day is magnificent!


03-11-2014, 07:50 AM
Thanks Gene!

Re the doc appointment, I do hope all is ok for you.

Oh yes little Sis I am fine. Just a check up to see if my heart is still beating and my lungs are still getting air. LOL Seems as though they kept working while I was busy thinking about other things. Doc says "good gene's" Gene! I'm not so sure about that but I feel good, wife says I look good in my "jeans", and what anyone else says, well that's none of my business. :D Seriously I am great right now and that's about all I ever have truly. Hope you are doing well Sis. I come on and off quickly anymore as I found myselkf indulging in drama and well honestly, I have enough of that in my imagination at times. There is a time to plant and a time to water and care for that which is planted, not uproot it all in favor of my appetite for destruction. LMAO

Thank you for asking, and much Peace to you my Irish Mam.

03-11-2014, 08:10 AM
Hey Gene,

I saw this saying/proverb yesterday and immediately thought of you. The name of the person it is credited to is Tzu, but for the life of me I can't rember the first part of the name. It goes something like this....

If you live in the past...you have depression.

If you live in the future....you have anxiety

If you live in the present....you have peace.

You my friend seem to have found the holy grail. The present and peace!
Hope your day is magnificent!

Lao Tzu (6th century B.C.) is believed to have been a Chinese philosopher and the reputed author of the "Tao te ching

Hello Pam. Well I didn't find anything in reality it was there all along as I have seen many times, I am just saying yes to life, and removing those veils that block what is right in front of me. It's simply difficult to see those things hidden so well in plain sight, but they are present in everyone. "Now" as they say is not linear time as we think of the present. There truly exists no past, or future, most of that is what blurs the "now", as nothing truly can happen in the past we must unknowingly bring it into the Now with our imagination, and then well I suffer when I do that. Same with future, I can only bring that into my Now as well, since it does not exist either, only in my imagination. When what we call the future is conjured up and we plan are we there in that so called future? Nope, since if and when tomorrow comes we shall say the Now is here again. Can you imagine me saying right now I am in November of 2014? I can only do that by imagination, which is a great tool for planning, but not real NOW. Control, and powerlessness arise in me as I attempt to redeem my past, or plan my future too much, and I get extremely frustrated, worried, anxious, depressed etc. I pull the plug on it all and say right now here I am, it seems like a passive life but it's powerful for me as in my giving up control of past and future stuff ( which I never had in the first place) gives rise to a sense of power and control. A paradox, but just think of the old saying if you love something let it go, if it's real it will come back to you, if not who cares ( or to be funny hunt it down and kill it)? Surrender works for me but let me say this loud and proud I am not always "there". I still wander off and get lost and forget who I am at times. It's really great to remember, as I never left, my mind did, it got lost in imaginations, and I mistook them for me is all.

I hope you are well Pam, Much Peace.

03-11-2014, 07:42 PM
I am grateful for privacy

I am grateful for contrast

I am grateful for creativity

I am grateful for people who can play an instrument

I am grateful for surprises

I am grateful for my brother


03-12-2014, 06:05 PM
Today I am grateful for.....

A heart that beats properly in my chest.

Being able to breathe.

Being able to see

Being able to hear

Being able to love and forgive!

Anxious Abi
03-13-2014, 01:59 PM
I am grateful that my Mum is feeling better.
I am grateful that my Dad ate all the Shepard's pie I made him, it feels like progress.
I am grateful somebody wants to buy one of my art pieces.
I am grateful for the joy I can find in simple things.
I am grateful somebody invented the grater, love to grate things.
I am grateful my brother hasn't shaved off his truly awesome side burns.

Best wishes.

03-13-2014, 04:52 PM
Lots of good gratefulness going on here. Keep it pouring in, and watch the anxiety dry up.

I am grateful for being able to communicate with people all over the world on the internet.

I am grateful I can keep my mouth shut more than usual, and thankful for the peace that brings, as well as the decreased burden I feel when doing so.

I am grateful for feelings, being able to feel is a good thing.

I am grateful for noticing when I'm getting into another's business, and staying out of it.

I am grateful I have to give no advice that is not asked for, or even when asked for I can say Nope!

Peace y'all

03-13-2014, 07:06 PM
Today I am grateful for.....

Experiencing what sensory overload must be like for someone with Autism (my son). Went to the casino with my parents today, in my somewhat anxious state, the crowd, whirling lights, incessant noise was almost too much to bear.

Working through the sensory overload and not allowing mild anxiety to become a full blown panic attack.

The extra $60 I had in my pocket when I left.

Knowing when to quit!

The cat and dog calling somewhat of a truce. Cat hates the dog and usually hisses, growls and spits at her.

Peace and quiet of my home!

Hope everyone has had something to be grateful for today!

03-14-2014, 05:54 PM
Today I am grateful for......

The man that started this thread! Thank you Gene, this helps solidify in my mind all that is good on a daily basis.

My new massage therapist...magic...golden hands

My fledgling ability to live in the present, that massage was a surreal experience.

Eggs.... They made a simple but delicious meal

The good people here who unselfishly help others who are in a tough place at the moment.

03-14-2014, 08:00 PM
I am grateful for the Mexican food I ate tonight with the woman of my dreams.

I am grateful for the metal art I came up with today although not sure what a few of them are going to be yet. :D

I am grateful for my little Yorkie dog, and I want to be the man he thinks I am. :)

I am grateful for a good nights sleep, again.

I am grateful for the people here on this thread who are so dedicated to telling themselves the truth.

I am grateful for being able to learn new ways of dealing with my sometimes ungrateful heart.

I am grateful, and that's a good change for me this past month.

Peace all.

03-15-2014, 05:50 PM
Today I am grateful for......

The peaceful anxiety free day I have had!

Dinner being delivered ...didn't want to cook today!

My book on CBT and learning new strategies to keep the beast at bay.

My silly doggies.

My amazing husband, without whom I would be half the person I am.

03-15-2014, 07:17 PM
I am grateful for others wisdom, and all the amazing approaches people take in life.

I am grateful for my work, it's where I can express my creativity, and flow in my own joy and excitement.

I am grateful people appreciate me, and my ways.

I am grateful for all the help I have received from so many throughout my life, and some came from the least likely persons

I am grateful Pam had an anxiety free day. Those are precious.

Peace Y'all

03-17-2014, 07:59 AM
I am grateful I had the chance to attend the Bristol Nascar race yesterday in Bristol Tennessee.

I am grateful for my wife who is so loving in such quiet unassuming ways.

I am grateful for the progress I have made over the years, and having the chance to see others progress as well.

I am grateful I can notice when my body is needing to relax and consciously set aside time to do a relaxing exercise.

I am grateful for my sons phone calls.


03-17-2014, 08:42 AM
I'm jealous Gene! Going to the race must have been great!!

Hope you had a good time!

03-17-2014, 04:55 PM
I'm jealous Gene! Going to the race must have been great!!

Hope you had a good time!

It was very nice. Our daughter gave us free tickets and we were on 2nd row first turn. Pretty awesome. It was indeed a good time, but seeing the race on tv has better views, of course the smells, noise, and all the different dressed people who really are diehard race fans was cool to see. Plus it's always good to be back in Tennessee too.
Thank you Pam,

03-17-2014, 07:03 PM
I am grateful for the friendship I have with my best friend suffering with alcoholism and depression.

I am grateful for the fact she called me when she got fired from work this morning.

I am grateful that we could eventually laugh and cry at the same time.

I am grateful for mobile technology so she can ring me at any point through the night if she loses belief in herself.

I am grateful for the trust she places in me, and the coffee we will drink tomorrow.

Niicole Lynne
03-17-2014, 11:20 PM
I am grateful for my students once again
We had a great st patties day and had a lot of fun

I'm grateful for my friends family and boyfriend
They have really been there for me and I am noticing their commitment to our friendship which is awesome

I am grateful for dry ribs lol so yummy -- just saying haha

I am grateful for my doctor and medicine -- it's been wonderful feeling like myself again and I hope this part of the process will continue

Finally I am grateful for myself. Not to sound conceded but I am glad to be there for people around me struggling
I like still being able to be there for them as well :)

03-18-2014, 05:58 AM
1. I am grateful for my mother who always supports me.

2. I am grateful for my father who always know how to calm me down.

3. I am grateful for my brother who will always stick up for me.

4. I am grateful for my best friend for always being by my side.

5. I am grateful to all of you for being here as I start my journey back to happiness.

03-18-2014, 06:31 AM
I am grateful for forgiveness

I am grateful for confidence

I am grateful for progressive muscle relaxation

I am grateful for learning what works for my body mind and spirit, and learning new ways to increase my confidence.

I am grateful my wife made it to work safely as the mountain roads are unpredictable in the winter.

I am grateful new people are joining this forum and gaining new insights and a sense of community, and healing themselves.

Peace folks:D

03-19-2014, 08:53 PM
Hello Lil Sis! Hope you're doing well.

I am grateful for my grandsons.

I am grateful my mom and her loving ways. Always helping friends.

I am grateful for having audio books to download from the library.

I am grateful I can notice my thoughts and concerns and look at them honestly.

I am grateful for the lessons I can learn.

I am grateful for a good nights sleep.


03-20-2014, 03:57 PM
Today I am grateful for......

My friend Frankie getting on the path she knew was right, and someone listened to her.

Subway.,,,don't have to cook tonight!

An evening to myself, no child, no husband.

My ability to help and appreciate others

Realizing that a dear friendship was more valuable than a new job!

03-20-2014, 07:27 PM
I am grateful for having a roof over my bald head.

I am grateful for having a truck that gets me from point A to point B.

I am grateful for having food water and underwear. :D ( sounded fun to say?)

I am grateful for having a computer.

I am grateful for my entire family.


03-20-2014, 08:04 PM
I think we can all be grateful for a pair of undies - especially if they're clean!

I'm grateful I've been feeling much better lately and my depression has lifted a bit.

I'm grateful that my cat is taking her anxiety meds and has been peeing in the litter box!

I'm grateful that tomorrow hubby and I are going to hang out at our favorite bar and relax with a drink.

I'm grateful a friend of mine who was part of a documentary crew assaulted in Ukraine, is back in the States and OK.

I'm grateful that I'm getting somewhat of a tax return back.

03-21-2014, 07:01 PM
Stp and Frankie, LOL Yes I say the darndest things at times. Trying to be funny, but sometimes it backfires. Anyway CLEAN UNDIES YAY!!

I am grateful people are still contributing to this, and for all the positives happening too.

I am grateful that people share such intimate details about anxiety/depression and how it feels to them, as most of us are able to relate, and it brings us a sense of not being alone.

I am grateful for the moms here who work so hard to raise children and remain so dedicated to their own health.

I am grateful I don't have pee pants (right now). :D

I am grateful for the great spiritual masters, and the insights they have shared, which is timeless.

I am grateful that people care about me.


03-21-2014, 07:08 PM
I know, and yet I can't defend it. :D LMAO

A contradiction and a twist of fate I suppose. :D


03-22-2014, 06:34 PM
I am grateful for being able to accept where I am.

I am grateful for my cousin, aunts, uncles, coming to town tomorrow.

I am grateful I can be aware of my thoughts, feelings, and breathe in the peace of nature and those I love that surround me.

I am grateful when I notice untruths I want to think, and correct them with truth, or just let them be and see how ridiculous they are.

I am grateful for life.


03-23-2014, 05:53 AM
Today I am grateful for.....

The extra 2 hours I slept today!

The brilliant sunshine even though it is rediculously cold out.

Feeling good this morning!

Motivation to get things done today.

It's going to be a great day!!!

03-23-2014, 06:25 AM
I'm loving it. We will be looking out for how you enjoyed your day later :)

Thanks Frankie! I had so much on the go yesterday I only popped on for a few minutes!

How is it going for you? How are you doing with the meds?

I do miss it when I don't get on here, I miss finding out how my friends like you are doing.

BTW- did you ever get your kids out of their caves ?


03-23-2014, 12:40 PM
I grateful for this forum and it's members.

And we are grateful for you! :)

How is your day going?

03-24-2014, 03:27 AM
Today I am grateful for.....

Yesterday's motivation, got a lot accomplished.

My mom.... God love her, she's completely computer illiterate but when we get together to do something online for her it usually turns our to be a fun time, even if I have to do all the work.

Clean and pressed clothes.. Waded through the mountain of laundry, sense of accomplishment is a good thing.

Fluff TV, can't believe I am enjoying gossip girl!

Waking up feeling good.

03-24-2014, 03:30 PM
I agree. A sense of accomplishment is great! Congrats Pam.

I am grateful for keeping busy today in the shop.

I am grateful I signed up for a free 7 day trial of Eckhart Tolle TV. Quite a good community forum there too, kinda like here.

I am grateful for a warm house and a hot shower.

I am grateful for people like Ralph Smart on you tube. He's an ex anxiety sufferer as well.

I am grateful it's not always necessary to jump onto a positive thinking thing that don't feel right, but instead telling ourselves the truth works too.

I am grateful in my life experience I have seen the things I have and still know people are not at all that different anywhere on earth, color, or religion.

I am grateful for those people who are happy around me, and am grateful for my happiness.

I am grateful things happen only at the exact time they are meant too. Also thankful I don't have to understand to be at peace myself.

Peace Yall

03-24-2014, 03:32 PM
And we are grateful for you! :)

How is your day going?

I second that Pam. Grateful for 13.

03-27-2014, 05:58 PM
I am grateful for the purchase of sacred ground "brainsync" Looking forward to it.

I am grateful I had a chance to see my aunts and uncles and cousins as they came to town.

I am grateful dad's chemo and radiation is only one more week.

I am grateful my dad's sister (my aunt) had a nice talk with me.

I am grateful I spoke to my mom yesterday.

I am grateful for my xmas presents from 2012 that just came from fed ex. YAY!

Peace y'all

03-27-2014, 07:05 PM
Today I am grateful for....

My dad! 84 yrs and going strong!

Finding patience amid utter stupidity.

My backbone...stood up to child's English teacher who was being unreasonable!

Laughter... The more I have the better I feel!

My amazing husband, I feel like a silly school girl every time I catch him looking at me when he thinks I'm not looking!

03-28-2014, 06:40 PM
Look at that face, a doll! Yep you Frankie sis. LOL

I am grateful for my dad visiting today.

I am grateful my dad has 5 more days of radiation and chemo left.

I am grateful for my brother.

I am grateful my dad finally beat the scabies he had over a year.

I am grateful my family got back home after there visit.

I am grateful for my wonderful wife.

Peace Y'all

03-30-2014, 03:25 PM
I am grateful for a shift occurring in this 3 D world.

I am grateful for the many people and their children showing signs of growth and wellness.

I am grateful for lessons learned.

I am grateful for synchronicity.

I am grateful for grace.

I am grateful I am loved.

Peace folks!

04-01-2014, 08:32 PM
I am grateful for having my taxes finished.

I am grateful for the medicine wheel.

I am grateful I am beginning to see life in a new way.

I am grateful the power of gratefulness holds as a foundation to wellness for me.

I am grateful my daughter has found the house of her dreams.

I am grateful I do not have to be happy to enjoy the peace that exists in each of us.


04-04-2014, 08:40 AM
I'm grateful for medications that do work.

I'm grateful relaxation exercises that do work.

I'm grateful for what I have learned on the addiction alchemy website.

I'm grateful for all the people here who share their experiences and support.

I'm grateful for my dogs.

I am grateful for nature.

Peace Y'all

04-04-2014, 06:51 PM
Today I'm grateful for ......

Working for a company who annually shares profits with us little people. Some years it's more some years it's less but always welcome when it comes just before my birthday in April.

Open minded people, especially in the local school system

Friday.... Need I say more.

Crazy dogs! Always entertaining.

All those starting up new meds beginning to see some light In their tunnels. Even if that light is somewhat dim and a little shaky.

04-07-2014, 10:45 AM
Today I'm grateful for...

1. My family and background that has given me so much opportunity in life.
2. My new job.
3. My physical ability to run, exercise, and use my body.
4. The tranquility I feel when sharing emotions / experiences with people who understand and can empathize.
5. A bright future.

04-07-2014, 09:41 PM
I'm Grateful my dad finished his chemo and radiation today.

I'm grateful there is a place like this for us all to share our stories and relate, get better, and begin a new chapter in life.

I'm grateful for the different countries and backgrounds, beliefs represented here too.

I'm grateful my wife had a big smile on her face as she conquered driving a 5 speed yesterday.

I'm grateful my oldest daughter called me last night to tell me I was going to be a grandpa again.

I'm grateful I don't have pee pants. :D

Peace folks

04-08-2014, 03:26 AM
I'm Grateful my dad finished his chemo and radiation today. I'm grateful there is a place like this for us all to share our stories and relate, get better, and begin a new chapter in life. I'm grateful for the different countries and backgrounds, beliefs represented here too. I'm grateful my wife had a big smile on her face as she conquered driving a 5 speed yesterday. I'm grateful my oldest daughter called me last night to tell me I was going to be a grandpa again. I'm grateful I don't have pee pants. :D Peace folks

Oh Gene!

Thanks for the giggle this morning! Pee pants? Really? Well I suppose that truly is something to be grateful for not having!

Have a wonderful day!

04-09-2014, 08:28 PM

Glad you smiled. It makes being a bit weird worth it.

I'm grateful for the buttercups that are popping out of the ground, and the dogwood tree coming in.

I'm grateful for the time I had with my wife this evening. She's a sweet lady.

I'm grateful for a couple guys I met last Saturday and the talk we had, it was quite moving and inspirational.

I'm grateful I can make amends to people I have wronged.

I'm grateful for food on the table, and so, so much more than I need.

I'm grateful for my cousin Mike texting me last week and telling me how he looks at me like a brother, and enjoyed the years we spent in Nashville Tn.

I'm grateful for Pam, and sure hope her days are full of wonder and joy.

Thank you


04-10-2014, 04:10 AM
Thanks Gene, you are so sweet!

Today I am grateful for....

Waking up today .... One year older and hopefully a touch wiser.

My son, whose first words out of his mouth at 6am was happy birthday! Not bad for a teenager!

My wonderful husband who brought me my birthday card this morning and the words brought tears to my eyes.

Celebrating 29, 20 times!

The year ahead ....

Cheers my friends! Hope your day is a wonderful one!


04-11-2014, 06:42 PM
Happy belated birthday!!! You're getting younger too huh?


I'm grateful for choices

I'm grateful things happen right on time

I'm grateful my patience is growing with myself

I'm grateful for all the fun times

I'm grateful for the grateful people.

I'm grateful for the mockingbird and his crazy noises

I'm grateful I can sing

I'm grateful my son is learning the guitar.


04-11-2014, 06:49 PM
Thank you Gene! It was a terrific day! Learned lots about myself, mostly it is never too late to do something you have thought about for years!

My mind set right now is simply this... Life's too short. Go for what you want out of it and the nay Sayers be damned!!!!

04-15-2014, 01:59 PM
Congrats Pam! It is NEVER too late you are so right. Keep on truckin! :D The negative live off the energy of the negative, and so be positive and watch them starve. Sooner or later they'll ask what you're eating...or not.

I am grateful for the progress I've made in my day to day experiences. Seems there is always something else for me to learn and grow in.

I am grateful for my mom, she's as giving as the day is long.

I am grateful for literally changing how I think and thus changing my world.

I am grateful I can now see how some are very happy being unhappy, and let them be, and knowing I am one of them at times.

I am grateful for seeing where I have withdrawn and hid from feelings and now can own them. I now am the owner (always was), and can face them.

I am grateful my wife is getting better as a cold has been whoopin her butt these past few days.

I am grateful my youngest daughter is accepting herself and position and co-workers now and just letting go and enjoying her life experience.

I am grateful my son is happy.

I am grateful for this song.... http://youtu.be/y6Sxv-sUYtM


04-15-2014, 03:37 PM
I really appreciate your post about gratitude. I've recently had some things going on in my life that brought up a very high level of anxiety and reminded me of my past when panic attacks controlled my life. I found this forum when I was doing a search to see what is out there these days regarding anxiety. I found this forum and came here, hoping to find discussions about some of the latest good news about anxiety but I saw so many posts from people in pain and discussing medications instead. I don't mean that in judgement but I like to find things that give hope. So it was so nice to see this post about gratitude. I have found that when nothing else works, sitting down, taking some nice deep breaths and thinking of something to feel grateful about always works. It keeps your mind busy and uses different networks in the brain. You can't focus on two things at the same time so it's a nice break from experiencing that horrible feeling that takes over when anxiety is there.

There is a lot of new research out that shows how effective it is to do "mindfullness meditation." I committed to just 5 minutes a day a year ago and it make a tremendous difference. All you have to do is sit down and tell yourself you will focus on breathing in and out, for example, for 5 minutes. When your mind wanders, which it will, that's fine. When you notice it, you bring it back to your breath. That actually improves your brain and even changes it's structure in a very short amount of time-like weeks instead of years as was once thought. It has a very calming affect. That's the first thing I think of doing when I feel that old familiar feeling of anxiety coming on.

So I will just end this by saying, "I am very grateful to have found this post!"
I am grateful for the brilliant dedicated scientists working long hours to help other people find solutions to the issues that rob them of peace.
I am grateful for my mom who was in my corner a couple of years ago when no one else was there with me.
I am grateful for the things I have learned that help me have more peace in my life.
I am grateful for my beliefs that help me always know there is reason to hope and strive to be my best, knowing it matters even when it doesn't really seem like it does.

(I had to remove some of your post because it wouldn't let me post my post since I'm new. (It had a link below and I got an error message)

[QUOTE=GeneAllen;160535]I am making a challenge, although mainly to myself, as I need this. The goal is to write 5 things you are grateful for each day, people places, things, even feelings, thoughts, and as I do this my hope is to set a fire to my ability to examine those very real things in life that are indeed much needed, to see the little things that I keep in the recess of my mind, the things I do not notice when I'm wrapped up in life experiences. ...

04-15-2014, 04:09 PM
I am grateful I have a home, a family, food and water.

I am grateful I'm getting back into weight training

I am grateful I broke up with my gf - was the source to many of my anxiety problems.

I am grateful I'm back into football training

I am grateful I'm still breathing

04-16-2014, 09:38 AM
I really appreciate your post about gratitude. I've recently had some things going on in my life that brought up a very high level of anxiety and reminded me of my past when panic attacks controlled my life. I found this forum when I was doing a search to see what is out there these days regarding anxiety. I found this forum and came here, hoping to find discussions about some of the latest good news about anxiety but I saw so many posts from people in pain and discussing medications instead. I don't mean that in judgement but I like to find things that give hope. So it was so nice to see this post about gratitude. I have found that when nothing else works, sitting down, taking some nice deep breaths and thinking of something to feel grateful about always works. It keeps your mind busy and uses different networks in the brain. You can't focus on two things at the same time so it's a nice break from experiencing that horrible feeling that takes over when anxiety is there.

There is a lot of new research out that shows how effective it is to do "mindfullness meditation." I committed to just 5 minutes a day a year ago and it make a tremendous difference. All you have to do is sit down and tell yourself you will focus on breathing in and out, for example, for 5 minutes. When your mind wanders, which it will, that's fine. When you notice it, you bring it back to your breath. That actually improves your brain and even changes it's structure in a very short amount of time-like weeks instead of years as was once thought. It has a very calming affect. That's the first thing I think of doing when I feel that old familiar feeling of anxiety coming on.

So I will just end this by saying, "I am very grateful to have found this post!"
I am grateful for the brilliant dedicated scientists working long hours to help other people find solutions to the issues that rob them of peace.
I am grateful for my mom who was in my corner a couple of years ago when no one else was there with me.
I am grateful for the things I have learned that help me have more peace in my life.
I am grateful for my beliefs that help me always know there is reason to hope and strive to be my best, knowing it matters even when it doesn't really seem like it does.

(I had to remove some of your post because it wouldn't let me post my post since I'm new. (It had a link below and I got an error message)

[QUOTE=GeneAllen;160535]I am making a challenge, although mainly to myself, as I need this. The goal is to write 5 things you are grateful for each day, people places, things, even feelings, thoughts, and as I do this my hope is to set a fire to my ability to examine those very real things in life that are indeed much needed, to see the little things that I keep in the recess of my mind, the things I do not notice when I'm wrapped up in life experiences. ...

Thank you for your post. A fellow Nashvillian as well. Well I was there, now I'm north of Tennessee, but only 1.5 hours.

Had to get in the mountains for a while. Mindfulness is great. It seems to imply a mind full of stuff but actually it's a lack of thought and the voice in the head that is always judging,

conceptualizing etc. Nothing wrong with that until it gets out of balance, and we don't have the grounded time in our bodies. I see this as your first post. I hope you have more.


04-16-2014, 10:36 AM
I am grateful for:
* My mother and family.
* The roof over my head.
* My (soon-to-be) hubby.
* The beauty of nature.
* My two kitty cats.

04-21-2014, 06:17 AM
Looks like the thread is still going, but slowing down. Its getting warm outside and people are doing their warm weather fun stuff. Great!!

I am grateful my mom's kidney tests have come back normal.

I am grateful my phone is starting to ring for jobs to do with my metal working business.

I am grateful for the heart to heart my dad's new wife and I had, and the openness it has brought with it. I am still letting go daily, so I she.

I am grateful my dad has been feeling well since the chemo and radiation. Walking the mountain and coming over to my shop to chit chat.

I am grateful for all the members I have seen feeling better, and how far we have all come. As well as the new ones taking crucial steps to being free.

I am grateful we have this place to come and rest, and share the heavy hearts we have at times, as well as the joys.

Peace Y'all

04-21-2014, 06:47 PM
Today I am grateful for....

The meds that I do take for back pain management. They are always there when I really need them.

The life and spunk of my dog. Sometimes she makes me mad and crazy but the eternal love in her eyes makes all her faux pas all forgiven.

The life and spunk in my son, sometimes it sounds like a herd of elephants jumping on the ceiling, but he is enjoying himself immensely and isn't that what life is all about.

My husband who for the last two days tolerated an emotional, anxiety ridden wife, who almost single handedly ruined Easter weekend for all. The hugs and understanding came just at the right time.

The ability to strive to be as understanding and compassionate to my husband as he is with me.


04-24-2014, 06:50 AM
I am grateful for unexpected realizations that come while half awake and half asleep.

I am grateful for the people here from other countries.

I am grateful for other cultures, foods, music, and humor.

I am grateful for all the singing birds here in my yard and the deer who pass thru the yard each evening with their babies (fawns).

I am grateful for dreams while sleeping.

I am grateful that my dad now has some payment for PTSD from the Vietnam conflict.

I am grateful I am now coming to accept his new wife, and we are speaking more often as a family.

I am grateful I am right where I need to be at this moment.

I am grateful I don't have pee pants. :D , and that I still have a sense of humor though a bit off kilter. LOL

Peace Friends

04-25-2014, 04:42 PM
I am grateful for the time spent with my dad today.

I am grateful for those who take a stand and speak up when others are not treated fairly.

I am grateful the world and others remind me it ain't all about me.

I am grateful for old dogs and children and watermelon wine.

I am grateful I am a winner, overcomer, pioneer, and passionate about life.


04-26-2014, 07:26 PM
Today I am grateful for.....

My home, my sanctuary, the place I want to be after a tough Saturday at work.

My quick and mostly logical brain

Being able to step in and lead when the leaders seem lost

Keeping calm amid chaos

All those who come here and share their stories, we have much to learn from eachother.


04-27-2014, 01:30 PM
I am grateful for:

The time I had with my father -- he was my teacher, my most enthusiastic supporter, and my best friend

The good education my parents gave me, which has enabled me to support myself and my family

Good health

My grandfather, a humble and virtuous man who gave a lot and never sought anything in return (I hope, some day, to be half the man he was)

My faith; I never feel like I am walking alone

05-01-2014, 04:36 PM
I am grateful worries fears and depression cannot stand long in the light of conscious awareness.

I am grateful there is a road everyone must take and they are all the "right" road.

I am grateful that the wrong train can always get you to the right station.

I am grateful for my grandchildren.

I am grateful as I sit and watch the bird day in day out sit on my truck mirror and look at himself, flutter around and just amuse me. LOL

I am grateful to see dad walking the mountain everyday almost and to have him around to ask questions about a weed wacker when I get stumped.

I am grateful for the chocolate goodies my daughter made yesterday. Oh and coffee too.

I am grateful this thread is still going, and for those who find it useful, as it is a part of the foundation to health for us all.

A reminder to help us recall what "gratefulness is". http://youtu.be/F-iTlKDVwng
Peace y'all

05-03-2014, 05:45 AM
1) I am grateful to have my Parents with me who support me a lot

2) I am grateful to have a wonderful life which i enjoyed a lot.. before this anxiety (only this phase is being tough)

3) I am grateful to have a good health. Although i have anxiety but am much better than many sick and ill people around the world

4) I am grateful for being loved by my friends and family

5) I am grateful for all the unlimited God's blessings...

Am glad to have found this thread... :) Do i need to do this for 5 days?

05-03-2014, 06:10 AM
Do it as much or as often as you wish.

05-03-2014, 06:34 AM
I'm grateful for

1) having an amazing son and hubby who make me happy everyday :-)

2) the beautiful sunshine today

3) always having enough to eat and a home I love

4) my anxiety and depression being a little better the past few days

5) for all the wonderful and amazing people I have met on here who are helping me get through

How have I never posted on this thread before? :-/

05-03-2014, 11:21 AM
Hi Gene:

It is a beautiful thread that makes me very happy to respond:

1. I am grateful that a few decades ago, I was struck with anxiety, depression, and panic. I am even more grateful to have experienced complete cure in the past 3 years ! My story is a journey through both hell and heaven, and I only exchange this amazing experience with pure love, which I have not been able to master, yet. God works in mysterious ways !

2. I am grateful to my wife who supported me throughout the years.

3. I am grateful to my parents who did not abandon me despite their lack of
understanding on what went through my mind, and life.

4. Again, I am grateful to my wife that familiarized me with the works of Rumi.

5. I am grateful to God that made me an affluent, and recently a formidable person, despite all my shortcomings.

Thanks and regards,

05-04-2014, 04:56 AM
Today I am grateful for.......

Waking up and feeling well. No nausea as usual. And have some energy.

My carpet shampoo machine. Wet spring + muddy dogs = disgusting carpets.

My fantastic husband. Even when he has to go to work on my days off he always kisses me goodbye and tells me how much he loves me.

The miracle of grass growing, after a long winter a green lawn is so welcoming.

A good cup of tea.

05-04-2014, 05:35 PM
I am grateful for making it another day without smoking, omg did I want one today.

I am grateful that my daughter is not upset that we are not going to the father daughter dance ( whew!!!)

I am grateful that we were able to make our mortgage payment AND still get food.

I am grateful for a wife who puts up with my sh^#$

I am grateful for all the nice folks I have met on here.

05-04-2014, 07:03 PM
Thanks John, you are a terrific addition to our group! Grateful for you and your insights and compassion.

05-04-2014, 08:29 PM
Thanks Pam

05-05-2014, 05:36 AM
I am grateful for...

1) Having almost everything that i need with me...

2) for such a loving and caring family

3) for having this community where i can find help any time

4) all those things whom i have never been grateful for till now


5) for the slightest / tinniest improvement in my anxiety

Hoping for more improvements

05-06-2014, 11:29 AM
Today I'm grateful for

1) getting a job
2) this beautiful sunshine we are having here
3) reading posts on here of people doing so much better now
4) feeling so much better myself
5) finally finishing my gloss painting

05-06-2014, 10:37 PM
Today I am grateful for:
1) The amazing support I have from my family.
2) I have an incredible job that I thought would never be attainable for me.
3) I think I am making some headway in controlling my anxiety. Therapy, meds, writing, more therapy.
4) The days are getting longer. I love the sun.
5) I have discovered this forum. It looks like a great place to aid in anxiety recovery.

05-07-2014, 02:29 AM
Am grateful for

1) The support of my family, especially my Mom
2) Being able to go out for a while after many days
3) For the awesome weather
4) For slightest further reduction in my anxiety
5) For being well enough to right this post... :)

Stay blessed all of u...

05-08-2014, 02:55 AM
Today i feel grateful for...

1) The positive energy that i feel within me
2) For the words of encouragement of all the people here
3) Being blessed by God with so many things
4) For the slightest improvement/reduction in my anxiety
5) For being able to realize that i have to make myself feel better...

05-08-2014, 03:57 PM
Today I'm grateful for

1) my dad getting good results at the doctors
2) having an amazing family
3) having very little anxiety today
4) always having enough to eat
5) my amazing cake my sister and niece made me

05-08-2014, 06:51 PM
Amazing people here relating their gratefulness while still undergoing some pain with anxiety. This is an important foundational step for long term recovery. We want to be honest about all of who we are and not deny or suppress emotions, but it does not cost us any more to work up the good energy to THINK about things we are truly grateful for. When I began this thread I did not FEEL so easy about saying what I was grateful for, it was damn hard for me, so I applaud y'all who come here and give it a try. Thank you for sharing as it encourages me and everyone who reads and is not quite to post here yet, so good job folks.

I am grateful for spending the day with my dad, taking him to dinner, and just feeling comfortable doing this.

I am grateful for spaghetti, fresh produce and the planting season right now.

I am grateful my son shares his favorite songs with me regularly as I end up liking most of them too.

I am grateful for vitamin D3, and magnesium chloride, I feel so much better since taking these vitamins and minerals. D3 is actually a hormone.

I am grateful my brother is getting a bigger place to call home and a little land too.

I am grateful for my daughter getting better and being strong at this time of loss, and illness.

I am grateful for the mistakes I make and the chance to learn or re-learn something new.

Peace folks :D

05-08-2014, 08:01 PM
Today I am grateful for....

The amazing people here who come to the aide of so many. Especially when a long time member reaches out to their friends. The response touches my heart.

My crazy dog, she treats me like a door man, in and out, in and out, but I love her just the same.

A day off tomorrow. Yeah!

My husband walking in the door from work.

A good night sleep. Hopefully!

05-09-2014, 02:20 AM
Am grateful for...

1) A positive step that i am taking to feel better from inside.
2) For being able to do what i want to do
3) For having a lovely family
4) Being able to smile.... :)
4) Slightest reduct reduction in my anxiety ......Though its slow, but i know it will be fine eventually

05-10-2014, 02:24 AM
Am grateful for

1) Being able to pray
2) For making v.slow but steady reduction in my anxiety
3) For being able to believe that one day I will be fine...
4) For having lovely memories....
5) For having a slight energy within me to move forward

05-11-2014, 02:43 AM
Today am grateful for.....

1) Waking up and seeing this nice sunday morning...
2) For having my everyone at home today with me
3) For feeling determined
4) For the tinniest further reduction in my anxiety
5) For being able be grateful for all these things and many more .....

05-13-2014, 02:49 AM
Today am grateful for....

1) The lovely weather :)
2) For being able to slowly overcome my anxiety
3) For being able to enjoy many things
4) For having support of my family
5) For many blessings of God on us ....

Stay blessed....

05-13-2014, 06:34 AM
I am grateful my cousins cancer is in remission.

I am grateful I have both parents alive and well.

I am grateful for learning to talk less and listen more.

I am grateful my mind finds it easier to think of things to be grateful for.

I am grateful for all of my cousins and our love for one another.

I am grateful for my brother.

I am grateful for the reminder that "life is a banquet, and there is no need to starve to death".

I am grateful for learning the difference between "LIFE" and life experiences, Life being all that is, and life experiences being what I tell myself about my place within it all.

I am grateful to see Hun posting regularly, and seeing the change people make in their own lives.

Peace friends

05-14-2014, 12:28 AM
Read the magic by rhonda bryne :) its a book on gratitude

05-14-2014, 02:48 AM
Am grateful for..........

1) Waking up this wonderful morning and seeing the sun shine..
2) For being able to do some work that I was not doing befor
3) For being able to smile ...
4) For having my family around
5) For the encouraging words of Geneallen and other members on this forum...

05-16-2014, 03:56 AM
Today i feel grateful for...

1) Being able to remain calm though was feeling a bit panicky
2) Being able to cook after so many days yesterday :)
3) Being able to understand that I have to deal with my anxiety from inside
4) For having my family around
5) For all those little but important blessings that we ignore daily...

Stay blessed all of u :)

05-16-2014, 04:48 AM
Today I am grateful for .....

The magic pills my doc gave me yesterday. It's amazing what can happen when your body gets the hormones it needs. Best sleep I have had in months!

Having a mini vacation, 5 days in a row off work. Yay!

5 days to spend with my husband!

The member here who so kindly wrote to me that the suggestion I gave her works and she is feeling better. That is so rewarding and wonderful to hear.

05-17-2014, 02:40 AM
Today I feel grateful for...

1) For being able to enjoy the music after many many days
2) For the weather its calm and lovely
3) For the slightest further reduction in my anxiety
4) For the hope inside me... :)
5) For everything... that everything that made me smile... taught me a lesson, or gave me hope.. :)

And to all those people who encouraged me here...and replied to my questions too :)

05-18-2014, 02:25 AM
I feel grateful for...

1) Lovely weather again :)
2) For being able to remain calm, though am feeling a bit panicky inside
3) For being a girl...
4) For having many people who love me ...
5) And for countless blessings of the Lord upon us... :)

Have a lovely sunday every one...

05-20-2014, 02:08 AM
I feel grateful for...

1) For being able to write this post again...
2) For having this forum to share my thoughts..
3) For having such a loving and supportive family..
4) For everything that helped me in anyway..which i didnt even know is helping me..
5) For being able to walk, write and do many things... which many cant do..

Though am anxious, but we should be grateful that we are better in many many ways than others... Its gonna be okay

Stay blessed... :)

05-21-2014, 07:36 AM
Today i feel grateful for...

1) Being able to go out for a short round again... (Atleast am trying in small steps...)
2) Being able to laugh ...
3) For unconditional love of my family...
4) For the high hope inside me...
5) And for the tiny reduction in my anxiety which i might have not even noted..

Stay blessed...

05-22-2014, 02:39 AM
I feel grateful for....

1) the beautiful nature... sunshine and some cool breeze... :)
2) being able to smile...
3) For the slightest further reduction in my anxiety...
4) For having this forum and lovely people here and specifically this gratitude post....
5) For all those things for which I have never been grateful ....

Wishing everyone love, happiness and anxiety free life.....

05-23-2014, 02:42 AM
I feel grateful for....

1) Friday... yes it is... :)
2) For having my Mum, Dad n bro around...
3) For any reduction in my anxiety which i might even not be noting....
4) For having some positivity and hope of betterment inside... :)
5) and for the positive motivational real life stories/experiences...

Stay blessed...

05-23-2014, 11:40 AM
Things I am grateful for....
1) That the weather is nice
2) That my anxiety is mostly staying in check today (so far)
3) Finally being able to identify a musical instrument that my grandmother had. I've been researching for over a year.
4) That its FRIDAY :)
5) That my brother is in town visiting.

05-25-2014, 02:49 AM
Today I feel grateful for..

1) Having my family with me...and its sunday :)
2) To have lovely friends in my life...
3) To be able to remain calm...though feeling anxious from inside..
4) For the slightest reduction in my anxiety
5) For being what I am...

Stay blessed...

05-26-2014, 05:33 AM
Today am grateful for...

1) Being in a stressful situation, nervous, shaky, but still being able to remain calm..
2) For being able to do many small but good things which i couldn't do in past 2 months..
3) For having a hope inside of being able to get over these fears and panic soon
4) For all the positive stories and positive people who tell that YOU CAN DO IT...
5) For having my lovely family with me.. :)

05-27-2014, 04:46 AM
Today I feel grateful for...

1) Being able to go out and inside a store after about 2 monthsss... Though I came back out quickly, but am happy n hoping to try again :)
2) For being able to calm down despite having anxious thoughts..
3) For my brothers vacations...
4) For my lovely family...
5) And for everything...that is even little but matters a lot to me :)

05-28-2014, 08:46 PM
I am grateful for my dads colon cancer surgery going so well.

I am grateful for all the support shown him.

I am grateful for the nice time I had visiting with my aunt and uncle from Florida

I am grateful the many here who are so sincere in their health and restoration and success.

I am grateful for the many inspirations I find here among friends who understand.

Peace Y'all

05-29-2014, 04:06 AM
Hi Gene, it's been a while, nice to see you again.
My thoughts are with you as you help your dad through his recovery from surgery.

I haven't posted on this thread in a while as I have been ill and only yesterday got a viable recovery plan.

Today I am grateful for......

Alternative medicine practitioners who look at wellness as a whole body experience rather than a single symptom at a time to be managed.

The human body's ability to heal itself if given the right support, whether traditional western medicine or more holistic approaches.

The availability of clean whole foods to help heal the body and lessen the toxic load that modern life and so called conveniences have exerted on the body.

The beneficial effect that stress relief has on the healing process, and the realization that stress in all forms is truly a destructive force on the human body.

The love and support if my husband who has watched me suffer and tried to help and now is so thankful that I took matters into my own hands and sought out a holistic method to help myself, even if he is quite annoyed that we won't be eating pizza in this house anytime in the near future... He considers pizza an essential food group. Unfortunately for me at this moment it is literally poison to me.

05-29-2014, 04:49 AM
I feel grateful for...

1) Feeling better from inside..
2) The tinniest further reduction in my anxiety...
3) For being able to do some work/write
4) For being myself.. :)
5) For my lovely family.. My Mom..and everyone who's an inspiration for me.. :)

05-30-2014, 02:22 AM
Today I feel grateful for...

1) the day today..its Friday..
2) For being able to take baby steps to overcome my fear...
3) For slightest reduction in my anxiety
4) For many things for which I never have been grateful, but they all are important...
5) And yes for having a better week than the previous one..

Stay blessed everyone.....

05-30-2014, 04:37 PM
Today I am grateful for....
1) My boyfriend's uncle had surgery today and it went well
2) I went 100 ft in the air on a ladder truck without a panic attack
3) That the weather is sunny and warm outside
4) That the weekend is here.

05-31-2014, 02:51 AM
Today I feel grateful for

1) Being able to laugh and smile..
2) For having my family with me...
3) For playing game with my bro.... :)
4) For all my friends and people around me who make me feel well...
5) For all those tinny things which matter a lot..... :)

06-01-2014, 04:17 AM
I feel grateful for....

1) My supportive and loving family...
2) For being able to go out and feeling better
3) For having a positive hope in me...
4) For all those positive things, people and events that make me feel better and motivated..
5) For the tinniest more reduction in my anxiety..

Take care...

06-03-2014, 02:37 AM
Today I feel grateful for

1) Being able to feel and be grateful/thankful... :)
2) For having this hope inside continue trying (though am feeling a bit weak outside)
3) For having the love of my family
4) For being blessed with many things which many people wish for.. (I should always be grateful)
5) For the little more reduction in anxiety (which i may not have even noticed) and being able to stay calm...

Stay blessed....

06-04-2014, 06:39 AM
Still waking up brooding at 5:00am but today I am grateful for

1. I was able to 'catch' myself and instead focus on breathing and counting backwards from 100
2. I have my physical health
3. I have a loving family and friends
4. I am giving myself permission to seek help in the form of therapy and if necessary medication
5. I am grateful that I have beaten this before so I know it's possible

06-05-2014, 06:04 AM
I am grateful for the options I have in life.

I am grateful that I can see the opportunities that sometimes come wrapped in adversity.

I am grateful for being an outside the box thinker.

I am grateful the bear here on the mountain didn't bother anyone or any pets last night.

I am grateful for the nurses and doctors at the veterans hospital my dad was in, I really thought it was going to be an inferior hospital, but was happy to see it was above average.

I am grateful to see my subtle want or need to be in control actually was part of the root of my anxiety, and seeing that turned my attention to learn how to surrender to life, and in doing so remembering it's all as it is, I can only choose what I prefer and that is wonderful.

I am very encouraged by the many posting here, and seeing this has become a very helpful tool for all who participate.

Peace y'all

06-12-2014, 12:07 PM
What the heck, I'll give this a shot. I like the idea behind it.

1. I am thankful for my beautiful girlfriend.
2. I am thankful for my job and the nice people that work here.
3. I am thankful to be moving out of this horrible apartment into a BRAND NEW apartment THIS SUNDAY!!
4. I am thankful for my battle-buddies that I've gone through crazy hoops with!
5. I am thankful for all of yall that are posting positive stories and tips/tricks to beat anxiety. I'm having an episode at work right now and feel much better. (hard to have a panic attack while trying to write out reports at the office!)
6. I am thankful for the original poster's idea to write out these things. Since I started typing, I already start to feel better.

06-15-2014, 04:15 PM
I am grateful for my father this fathers day.

I am grateful for my children and their kindness to me this day and all days.

I am grateful for the people here who have helped so many.

I am grateful for when I find it hard to love or be kind to another, it's my clue to give a little love to the inner me, and am amazed at how it all comes together when I do this.

I am grateful for my wife, her love, and humor, and intelligence. I also enjoy how damn sexy she is, and her deep kindness.

I am grateful for all of you here. Please know you are not alone, and keep moving forward with assurance that within each of us is our own unique answer, and it's not far away.

Peace Y'all

06-20-2014, 02:20 AM
Today I feel grateful for,

1) Reading positive experiences that encourage you
2) For being able to remain calm, though feeling shaky inside
3) For all those things that make me smile...relax and be worry free
4) For the tinniest more reduction in anxiety , it keeps changing, but at least it is improving somewhere.. should keep thinking positive
5) To have my family with me... who love me support me.. :)

06-20-2014, 02:47 AM
Today I'm grateful for

1) my wonderful support from my family

2) feeling a little better today

3) the amazing people on here that have helped me tremendously

06-20-2014, 06:08 AM
I am grateful for having this forum and thread as a tool to go back and see what I was thinking last week or months ago.

I am grateful that I can see when I'm not feeling that grateful and I can choose to continue on taking steps to recognize all I have, health, family, friends, loves, my dogs.

I am grateful to know that I don't have to have everything my way, and am so glad I don't looking back.

I am grateful that I can let life be, and not interfere or try to control it or others.


06-21-2014, 02:31 AM
Today I feel grateful for....

1) For being able to understand a bit that its gonna be okay with time.
2) For managing to remain calm though feeling scared inside
3) For the tinniest more reduction in anxiety that i wont have even noted
4) For all the lovely suggestions and help of people here...their words make me feel better
5) And for being blessed, for being grateful...for being able to be grateful.....

Take care

06-23-2014, 07:02 PM
I am grateful for being able top embrace what I judge as negative along with my positive, and letting things be as one in neutral position.

I am grateful for the website addictionalchemy.com lots and lots of good resource and great information all over.

I am grateful for HUN. She helped me lately with her questions.

I am grateful to see the sincerity of the people here.

I am grateful for all the help offered here and elsewhere today in a more open and acceptable time.

I am grateful for my children.

Thank you all


06-24-2014, 01:23 PM
1. I am grateful for my fiance who always knows how to calm me down and has offered me so much understanding and acceptance.
2. I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and a comfortable bed to sleep in.
3. I am grateful for my close friends, who I know I can always lean on and who make me laugh when I really don't want to.
4. I am grateful for my mind, even if at times I can't seem to control it and I end up an anxious panicked mess.
5. I am grateful that in less than a week, I get to travel back home. It has been over 6 years since I have been home and the last time was to bury my mother. This time, it will be to show my fiance how I grew up, the places that I went to, and to just enjoy ourselves.

06-25-2014, 04:46 AM
Today am garteful for...

1) Being grateful...this post which reminds me to be grateful for anything..everything.. :)
2) For the slightest further reduction in my anxiety
3) for GeneAllen...for being kind and helpful.. :)
4) For having my family at home today...
5) For all those things which i have..all the blessings..and all the gifts of God..

And I am grateful to the lovely people here for there support and love..

Stay blessed..

06-25-2014, 08:36 PM
I am grateful for my children

I am grateful for my wife

I am grateful for my dogs

I am grateful for the voice some people sing with

I am grateful for the amazing things people do with their lives, and enhance the lives of so many others.

I am grateful for the things others teach me about myself.

I am grateful for being as well as human, and the integration process of the whole.

I am grateful for the many opportunities I have.

Peace Y'all

Fight the stress
06-26-2014, 12:04 AM
Thank you all for sharing
Gratitude for everything around me, every object, critter and animal
Gratitude for Nature and the beauty is provides
Gratitude for each breath my body takes to feed my organs
Gratitude for my spirit that is the driving force within me
Gratitude for you!

06-28-2014, 07:53 AM
Am grateful for...

1) Being able to stay calm when i was very anxious inside
2) For having my loved ones with me
3) For all the positive people who make me feel better...
4) For being able to write this post and be grateful..
5) For the countless blessings and gifts i have..for which i have never been grateful..

Stay blessed

06-30-2014, 11:04 AM
Awesome postings.

I am grateful for this thread and the people who contribute, as well as those who don't ...yet. :D


07-01-2014, 02:30 AM
I feel grateful for...

1) Having a better day yesterday than the previous day
2) For being able to smile
3) For being okay in every aspect (the only prob I have is anxiety) otherwise am blessed
4) For having my lovely family with me
5) For the supportive people who make u feel better..and non supportive who give u a lesson to learn

Stay blessed everyone... This will pass soon I hope :)

07-01-2014, 09:01 AM
I am grateful for changes.

I am grateful to be heading out 800 miles to do a job for John Deere Harvester.

I am grateful for my wife and her love as well as our children, grand children parents.

I am grateful for the weekend my wife and I just shared in Nashville Tn. Also for the peaceful time with family.

I am grateful for you all here, and it's always a pleasure.

I will be without internet while away with work (most likely) so I will look forward to my return.

Y'all stay well, quit fighting the mind, it is useless, and in doing that you will see peace arise, just observe the mind and correct the faulty misinterpretations you have built.

Love all, honor all, and resist nothing, allow everything. Always look for the crack in the dark times, it will always show you your way through.

Peace and love to each of you.

Gene Allen

07-04-2014, 02:44 AM
Today I feel grateful for....

1) Another Friday... :)
2) For feeling a bit calm and lighter yesterday...
3) For having my Mom with me....
4) For being blessed by many things for which I have never been grateful for, but I should be.
5) For the slightest further reduction in anxiety that I might not have even noted...
6) Feeling a bit scared inside but am grateful for hoping and believing inside that "This too shall pass..." and its gonna be okay

Stay blessed,,,,

07-07-2014, 02:24 AM
I feel grateful for....

1) Being able to write this post...and do many other things which many cant do
2) For being able to take a bath/shower when I was scared of it.
3) For being blessed with so many things...
4) For having my family with me..they are so loving and caring.
5) For everything..that makes me feel better..move ahead...and forget my worries

Stay blessed all..

07-10-2014, 02:16 AM
I feel grateful for...

1) Being able to keep trying....and deal with inner fears
2) For managing to go out for a short round....after manyyyy days
3) For having such a lovely family..
4) For the slightest further reduction in anxiety...
5) For everything...that makes me smile..makes me forget my worries..and keeps my hope high..

Stay blessed everyone

07-14-2014, 05:57 AM
Today I feel grateful for,...

1) Getting up early....
2) For having this blessed month in my life..
3) For slightest more reduction in anxiety that I might not have even noted..
4) For being able to take baby steps ahead..
5) For all the things that make me smile, laugh and move on.. :)

Stay blessed everyone..

07-22-2014, 02:13 PM
Thank you for your blessings..
today I feel grateful for:
1. living and breathing for an additional day (such a gift)
2. for being able to hear all the beautiful sounds in life
3. for sharing my knowledge and help so many anxiety and panic sufferers...
4. for my home
5. for everyone that I can impact with positive intention :)

God bless. Share the love <3

07-22-2014, 09:39 PM
This so amazing thanks

1. I'm greatful for the people at the Center for Enlightenment where i just started going.
2. I'm greatful for God's love
3.I'm greatful that i found support in you guys on the forum
4.I am greatful for new doors opening
5.I am greatful that at this moment NO ANXIETY

07-24-2014, 01:59 PM
In random order.

1. I'm grateful the gas leak at work was minor and resolved quickly.
2. I'm grateful that the neighboring business was willing to allow me to sit next door while previously mentioned issue was resolved.
3. I'm grateful that despite many stressful situations today that my anxiety levels are fairly normal (for me).
4. I'm grateful that tomorrow is Friday (I love you weekend :) )
5. I'm grateful for another day of life.

07-25-2014, 07:00 AM
I am grateful for...

1. My time spent having my morning coffee on the deck in sunshine with the flowers in full bloom and the birds chirping.

2. I was "allowed" to sleep till 8am this morning before my cat decided to try and fit his fat furry paw up my nose as a gentle reminder it's food time. Haha! I really do love him!

3. The ability to go hike any trail, mountain or swim any river or pond I feel like. Such a beautiful free place I live in and continue tranquil thoughts.

4. I have just booked an appointment with a counsellor free of charge and it's only a week away, I realize that not everyone has this luxury. Hopefully they can shed some light on what's going on.

5. Last but certainly not least, I have an amazing boyfriend and very understanding family who have all been through the wringer with me on this anxiety trip. Yet they still stand strong beside me :)

This really was a pleasure to write I must say.

08-01-2014, 07:01 AM
Such a fantastic idea! Thank you!
1. I am thankful for my family and friends
2. I am thankful for my health
3. I am thankful for the support of GPs and hospitals
4. I am thankful for my lifestyle; I have a home, food in the cupboards etc
5. I am thankful for being alive

08-05-2014, 03:14 AM
I feel grateful for,

1) Having better days than before and keep trying
2) To my frnds and family for their support and help...
3) To my frnds here fot their kindest words...concern..and messages...that keeps me motivated. :)
4) For being able to go to doc a week ago...
5) And for everything that god has blessed me with... these little hurdles shall pass too

Stay blessed

08-05-2014, 03:18 AM
I am grateful for

1. My always supporting and loving family, friends and fiance
2. My (soon to be) masters degree in political science
3. That my symptoms (I have health anxiety) are better some days (must mean that nothing serious is going on with me)
4. For living in a free and wealthy country
5. For waking up the next day

08-05-2014, 03:20 AM
1. I am grateful that I have a loving fiance and family.
2. I am grateful that I have a place to live.
3. I am grateful I have the ability to earn a living.
4. I am grateful for days when I don't feel anxiety.
5. I am grateful for the future I have ahead of me.

08-12-2014, 03:52 PM
Things I am grateful for:
1. Being able to scrape by, financially, while trying to recover :)
2. Being able to love and be loved at the hardest time of my life
3. Having access to services that are designed specifically to help people like me.
And now my mind begins to fail me... So we expand the reach...
4. Being literate!
5. Being physically able, despite the IBS I have good physical health! :)

10-16-2014, 03:42 PM
1. I am thankful I have good health.
2. I live in a place with heat. (lived 5 months without it)
3. I have 2 awesome cats.
4. Coffee
5. I have makeup to hide my face.

10-16-2014, 04:17 PM
1. My support network
2. Intellectual interests
3. The time and money to play pool
4. the moments of great euphoria I have experienced and will experience.
5. My family, and friends

Little Orc Lalung
12-10-2014, 05:16 AM
1.I'm happy I have a supportive family that support me in whatever condition i am facing right now
2. i'm happy even when my mind said i should be sad my mom will always cheer me up and give me a hug
3. I'm happy i can walk everyday and see beautiful things around me
4. i'm thankful that i have a peaceful country. no war
5. i'm thankful i can breath evertime i thought i can't.

thank u Lord for givin me this opportunity to share this to everyone. thanks for this post. made me happy

06-06-2015, 09:38 AM
1. I am so grateful for my boyfriend who supports me every day. It's hard for him to hear about my anxiety so sometimes it's hard to talk to him about it but when I do he tries to be as supportive as he can be.

2. I'm also grateful for my job. I thought anxiety was going to take over my life and make me quit my job, but I have found ways to get through my job and through my day at work.

3. I'm grateful that I have the ability to live on my own away from my parents and make my own rent. Although sometimes things are hard financially, I always find a way out.

4. I'm grateful for my parents who always support me no matter what. They also help me out financially here and there but more importantly they support me emotionally.

5. Lastly, I'm so grateful for my siblings who I can always have a great time with and laugh with. They're always there for me and they always have time for me.

06-06-2015, 10:59 AM
Good thread to bump. And good things to be thankful for

This thread needs to be started again in the general section where people will see and respond to it

healed patient
06-06-2015, 11:18 AM
1.I'm happy I have a supportive family that support me in whatever condition i am facing right now
2. i'm happy even when my mind said i should be sad my mom will always cheer me up and give me a hug
3. I'm happy i can walk everyday and see beautiful things around me
4. i'm thankful that i have a peaceful country. no war
5. i'm thankful i can breath evertime i thought i can't.

thank u Lord for givin me this opportunity to share this to everyone. thanks for this post. made me happy

the same fore me:) especially my mom she helped me intl i take my happiness and heal from all my problem and panic attacks

06-06-2015, 11:45 AM
Good thread to bump. And good things to be thankful for This thread needs to be started again in the general section where people will see and respond to it

I restarted this thread in the general section, great idea!

06-06-2015, 11:56 AM
Want to join in with this thread? There's a brand new one here:


07-24-2015, 11:42 AM
Thanks, this is a great idea and will start doing it on my mornings

08-28-2015, 04:17 PM
I used to do something similar, which was 5 good reasons to get up today (when I was really struggling with motivation.)
I like this idea. I'm going to try this every day.
1. My brothers who look after me
2. My best friend who has been through this herself and offers me no judgement only understanding and brilliant advice
3. My boyfriend who deals with everything I have to throw at him
4. My new mattress which has stopped my aching back :)
5. The dinner my mum cooked early, so good!

08-30-2015, 05:12 AM
Today I don't feel I have much to be thankful for but going to give it a go.
1. My amazing supportive family
2. My great friends
3.My health
4. my gorgeous poochies, a pain in the neck at times. But have been so loving today
5. Finding my way back here

08-30-2015, 06:19 AM
Well done Petrified, sometimes it's hard to find things to be thankful for, but I believe there is always something. Maybe not 5 every day, sometimes even more.

Here is what I am thankful for this morning......

1. Petrified is back . I missed her so much

2. A great chat with a dear friend last night

3. Strong tea....its morning, need I say more

4. Reading glasses.....for the same reason as above....and the old eyes are blurry this morning.

5. My amazing husband.

08-30-2015, 06:50 AM
1) For sleeping past 5 or 6 am this morning (meds have been waking me up early recently)
2) For people who understand anxiety and depression that I've met on this board
3) For herbal tea which has the amazing ability to calm me down just by concentration on sipping it
4) My glasses, allergies have been terrible recently so I've been relying on them to see more
5) My boyfriend, he's not perfect but is amazing supportive of me

08-30-2015, 07:29 AM
Nice list superchick,

Just keep one very important thing....you do a great deal for others here too. That's worth so much to many.

08-30-2015, 04:12 PM
Nice list superchick,

Just keep one very important thing....you do a great deal for others here too. That's worth so much to many.

Thank you :)

Anxious Abi
10-04-2015, 03:00 PM
I am grateful that sometimes I can still find the humour in it all.
For good music, good advice received, being able to relax and my lovely cats.

11-25-2015, 03:46 PM
I'm grateful for having been given so many chances
For still having good health
for being able to eat everyday
for having a roof over my head
for having loving parents

01-08-2016, 07:46 AM
Yeah, I used to do a daily gratitude list. It does make you feel a lot better.

Zen + Lion
01-29-2016, 08:14 AM
Haven't seen the youtube video yet but, here i go...

1. Grateful for my mom
2. Grateful for my girlfriend always putting up with me.
3. Grateful for having a good job
4. Grateful for my dog who always calms me down.
5. Grateful for a roof over my head.

My personal anxiety blog - zenpluslion.com

03-11-2016, 07:45 AM
Hey there, hope you all don't mind me dropping in!

1. I'm grateful that I have a stable income. I understand that there are many more people who are not as fortunate as I am.
2. I'm grateful for the internet - not only for entertainment and memes, but the information and tips that I've discovered about anxiety has really helped me for the better.
3. I'm grateful for the existence of pizza - Seriously, it is the perfect food.
4. I'm grateful for living in Florida. Even if some of the people are crazy here, it's such a nice place, and there's no snow!
5. I'm extremely grateful for my father and stepmother for being understanding of my anxiety and having been supportive in general.

James Waide
04-11-2016, 06:02 PM
I am coping with anxiety with the Natural pen. It has been a God Send.
I got tired of the "happy pills" and knew there had to be a all natural remedy for anxiety.
Try it 1686

05-14-2016, 07:20 AM
Wow, what a great idea for a post! :) I love it. It's a great way to refocus our attention on the positive things in our lives... and actually realize what an amazing and friendly universe we live in.

Okay, so here I go.

1.) I'm grateful for my mom who has sacrificed a great deal for me. She raised me as a single parent, worked 60-70 hour weeks doing manual type of labor and was an awesome mom despite all that. I have learned so much from her and she continues to be a beacon of love and hope to this day. I can only hope that one day I can be the same inspiration and motivation to my own kids. What an amazing person to have in my life, really.

2.) I'm grateful for my wife, with whom I want to spend the rest of my life. She accepted me for who I am - with my obsessive compulsive tendencies and anxiety/depression. Even since I was a young boy I've dreamed of a beautiful wife but I could never really believe that any beautiful, loving girl would want me of all people. As my anxiety started getting worse in high school, I was never popular with girls. Like, I had no girlfriend in high school... or in college I was convinced that no one wants to be with me. The fact that my wife chose me and continues to love me to this day is proof for me that anything is possible and that no matter what limiting beliefs you have, you can overcome any challenge if you try hard enough.

3.) I'm grateful for my eduaction. Science and school gave me the tools to understand the world and myself a little better. Education has taught me that there is a solution to every problem and if you don't have a solution than it's time to roll up your sleeves and work a little harder. Education allowed me to meet some amazing teachers, some of whom became like parents to me.

4.) I'm greateful for this thread. :) It made me think about some awesome things that I might not have noticed otherwised. Thanks everyone for sharing, it's been a pleasure reading through it all!

5.) I'm greateful for my anxiety. It allowed me to feel things that I wouldn't have been able to feel otherwise, both good and bad. It made me more sensitive and patient with others. It endowed me with a great sense of empathy I think. It opened my eyes to the suffering of countless other people. It allowed me to grow beyond what I had imagined possible as a person. And it allowed me to meet so many amazing people that continue to lift me up like you guys.

06-03-2016, 01:44 AM
Anxiety: Self help,Depression,Phobia,Disorder,Social anxiety,Fear (Road to True Happiness Book 1)
by Prince Jmal

I have a book on kindle that talks all about anxiety and if you need more info you can message me (:

Anxious Abi
10-31-2016, 07:28 PM
I am grateful to GeneAllen for starting the thread and that there are decent, kind people out there, even though sometimes it doesn't seem like it.
And that my newest rescue cats spay wound has finally healed and she no longer has to wear the cone, she seems happy, and that makes me happy.

11-17-2016, 09:04 AM
5 things I'm grateful for:

The sun is shining today
I have a support group meeting today
I get to see a special someone on saturday
I have one friend in particular who has been helping me with my anxiety
I have a lot of penpals around the world who are excited to talk to me

01-19-2017, 11:06 AM
This is an awesome challenge! Gratitude and a mindset of abundance have made huge impacts in my life.

1. My family
2. My lovely girlfriend
3. Food
4. Living in a first world country
5. Electricity

01-30-2017, 07:42 PM
Wow, what an amazing tread!

1- I am grateful for my mom who has always sacrificed a lot so my siblings and I would have a better life
2- My sister who has been supporting my decisions a lot the past few yaers
3- My true friends who are always there for me even though sometimes life draws us apart for a while
4- The phenomenal professionals who have provided me any kind of superb service and so amny strangers who have helped me when they didn't owe me anything
5- The many people who have hurt me for helping me to get to know myself and for making me stronger.

02-11-2017, 05:53 PM
5 things I'm grateful for:

The sun is shining today
I have a support group meeting today
I get to see a special someone on saturday
I have one friend in particular who has been helping me with my anxiety
I have a lot of penpals around the world who are excited to talk to me

Great list. Everyday I have a top 10 list of things I'm grateful for. Make it a habit and you'll begin to notice a different in your everyday life :)

03-04-2017, 09:32 PM
What a fantastic idea <3 I love this.

1. I'm grateful that I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and a fuzzy man and cat to curl up with at the end of the day.

2. I'm grateful that my parents showed me love, despite having a typical mother/daughter feisty relationship with my mom.

3. I'm grateful to be chubby, because it means I'm lucky enough to eat every day.

4. I'm grateful to live in a time when, even though there may be horrible people at the helm, we're all strong and supportive enough to stand together and fight for what's right.

5. I'm grateful this forum exists!

03-06-2017, 07:07 AM
On such a day of anxiety for me ( freezing rain tonight, my BIGGEST fear )

1- I am grateful fr my girlfriend who has been supportive through my anxiety crisis while she was dealing with depression herself
2- i am grateful i have a job when so many do not
3- I am grateful i began to meditate again ( so that my anxiey is a 7/10 instead of a 10/10 as it was last month )
4- I am grateful, hat, in spite of me financial insecurities, i have enough money ro have a house, eat well and even afford some luxuries
5- I am grateful that my doctor found so quickly a drug that allows me to get a good night sleep

03-06-2017, 02:00 PM
I've been listening to an audiobook about depression (and anxiety) from a neuroscientific view and he devotes a whole chapter to gratitude. I started writing things last night. I've done it before but it's one of those things (like deep breathing) which I need to hear the science behind before taking it seriously.

I won't write my things here but wanted to comment and bump this up because it's a great thing to do :)

03-07-2017, 09:40 PM
1. I have a hot af professor that makes going to class very entertaining ;)
2. My best friend is smart and hilarious and is a great support
3. These forums. Knowing that people are experiencing the same disorder as I am makes me feel so much less isolated in this struggle
4. My therapist. She kills me but we're getting to the root of my issues lol
5. I'm grateful for myself. I feel capable of getting better and I've been putting in a lot of work.

04-14-2017, 06:26 PM
1. That I am alive.
2. My boyfriend.
3. My father.
4. Netflix
5. Internet connection.

Barong Baj Baj
07-01-2017, 04:51 PM
Im struggling here....

02-20-2018, 04:13 PM
I am grateful for my height.
I am grateful for the air in my lungs.
I am grateful for the music in my life.
I am grateful for my hair
I am grateful for my friends

02-22-2018, 06:56 AM
I am grateful for many things :)

03-03-2018, 04:39 PM
I am grateful for the roof over my head,
my friends
my old photos
my body that's still intact
and my mind

04-17-2018, 01:58 AM
Gene you are a genius, such uplifting thread
I am grateful
Sun shining,, and cleared driveway
My hubby smiling
The bubbles of happiness inside me...
possibility of being an easy day in work
for the temps going up

04-24-2018, 12:59 AM
Beautiful thread