View Full Version : The paranoia has returned

Olive Yew
02-16-2014, 08:15 AM
I havent had a full blown panic attack again yet but the anxiety is sure there. Im paranoid. Sure I have some sort of terrible life threatening digestive disorder that's making me sick, tired, and lose weight (among other things). I know that I THINK it's leaky gut but I know that everyone on this site knows that Anxiety wont let you rest until you KNOW for sure. Last night I had so many issues sleeping. So. Many. Nightmares. And some of them were just more creepy than scary.
Everything all added up is making me really scared. I have a dr appt with my campus doctor on Tuesday.... But in the mean time Im stressed and scared and I just wanna be healthy again. None of this happened until I developed anxiety 7 months ago. I was FINE. I was a happy, healthy, teenage girl. I stayed up late for fun instead of for terror of what sleep will bring. I road roller coasters and went to the gym and had boundless energy. I was happy and laughed as much as I could. I had the confidence and mental stability to stay in a dorm room for a year with roomies who didnt like me and i'm even an introvert! I was the one encouraging my friends who have mental disorders (like anxiety, depression, PTSD, eating disorders, ect.) I was THAT kid... The strong if not air headed happy go lucky comic relief. And then -has to chuckle- Everything changed when the Anxiety Nation struck. Only the avatar, master of all 4 mental disorders can stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

Sorry. Dork moment.

But yeah.... I seem to do better when my man is here but i only get to see him once a week... Sometimes every other week. :( the rest if the time I'm struggle to remember how to breathe like a normal person and try to conceal, dont feel, dont let them know!

Another dork moment. I joke when I'm nervous. Sorry.

I JUST WANT TO LET IT GO! AND BE FREE!!! I hate this mental prison I'm in. On my good days it's like they put me on parole but then I do something to break parole and I'm back in the cells. I dont know what to do :(

02-16-2014, 08:45 AM
Ugh, I hated that nervous feeling, constantly worried. Especially when going to sleep, it was almost impossible. I thought I'd share some techniques and methods I used to overcome that feeling:

1. Exercise - Best thing ever. I don't know what it is, but when I exercise I somehow get so tired that I'm not able to worry. I just can't worry.
2. Magnesium and B-vitamins - Magnesium helps to control the central nervous system and B-vitamins (Not b12) make me sleep like a baby. Try them both, I promise you'll see a change.
3. Chamomile tea - After you've exercised, take a warm bath, take the vitamins and drink some chamomile tea. This feeling is AMAZING :D You'll sleep really good.
4. Distract yourself as much as you can. Watch TV, go out take a walk, listen to music etc.

I know you've probably heard this a hundred times. It really helps.

Wish you the best! :)

Olive Yew
02-16-2014, 11:42 AM
Ugh, I hated that nervous feeling, constantly worried. Especially when going to sleep, it was almost impossible. I thought I'd share some techniques and methods I used to overcome that feeling: 1. Exercise - Best thing ever. I don't know what it is, but when I exercise I somehow get so tired that I'm not able to worry. I just can't worry. 2. Magnesium and B-vitamins - Magnesium helps to control the central nervous system and B-vitamins (Not b12) make me sleep like a baby. Try them both, I promise you'll see a change. 3. Chamomile tea - After you've exercised, take a warm bath, take the vitamins and drink some chamomile tea. This feeling is AMAZING :D You'll sleep really good. 4. Distract yourself as much as you can. Watch TV, go out take a walk, listen to music etc. I know you've probably heard this a hundred times. It really helps. Wish you the best! :)

I'll try it :) thanks Alais