View Full Version : What's some of the worst things anxiety makes you feel?

02-16-2014, 08:02 AM
Since today I have to go somewhere I don't feel like going, I'm thinking about the attack I'll most likely get. :( I hate most how distant it makes me feel from myself, my sense of comfort, joy is so distant from me. The "feeling of non-feeling". I don't know how to stop it from happening and it makes me feel sick to my stomach knowing that it's coming, and worst, if I try and concentrate on relaxing, that just makes it 10 tomes worse. :(

Olive Yew
02-16-2014, 08:22 AM
I hate no-emotion days. It makes me feel like i dont care about my lizards or my friends or my boyfriend. It makes me feel like if I'm driving, i wanna drive off the side if the road to see if It'll even make me feel FEAR (not that I'm suicidal in the least bit).
I feel like i cant connect with anyone or anything and that makes me feel guilty (one of the few emotions i'm "aloud" to feel) because I feel like im letting all my friends and family down by not being the best me. I dont know if it's the WORST but it's deff. up there.

02-16-2014, 08:28 AM
vertigo dp and dr.but recovering thank god. u have no idea how it is to wake up and not feel ypurself or reality.that is a nightmare.

Olive Yew
02-16-2014, 08:30 AM
vertigo dp and dr.but recovering thank god. u have no idea how it is to wake up and not feel ypurself or reality.that is a nightmare.

Yeah that's pretty awful too. It's maybe tied for worst with me

02-16-2014, 08:31 AM
Yes, that "non feeling" is why some people start cutting, they cut to feel pain instead of numbness.. You just feel no connection... Don't feel guilty though you can't help it.

02-16-2014, 08:37 AM
Yes, that "non feeling" is why some people start cutting, they cut to feel pain instead of numbness.. You just feel no connection... Don't feel guilty though you can't help it.

yes sorry for them.i can totally understand.i never tried that or i dont even thought of that.i just used to bite my tounge :p.softly. now i beaten vertigo and dp but still some dr.but who cares it will go eventually.

02-16-2014, 08:52 AM
The thought of having the anxiety. That's the worst for me. Weird ha? It makes me feel suicidal and depressed whenever I think of it to much. It's depressing to know that you'll have a problem to carry through your whole life. I'm trying to see everything from a positive perspective tho.

02-16-2014, 08:54 AM
I'm not suggesting anyone cut, just saying, that's how people get started doing it..they feel so much emotional pain, they become numb, and don't know what else to do.

That has never been my particular approach to dealing with anxiety, but for some people, sadly it is.

02-16-2014, 09:12 AM
I go into psychotic rages..I can't see anyone, or anything around me for what it really is or who they really are. Yes, that's the worst thing that anxiety can and still does do for me. A ticking timebomb. An intermittent explosive disorder. And I don't flight....it's just the opposite side of that response. Taking my anti-psychotic med now to try and prevent it...

Have a good day all!


02-16-2014, 10:14 AM
vertigo dp and dr.but recovering thank god. u have no idea how it is to wake up and not feel ypurself or reality.that is a nightmare.

The disconnectedness is disgusting. Especially when it goes on for days, or weeks, or worse... You're not even you anymore, you're just this body that you kinda feel familiar with. You look in a mirror and it's like you recognize the face, but, it isn't you..

02-16-2014, 11:33 AM
The absolute worst for me is the intense depression I feel when I think about 'what if I have this anxiety for the rest of my life?' It makes me feel so intensely down.
Another bad one is when I get an ectopic beat and I just have a total break down. it scares the bejesus out of me. Eventhough ive had them a thousand times.. meh : (

02-16-2014, 12:45 PM
The disconnectedness is disgusting. Especially when it goes on for days, or weeks, or worse... You're not even you anymore, you're just this body that you kinda feel familiar with. You look in a mirror and it's like you recognize the face, but, it isn't you..

i had that for 2 months. now some dr god i hate it.

02-16-2014, 01:08 PM
The disconnectedness is disgusting. Especially when it goes on for days, or weeks, or worse... You're not even you anymore, you're just this body that you kinda feel familiar with. You look in a mirror and it's like you recognize the face, but, it isn't you.. This is my worst symptom too... It makes me feel like I'm going to lose it. Other symptoms are troubling too but with this I can catch myself mid conversation and then all of a sudden I'm like what the hell is wrong with me and I feel very déjà vu-y and dreamy... HATE it. I think the persistence of this is the worst... It goes on for so long and feels like you're totally going to lose yourself at times. It can last days or I can be doing really well and then - WHAM. Here we go again.

02-17-2014, 02:11 PM
boy the list is pretty long .

But in its hay day it would have to be thoughts of stabbing people .

Second would be the nightmares then the complete loss of all confidants and self .

Topping this all off would be the dizziness / dropping spells .

Oh my god, I remember when I had thoughts of stabbing people also, that was the first noticeable onset of my anxiety getting bad, happened in 2009.. I was stressing one night about something, and I started thinking about knives stabbing people, like it was a compulsive thought, it was upsetting, I thought I was going crazy..this went on for close to a year til I finally figured out, it was anxiety.. I connected it with being afraid of a knife in my kitchen, each time I looked at that knife, it would bother me.. and when I got tired or anxious, I kept thinking compulsively about the knife stabbing people, hurting people, even myself, once I figured out the triggers, the thoughts and fear vanished, but it was no fun while it lasted.. uhhh, anxiety is such a tricky bastard.

02-17-2014, 04:25 PM
Probably the worst effect/variety of my anxiety is the surreal, desensitization, the feeling like I'm going crazy, the feeling of realizing how strange your own consciousness is to the point of unreality. It's inescapable and makes me feel like some kinda alien. Happens a lot around the house, and after I eat at a restaurant, waiting on the check or something like that.

02-17-2014, 04:39 PM
No 1. Dizziness / vertigo type symptoms No 2. Breathing / tight chest No 3. Short fuse / irritability

02-17-2014, 06:50 PM
Sometimes i feel like a loser for people around me do not understand what a bad thing it is for those afflicted. People at work are cruel to me, treat me differently and talk about me behind my back and I cry. I have periodic anxiety and/or panic attacks at work and i cannot help it. Its gotten better but it seems like when I feel like my life is back on track i will "loose it" again. I have calmed down since I been on medication and cut back on caffeine but I have those moments that i will loose it and I embarrass myself. I bought myself a pet yesterday. I am hoping having something to come home to will be therapeutic for me

Also I feel that i need to avoid people and avoid forming relationships for my periodic meltdowns and anxiety attacks make it hard for people to like me or even be respectful.