View Full Version : いtrigger warningい SWINE FLU SCARE

02-15-2014, 08:53 PM
I live in Texas and we have had a outbreak in certain areas with the swine flu.. Its deadly.. Its all like flu symptoms... There were 6 reported cases in a town about a hour and half from my town, and one reported in a town 10 min away. All fatal. Im scared shitless. When I go out to eat at a buffet I use sanitizer before I go to get my food and after I get my plates everytime. And when I leave I touch nothing.. :/ is.this bad. I haven't gotten a flu shot because im scared it will make me sick :/

02-15-2014, 09:35 PM
No its not bad. I worry about the flu too. Why not just get the flu shot? At least it may help a bit....the cdc says that it can protect you somewhat from certain strains of the flu, thats better than nothing! I used to be so scared to take it before I had kids but now I take it and get the kids immunized as well so hopefully we have a better chance of not getting it.

I guess if you are dead set against the shot all you can do is just keep doing what you are doing. ....lots of hand washing, sanitizer, etc. Take care and hopefully we will be out of this dreaded flu season long enough.