View Full Version : Anxiety Up Today

02-15-2014, 07:28 PM
Hi guys...I need some advice.

So, I am not a fan of pit bulls. I especially do not want them around my kids. Growing up, I went to school with a boy who was mauled by a pit bull. His ears and nose had been bitten off. I have also read countless articles about children being attacked or mauled by pit bulls.

So, my brother in law, who lives with my mother in law sells pit bulls periodically. He only has them when they are puppies ( 4-6 months old) and then he sells them. I get nervous when my kids are over there if the dog that he has at that time is out of its cage. So today, my husband and son come back from my MIL house and my son is saying how he was training the puppy. They showed me two videos of my son playing aroubd with the dog and speaking to the dog in firm tones. I told my husband again that I wasn't comfortable with our son being around the dog too much because A) I just dont like the unpredictable nature of pit bulls and B) my son gets this false sense that he is now the "dog whisperer" and can engage any dog. My husband got mad and says I am treating him like he is a stepdad and can't handle the situation. Am I wrong? Are my feelings THAT outside of thr box? For the record, my husband gets very sensitive if I say ANYTHING negative about his family, however, he feels VERY comfortable saying whatever he likes about mine. I feel like what he wants is for me just to be quiet, not voice my concerns, and just hope for the best. I just can't do that!!!!!!! I really need a second opinion. Hes downstairs pouting right now, saying hes mad at me and has nothing to say to me as if I cursed out his family or something. I feel like this is some type of manipulation to try to make ME feel bad about stating my opinion.

Ok I will stop rambling now. Opinions needed please!

Terre Nova
02-15-2014, 08:55 PM
Hi guys...I need some advice.

So, I am not a fan of pit bulls. I especially do not want them around my kids. Growing up, I went to school with a boy who was mauled by a pit bull. His ears and nose had been bitten off. I have also read countless articles about children being attacked or mauled by pit bulls.

So, my brother in law, who lives with my mother in law sells pit bulls periodically. He only has them when they are puppies ( 4-6 months old) and then he sells them. I get nervous when my kids are over there if the dog that he has at that time is out of its cage. So today, my husband and son come back from my MIL house and my son is saying how he was training the puppy. They showed me two videos of my son playing aroubd with the dog and speaking to the dog in firm tones. I told my husband again that I wasn't comfortable with our son being around the dog too much because A) I just dont like the unpredictable nature of pit bulls and B) my son gets this false sense that he is now the "dog whisperer" and can engage any dog. My husband got mad and says I am treating him like he is a stepdad and can't handle the situation. Am I wrong? Are my feelings THAT outside of thr box? For the record, my husband gets very sensitive if I say ANYTHING negative about his family, however, he feels VERY comfortable saying whatever he likes about mine. I feel like what he wants is for me just to be quiet, not voice my concerns, and just hope for the best. I just can't do that!!!!!!! I really need a second opinion. Hes downstairs pouting right now, saying hes mad at me and has nothing to say to me as if I cursed out his family or something. I feel like this is some type of manipulation to try to make ME feel bad about stating my opinion.

Ok I will stop rambling now. Opinions needed please!

I honestly think your opinion on PitBulls is entirely ignorant. Also if you do your research on the most dog attacks each year and the breeds that attack the most.. You will find that it is Labs and German Shepherds!! My children have been raised with PitBulls and Mastiffs since birth! Never once have i had an incident EVER!! They sleep with my children and they protect my children!! That is such a negative thing to say about an entire breed, rather than the owners who train their dogs to be bad!
Theres no such thing as a bad dog but there is being a bad owner!! Dogs need to be judged by their character not their breed!!
In the 30's and 40's they were known as nanny dogs! Known for their love and loyalty to children and their families!
Fighting dogs are specifically trained to fight, they are severely abused and tortured.. An even in cases like the famous "Michael Vick" case most of his fighting dogs were rehomed to families with children and even other pets.. None out of the like 40 dogs had one bad report and most have peacefully passed on of old age..
Anyways i think your husband seems to know what hes doing and inducing your own fears into your children is not cool!
Anyways maybe do some actual research and gives these innocent, wonderful dogs a break!!

02-15-2014, 09:22 PM
Perhaps they do get a bad rap....but after seeing the damage that it did to a classmate....it really left me very nervous.

I do want to note one thing. I NEVER have anything to say in front of my kids. I have one that loves dogs and one that doesn't. I joke with my son who loves animals and tell him that we may have to get a job at an animal hospital when he gets older...or I tell him he might be destined to be a vet....so please dont make any unfounded assumptions about me when you ask me not to do the same.

02-15-2014, 09:35 PM
Something Terre said, the biggest biters of people are the little dogs.

Nothing like that Napoleon syndrome! But I suppose yeah, with pitbulls the damage is worse.

I wouldn't want my little kids around fighting breeds, I get where you're coming from. But like Terre says, the trainer of the dog and the way it's kept means a lot.

02-15-2014, 09:40 PM
I honestly think your opinion on PitBulls is entirely ignorant. Also if you do your research on the most dog attacks each year and the breeds that attack the most.. You will find that it is Labs and German Shepherds!! My children have been raised with PitBulls and Mastiffs since birth! Never once have i had an incident EVER!! They sleep with my children and they protect my children!! That is such a negative thing to say about an entire breed, rather than the owners who train their dogs to be bad!
Theres no such thing as a bad dog but there is being a bad owner!! Dogs need to be judged by their character not their breed!!
In the 30's and 40's they were known as nanny dogs! Known for their love and loyalty to children and their families!
Fighting dogs are specifically trained to fight, they are severely abused and tortured.. An even in cases like the famous "Michael Vick" case most of his fighting dogs were rehomed to families with children and even other pets.. None out of the like 40 dogs had one bad report and most have peacefully passed on of old age..
Anyways i think your husband seems to know what hes doing and inducing your own fears into your children is not cool!
Anyways maybe do some actual research and gives these innocent, wonderful dogs a break!!
Statistically most accidents happen with German sheperds and Labradors, pitbulls are the most responding dogs to training... No dog will let the animal it gets out of death squeeze, when the owner orders it, but pitt:)

Do not believe what people write or say about them. Unfortunately children get mauled and it is the fault of dogs owners, who do not train them well. People can get the dogs and do whatever they want to do to them, without the consequences...
responsible and smart owners have his dog trained well, treat the dog with love and respect and accident do not happen.

I did everything what was in my power to teach my children to love animals, even I'd had terrible phobia of dogs for years. I overcome it, I am crazy lover of dogs:)) so are my children and my grandchild too

02-15-2014, 09:43 PM
No dog loves kids as much as boxer does:)) I was breeding them for years:)

By the way Terre I am sorry I repeated what you said about GS and Labs, somehow I had not seen the first sentence ...:)

02-15-2014, 09:44 PM
Something Terre said, the biggest biters of people are the little dogs.

Nothing like that Napoleon syndrome! But I suppose yeah, with pitbulls the damage is worse.

I wouldn't want my little kids around fighting breeds, I get where you're coming from. But like Terre says, the trainer of the dog and the way it's kept means a lot.

Yeah...well that might be why I dont like Chihuahuas too. Ok, there, I said it. I DO like dogs though....black labs, and golden retrievers are my faves. Sorry if I seem snappy but I just got out of this disagreement and my temper is turned up to 10 already. Yes, im not at all comfortable around pits....although I have plenty of family and friends that have them..I just dont think I will ever get to the point of being comfortable with them. And if I am not comfortable with them, I am definitely not going to be comfortable with my young kids being around them.

02-15-2014, 09:50 PM
Statistically most accidents happen with German sheperds and Labradors, pitbulls are the most responding dogs to training... No dog will let the animal it gets out of death squeeze, when the owner orders it, but pitt:)

Do not believe what people write or say about them. Unfortunately children get mauled and it is the fault of dogs owners, who do not train them well. People can get the dogs and do whatever they want to do to them, without the consequences...
responsible and smart owners have his dog trained well, treat the dog with love and respect and accident do not happen.

I did everything what was in my power to teach my children to love animals, even I'd had terrible phobia of dogs for years. I overcome it, I am crazy lover of dogs:)) so are my children and my grandchild too

Hey there! I definitely do not keep my kids away from animals....but this isn't my dog. I honestly do not know how its being trained...we only drop over now and again. I just dont want to take any chances and then have regrets later. That honestlt goes for any strange or new dog. My son right now wants to run up to every dog he sees, and that is a major part of what worries me too. I am teaching him that he can't approach dogs that aren't familiar to him.

02-15-2014, 10:08 PM
yes you need to teach children not to run to dogs, first ask the owners then proceed.. I would not let my children contact with dogs I was not sure they are safe to with... I understand what you mean, it is difficult position , not to project the fears into children,and protect them at the same time. It is so difficult to balance ...

Terre Nova
02-16-2014, 01:24 AM
yes you need to teach children not to run to dogs, first ask the owners then proceed.. I would not let my children contact with dogs I was not sure they are safe to with... I understand what you mean, it is difficult position , not to project the fears into children,and protect them at the same time. It is so difficult to balance ...

Well, children running up to random dogs is a whole different story!
You do not trust a dog you've not met, nor does a person trust a dog they have not met.. Everything takes an introduction..
But specifically hating a breed is just as ignorant as hating the colour of ones skin, or reading a book by its colour..
Animals are amazing and so over abused. And the wrong statement can rile ppl up..
You nay have heard of a bad tragedy but do you fly? Or drive? Or walk across the street... All are dangerous... Doesn't mean you discriminate the whole field..
Sry i originally lost my temper and i spend my life rescuing all different animals!
Just like humans, nature in any stance can be unpredictable.. But with these dogs, i would trust more than an airplane!!

02-16-2014, 03:11 AM
My dogs are worst in this respect. Attacks children and vehicles. I never knew dog training was this important before getting them :(.

Terre Nova
02-16-2014, 04:21 AM
My dogs are worst in this respect. Attacks children and vehicles. I never knew dog training was this important before getting them :(.

Get your dogs some training then, no??

02-16-2014, 05:31 AM
Well, children running up to random dogs is a whole different story!
You do not trust a dog you've not met, nor does a person trust a dog they have not met.. Everything takes an introduction..
But specifically hating a breed is just as ignorant as hating the colour of ones skin, or reading a book by its colour..
Animals are amazing and so over abused. And the wrong statement can rile ppl up..
You nay have heard of a bad tragedy but do you fly? Or drive? Or walk across the street... All are dangerous... Doesn't mean you discriminate the whole field..
Sry i originally lost my temper and i spend my life rescuing all different animals!
Just like humans, nature in any stance can be unpredictable.. But with these dogs, i would trust more than an airplane!!

I understand what you are saying....but I honestly would feel the same way about other big breed dogs. If they are set off, there is nothing a small child can do to defend themselves. My aunt used to have a Doberman. She would put him away when we came to visit as kids. She didnt treat him badly or train it to bite but she also didnt want to take any chances. Im not saying that pits should be banned....I would just not prefer my young children playing too closely with one.
On another note, this post was really more about my husband who by the way, doesnt know the first thing about training a dog either, getting upset and turning it to something personal. Its as if I am not allowed to have an opinion about what I feel comfortable with in regards to my children. On another note, HE can feel uncomfortable with things for the kids and I am expected to understand and respect it. For instance, I wanted both of my kids to take a dance class. My husband said that he doesnt want his son to take a dance class. I said fine. Now, our son can't dance at all and when he tries to, my husband laughs at him. He has actually started refusing to dance now if we go out to a function, and says that he isn't good at it. I personally dont see anything wrong with a boy taking a dance class. My husband doesnt want my son taking a boys gymnastics class, but it is ok for our daughter to take the girls class. He is still downstairs pouting since last night....he slept downstairs over this conversation. It just astounds me how ridiculous he is acting.