View Full Version : I can't go near anything that reminds me of the stomach flu, is this abnormal?

02-15-2014, 02:18 PM
This might sound super weird so I apologize in advance, but I want to know if anyone has ever experienced this or something similar!

I have emetephobia and "pure obsessional" OCD, and whenever I go near trash cans, white garbage bags, ginger ale, saltines, and certain TV shows that I watched as a kid when I had the stomach flu, I start to feel nauseous, and I get that nasty gag feeling in my throat, and I start to feel like I have the stomach flu. Additionally, I avoid Lysol (usually used to sanitize areas where people throw up) and napping (which I only do when I'm really sick). I compulsively take my temperature, yet I absolutely hate thermometers, especially the ones that go under your arm, as my parents always used to take my temperature with that thermometer when I had the stomach flu as a kid. Is this weird? Has anyone else experienced this? :(

02-15-2014, 08:32 PM
This might sound super weird so I apologize in advance, but I want to know if anyone has ever experienced this or something similar!

I have emetephobia and "pure obsessional" OCD, and whenever I go near trash cans, white garbage bags, ginger ale, saltines, and certain TV shows that I watched as a kid when I had the stomach flu, I start to feel nauseous, and I get that nasty gag feeling in my throat, and I start to feel like I have the stomach flu. Additionally, I avoid Lysol (usually used to sanitize areas where people throw up) and napping (which I only do when I'm really sick). I compulsively take my temperature, yet I absolutely hate thermometers, especially the ones that go under your arm, as my parents always used to take my temperature with that thermometer when I had the stomach flu as a kid. Is this weird? Has anyone else experienced this? :(

Do you take any meds for OCD? It might help to calm some of your symptoms a bit but I think CBT might be helpful as well. I know I dont like the Lysol smell because I do equate it to sickness. I have a rather weak tummy myself so I know the sight of certain things can trigger that feeling but not things that I might of eaten when sick.

Did you get the stomach flu alot as a kid?

02-16-2014, 03:24 PM
Do you take any meds for OCD? It might help to calm some of your symptoms a bit but I think CBT might be helpful as well. I know I dont like the Lysol smell because I do equate it to sickness. I have a rather weak tummy myself so I know the sight of certain things can trigger that feeling but not things that I might of eaten when sick.

Did you get the stomach flu alot as a kid?

I tried Zoloft, and it made me feel like an absolutely different person, so I stopped it. I am in CBT though! Strangely enough, I've only had the stomach flu 3 or 4 times in my life, so no, I rarely got the stomach flu as a kid!

02-16-2014, 03:52 PM
How long did you take Zoloft for? I started by trying Lexapro and it and then I switched to the liquid version of zoloft and Buspar....it has been helping my GAD and OCD quite alot. Maybe you need to try a different med to help or experiment with different med amounts........

02-16-2014, 04:51 PM
If ive eaten somthing and then got a sickness bug i wont eat it again or a fried was sick after strawberry milkshake and i hate that now. I also had this obsession with taking my tempreture its only been tbe last 2weeks i have stopped id check every half an hours because i convinced my self somthing was wrong and if i lost my thermometer that was a different matter. I always use anti bacterial stuff to clean everything i buy cleaning stuff all the time when i dont need it but i have this thing about germs. I hate using public toilets too i always have to use hand sanitizer after ive left the toilets because im scared i catch an illness.

02-16-2014, 08:11 PM
How long did you take Zoloft for? I started by trying Lexapro and it and then I switched to the liquid version of zoloft and Buspar....it has been helping my GAD and OCD quite alot. Maybe you need to try a different med to help or experiment with different med amounts........

I was on Zoloft for about 3 weeks on 20mg of the liquid, and it completely kickstarted my OCD after it had been dormant for a while, and it also made am really sick (I lost 15 pounds) and it made me depressed, when I have no history of depression. I'm terrified to try a new medicine now :(

02-17-2014, 11:31 AM
I was on Zoloft for about 3 weeks on 20mg of the liquid, and it completely kickstarted my OCD after it had been dormant for a while, and it also made am really sick (I lost 15 pounds) and it made me depressed, when I have no history of depression. I'm terrified to try a new medicine now :(

Mine did that at first....I lost 18 lbs and had no appetite at all but after hanging in there for 6-8 weeks I started to feel much better.

02-17-2014, 03:25 PM
Mine did that at first....I lost 18 lbs and had no appetite at all but after hanging in there for 6-8 weeks I started to feel much better.

Really? The only issue was that I don't exactly have 6 free weeks to be sick, as I'm in school currently, so maybe I'll try one over summer break!