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02-15-2014, 12:38 PM
I feel as if anxiety is like cancer. A disease that you'll live with forever, feeling like death is near. I feel as if I'm on the edge to fall and I'm constantly trying to hold on and get up. I might aswell stop trying and maybe I'll get some rest. I can't live like this, this is psychic prison, mental torture. I'm holding on that edge for what? This life has nothing to offer but sh*t. I might aswell release. UGHHH!

I'm so depressed right now. My gf just left me, school is going like sh*t, no friends left and on top of all this; anxiety. As if I needed this. I can't see this from any positive perspective. I think I've dug a hole so deep that I'm never going to be able to come out from. F*ck this life, my religion and my family is the only thing holding me back...

02-15-2014, 12:45 PM
I feel as if anxiety is like cancer. A disease that you'll live with forever, feeling like death is near. I feel as if I'm on the edge to fall and I'm constantly trying to hold on and get up. I might aswell stop trying and maybe I'll get some rest. I can't live like this, this is psychic prison, mental torture. I'm holding on that edge for what? This life has nothing to offer but sh*t. I might aswell release. UGHHH!

I'm so depressed right now. My gf just left me, school is going like sh*t, no friends left and on top of all this; anxiety. As if I needed this. I can't see this from any positive perspective. I think I've dug a hole so deep that I'm never going to be able to come out from. F*ck this life, my religion and my family is the only thing holding me back...

I've been exactly where you are right now, perhaps even worse! but I'm anxiety free, suicidal thoughts are just part of the anxiety package, it's the fed up feeling, never give up, you will be anxiety free, never fight your anxiety - because if you fight it, you'll feel a lot less of in control, so give up to it, let go in other words. Hang in there

02-15-2014, 12:55 PM
I still can't accept it. It's not the anxiety itself that is causing me trouble, but thought of that I have it. I go around 24/7 thinking about it, making my life slowly fade away. I'm going to be nothing in the end. Nothing, empty. I might aswell end it here.

As I've understand there's no way to become anxiety free. You will always have it there. Maybe snoozed it or whatever, but it will eventually come up again. It'll never ever be gone. I'm 19 years old and I won't be able to handle this, to be at constant war, for about 40-50 years. I just can't handle this and that's the person I am.

02-15-2014, 12:58 PM
And WHY ME?? WHY F****ING ME? I don't deserve this, I haven't done anything bad. Look at all the rapists and murders, they deserve this. But bad always come to the good person, f****ing irrational, no logic

02-15-2014, 01:04 PM
And WHY ME?? WHY F****ING ME? I don't deserve this, I haven't done anything bad. Look at all the rapists and murders, they deserve this. But bad always come to the good person, f****ing irrational, no logic

shit man stop thinking that.life is beautiful. i know u since the start.it is time u talk to your family and make a visit to a psychiatrist. u deffinitly need some help. not meds but something.

02-15-2014, 01:10 PM
shit man stop thinking that.life is beautiful. i know u since the start.it is time u talk to your family and make a visit to a psychiatrist. u deffinitly need some help. not meds but something.

I don't know if anything is going to help this. Meds won't control my thoughts and terapist/psychiatrist are stupid. They're humans, just like everyone else. What makes them so special? That they're "educated" and qualified as a "terapist/psychatrist"? Intellect is something and rationality is something else. I've been to a terapist and she only made it worse, because she was a f****ing idiot.

I've talked to family and now they're just worried and anxious themselfs. I win nothing.

02-15-2014, 01:19 PM
I don't know if anything is going to help this. Meds won't control my thoughts and terapist/psychiatrist are stupid. They're humans, just like everyone else. What makes them so special? That they're "educated" and qualified as a "terapist/psychatrist"? Intellect is something and rationality is something else. I've been to a terapist and she only made it worse, because she was a f****ing idiot.

I've talked to family and now they're just worried and anxious themselfs. I win nothing.

i thought first that a simple pill wont help me but it sure did. i swear i was there.i wanted to end it.damn i thought i was blind.i had aches everywhere.i was depressed crying all day, but i didnt loose hope.got the pills suffered 2 weeks now i am super fine.i have my life back man i swear. i am super active now and my dp is cured.all i have is some dr.that will go with time. take meds man please. your hormones are messed up right now.i was there couldnt sleep for a month. but i choosed to live and made it.u can do it too

02-15-2014, 01:23 PM
i thought first that a simple pill wont help me but it sure did. i swear i was there.i wanted to end it.damn i thought i was blind.i had aches everywhere.i was depressed crying all day, but i didnt loose hope.got the pills suffered 2 weeks now i am super fine.i have my life back man i swear. i am super active now and my dp is cured.all i have is some dr.that will go with time. take meds man please. your hormones are messed up right now.i was there couldnt sleep for a month. but i choosed to live and made it.u can do it too

It'll make the anxiety itself worse.

02-15-2014, 01:35 PM
It'll make the anxiety itself worse.

first yes.but u can hold on for some weeks. then you will have yourself again. or u can take xanax along with it that will keep u super calm until the med comes in. talk to someone man.u cant end it now. u have a lot to live for. dont be stupid get your life back

02-15-2014, 01:38 PM


02-15-2014, 01:42 PM
I dont know, I really dont know. I feel like I have no options at all. Im making a choice between making it end or possibly making it worse.

02-15-2014, 01:52 PM
Little story for you..
An hour ago, I was depressed wondering if this life was worth living (I got alot of problems, more than I wish to share)...
I took a nap, or at least I laid down...now I'm up again, and wondering wtf was my real problem?
I was tired.....simple as that.

You're not going anywhere.
Still things for you to see and do in this world so get that fuckin shit outta yer head... and I don't ever type shit like that either.

See a fuckin doctor, take their advice, see a councelor, take some fuckin tiny tablet for awhile and quit this fucked up cycle of why this or why that...
and this I'm going to kill myself bullshit too...

and if someone else comes on here and says that he dont need no tablet he just needs to do a workbook and breathe deeply then I'm gonna beat yer ass!

Enough is enough!!!

And get over your damn fear of a tablet too because tablets save fuckin lives every day all over this world!!

Enduronman...and I didnt earn that name from being a pussy either.

02-15-2014, 02:18 PM
i was afraid of meds too. but they help people.look at me man.see my posts before and see them now.cmon man is not that hard to take a pill.it will and all this. they stop negative thinking and really help man. i have many friends who are recovered from meds.when your heart has pain u take meds, when your brain hurts u must take pills too.it is an organ just like every other organ.see a doc tomorrow and save yourself.

02-15-2014, 02:35 PM
Sorry guys, I'm having a bad day and I've had almost no sleep. Nothing to worry about, sorry if I freaked you out. It's all cool.

02-15-2014, 04:54 PM
I still can't accept it. It's not the anxiety itself that is causing me trouble, but thought of that I have it. I go around 24/7 thinking about it, making my life slowly fade away. I'm going to be nothing in the end. Nothing, empty. I might aswell end it here.

As I've understand there's no way to become anxiety free. You will always have it there. Maybe snoozed it or whatever, but it will eventually come up again. It'll never ever be gone. I'm 19 years old and I won't be able to handle this, to be at constant war, for about 40-50 years. I just can't handle this and that's the person I am.

there is a way to become anxiety free because i am!! I suffered off and on for 10 years...not anymore - trust me, you can and will become anxiety free

02-15-2014, 05:04 PM
there is a way to become anxiety free because i am!! I suffered off and on for 10 years...not anymore - trust me, you can and will become anxiety free

Can you explain a little more Greggs2583?

From reading your various posts and website info, you are 21? You have been anxiety free for 3 years? And you had anxiety for 10 years?

I'm genuinely intrigued (from a professional perspective) as to how having anxiety from such a young age as 8 years old, how you managed to recover entirely at 18.

02-15-2014, 05:17 PM
Can you explain a little more Greggs2583?

From reading your various posts and website info, you are 21? You have been anxiety free for 3 years? And you had anxiety for 10 years?

I'm genuinely intrigued (from a professional perspective) as to how having anxiety from such a young age as 8 years old, how you managed to recover entirely at 18.
Because I followed a simple process to overcome it in 5 weeks, I used The Linden Method

02-15-2014, 05:27 PM
Because I followed a simple process to overcome it in 5 weeks, I used The Linden Method

5 weeks?

It's just that I happen to be one of those really dumb folk that spent several years in university and hopelessly training for a career to simply ignore ground breaking cures that as you put it on your website :

" Modern psychology and medicine ignore the cure for anxiety disorders because of one or more of these reasons:

a) They do not have time to provide the true solution – so they ‘cut corners’

b) They ignore the truth so you have to pay for more sessions

c) They are incorrectly trained and do not know that this science exists

d) Despite knowing this science exists, they don’t know how to use it to cure you"

I stupidly work with clients on intervention based therapies over an average of 16 weeks of sessions (for free to a patient paid for by the NHS)

And we could have been cutting our budgets and waiting lists significantly on a 5 week programme, I'm wondering where we missed the boat?

02-15-2014, 05:34 PM
5 weeks?

It's just that I happen to be one of those really dumb folk that spent several years in university and hopelessly training for a career to simply ignore ground breaking cures that as you put it on your website :

" Modern psychology and medicine ignore the cure for anxiety disorders because of one or more of these reasons:

a) They do not have time to provide the true solution – so they ‘cut corners’

b) They ignore the truth so you have to pay for more sessions

c) They are incorrectly trained and do not know that this science exists

d) Despite knowing this science exists, they don’t know how to use it to cure you"

I stupidly work with clients on intervention based therapies over an average of 16 weeks of sessions (for free to a patient paid for by the NHS)

And we could have been cutting our budgets and waiting lists significantly on a 5 week programme, I'm wondering where we missed the boat?

you do realize the NHS recommends the linden method? look you'll have to contact them, I used it to cure my issues because everything else i tried didn't work

02-15-2014, 05:38 PM
you do realize the NHS recommends the linden method? look you'll have to contact them, I used it to cure my issues because everything else i tried didn't work

The NHS endorses everything from breathing exercises to anti psychotic medications, i have yet to see the linden being promoted as a "cure" and dismissing the astounding amount of research that is put into mental health.

It's great if it worked for you, my concern is the content in the above post.

02-15-2014, 05:48 PM
The NHS endorses everything from breathing exercises to anti psychotic medications, i have yet to see the linden being promoted as a "cure" and dismissing the astounding amount of research that is put into mental health.

It's great if it worked for you, my concern is the content in the above post.

Thanks :) it's recommended as an app atm, Like i said you'd have to ask about the content in the above post

02-15-2014, 06:02 PM
Thanks :) it's recommended as an app atm, Like i said you'd have to ask about the content in the above post

It was authored by you? On your website? Hence my question was directed to you!

I have no problem with the vast amount of therapies available, everyone is different and responds to different methods, my worry is that current trends such as CBT only claim a 50% recovery rate with a further 25%ish "significant improvement".
I am as yet to read any credible research to suggest anything to the same effect with any other anxiety/depression focused treatment other than medication.

It's concerning when anyone suggests a "cure" when it is still not fully understood by the best modern science has to offer. There are so many people trying to procure business from vulnerable people. I just sincerely hope that your genuine intention isn't so.

02-15-2014, 06:12 PM
I dont know, I really dont know. I feel like I have no options at all. Im making a choice between making it end or possibly making it worse.

Sometimes its hard to step out of that box and realize just how valuable life is. I've been there as we all have. It's not until these times Ill wake up in the middle of the night in a sweat with a sudden epiphany of how scary the concept of death and being no more for eternity is?! From then you realize you need to value your time here. Another eye opener is, meeting or thinking of those who struggle with a deadly disease like terminal cancer, who don't have the option of "should i end it? Or should I just try and make things better? It's such a luxury to have the decision. Get out there and make your moments matter. Overcome these obstacles.

02-15-2014, 06:31 PM
I feel horrible with my anxiety and I've had obsessive intrusive thoughts about suicide too, which just worsens my anxiety.

It's hard to remember when your anxiety and depression is peaking, but remember that we all have the power to overcome this shit and when I do, when whoever else who suffers does - life will be just as beautiful, and normal as it was before. Hang in there man, I recommend natural supplementing to help a little, it may even help a lot in the long term.. Medication is an option too(I've been on Ativan/Seroquel but I personally hate the side effects of medication). Find a sport you really like, I play soccer every morning with a few friends and it keeps my mind at complete ease for the 3-4 hours I'm playing. I noticed that treating myself like I'm made of paper because of my anxiety makes it worse, when I was doing that I always used to think things like you mentioned "Why the fuck did this happen to me, I was so normal and happy.. Life is shit with this anxiety etc etc."

I often rid my anxiety temporarily with the complete opposite of relaxation, but adrenaline rushes. I'll pick up weights and have intense work outs, often I'll even vent about the anxiety at the same time because it makes me feel stronger, makes me feel more empowered to overcome this shit.

Just stay positive (and this goes to everyone) we should all overcome this.

02-15-2014, 09:55 PM
Alias I am sorry but you are whining, look at Eman, did you read his posts. I am living with anxiety over for 30 years, yes I had the thoughts, I tried, I did everything but I am still here and kicking. Cimi is right Life is beautiful....
Wake up, stop talking bs and take charge of your life, no one will do this for you.

02-15-2014, 09:58 PM
Alias I am sorry but you are whining, look at Eman, did you read his posts. I am living with anxiety over for 30 years, yes I had the thoughts, I tried, I did everything but I am still here and kicking. Cimi is right Life is beautiful....
Wake up, stop talking bs and take charge of your life, no one will do this for you.

^^^^ Yes, this advice is good. We all have our good and bad days...you just have to fight through it and keep moving. If one thing doesnt work for you, try something else. Keep trying till you find something that works.....just don't give up.

02-15-2014, 10:23 PM
I skipped some of the replies so I apologize if OP has already responded to a post like mine. But OP you are going to need to change the way you think about things especially about the disorder you have its self . I went a week without any intrusive thoughts or anxiety and knew what it actually felt like to feel normal and happy again. It showed me the light at the end of the tunnel. This was without any sort of drugs. I feel alot better than i did 2 years ago. And I have not had a panic attack in 2 years. But that is beside the point. What I am trying to say is find the light in your disease and find something positive from it. Dont look at it like its the worst thing in the world because its really not. You will make it through it. There are millions of people who have and live a normal life again after anxiety. You will get out of this, dont give up hope.

02-15-2014, 11:02 PM
I skipped some of the replies so I apologize if OP has already responded to a post like mine. But OP you are going to need to change the way you think about things especially about the disorder you have its self . I went a week without any intrusive thoughts or anxiety and knew what it actually felt like to feel normal and happy again. It showed me the light at the end of the tunnel. This was without any sort of drugs. I feel alot better than i did 2 years ago. And I have not had a panic attack in 2 years. But that is beside the point. What I am trying to say is find the light in your disease and find something positive from it. Dont look at it like its the worst thing in the world because its really not. You will make it through it. There are millions of people who have and live a normal life again after anxiety. You will get out of this, dont give up hope.

see alias i strongly believe that my thing was a sign from god coz i was wasting my time on stupid things. now i have learned to appreciate other things in life and i am more active. think of it as a sign that u have to stop videogames and other shit and must go back to simple life.school,family, simple things man i dont know.

02-16-2014, 02:40 AM
It was authored by you? On your website? Hence my question was directed to you!

I have no problem with the vast amount of therapies available, everyone is different and responds to different methods, my worry is that current trends such as CBT only claim a 50% recovery rate with a further 25%ish "significant improvement".
I am as yet to read any credible research to suggest anything to the same effect with any other anxiety/depression focused treatment other than medication.

It's concerning when anyone suggests a "cure" when it is still not fully understood by the best modern science has to offer. There are so many people trying to procure business from vulnerable people. I just sincerely hope that your genuine intention isn't so.

It's because therapies like CBT don't go deep enough. I only tried the linden method because everything else i tried failed, sorry that's just the way it is, TLM was the last and will be the last thing I ever try, simply because I'm not a sufferer of anxiety anymore.

The science behind the linden method is based around a theory called operant conditioning, and it's actually been proven to be true. It reprograms the amygdala (small organ in brain that is responsible for emotions and past memories of fear.

The way that the Linden Method works is that in order to stop the panic and anxiety, the amygdala needs to be reconditioned/retrained with new memories. Once the new memories take hold, the amygdala will be conditioned to act in a normal, natural state that will end the panic attacks. Some level of normal anxiety will still exist, but this is at the basic normal level that exists; for example, warning signals when we are really in danger. It's much easier to understand when you actually implement it.

02-16-2014, 03:23 AM
It's because therapies like CBT don't go deep enough. I only tried the linden method because everything else i tried failed, sorry that's just the way it is, TLM was the last and will be the last thing I ever try, simply because I'm not a sufferer of anxiety anymore. The science behind the linden method is based around a theory called operant conditioning, and it's actually been proven to be true. It reprograms the amygdala (small organ in brain that is responsible for emotions and past memories of fear. The way that the Linden Method works is that in order to stop the panic and anxiety, the amygdala needs to be reconditioned/retrained with new memories. Once the new memories take hold, the amygdala will be conditioned to act in a normal, natural state that will end the panic attacks. Some level of normal anxiety will still exist, but this is at the basic normal level that exists; for example, warning signals when we are really in danger. It's much easier to understand when you actually implement it.

The majority of therapies work on the limbic system.

If the Linden method is so much more effective how come the Linden Centre and all of its affiliate sites (namely those on your website) are all registered with the Advertising Standards Authority due to the claims it makes ?


02-16-2014, 09:43 AM
It's because therapies like CBT don't go deep enough. I only tried the linden method because everything else i tried failed, sorry that's just the way it is, TLM was the last and will be the last thing I ever try, simply because I'm not a sufferer of anxiety anymore.

The science behind the linden method is based around a theory called operant conditioning, and it's actually been proven to be true. It reprograms the amygdala (small organ in brain that is responsible for emotions and past memories of fear.

The way that the Linden Method works is that in order to stop the panic and anxiety, the amygdala needs to be reconditioned/retrained with new memories. Once the new memories take hold, the amygdala will be conditioned to act in a normal, natural state that will end the panic attacks. Some level of normal anxiety will still exist, but this is at the basic normal level that exists; for example, warning signals when we are really in danger. It's much easier to understand when you actually implement it.

I am sorry honey I follow Linden Method and so far it helps me to fell asleep, that''s all. I can not cut on meds, it does not work it the same BS as others. Something to get money out of your pocket. I do not care what NHs recommended. Doctors keep saying that GMO fooods are good for you too.

LInden Method can teach you to relax, it conditions you to relax when you remember the visualisation.. But to do this you need sit down without distraction at least five times a day. If you think I am dummy it is your choice I am struggling with anxiety for over 30 years

Linden Method is as good as others, it helps a bit but does not heal. eh
Fantastic link 14
"Furthermore the Linden Method did not produce evidence to show that the Linden Method was an effective recovery treatment for: Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and all associated symptoms - Panic Attacks (panic disorder) and all associated symptoms - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Pure O - Agoraphobia and/or Social Anxiety (social phobia) - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Depression - Constant Worrying - Medical Phobia - Fear of Illness - Fear of Death - Derealisation - Depersonalisation - Obsessive/Distorted/Aggressive/Sexual thoughts - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) - Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Eating Disorders - Trichotillomania (pulling hair out) - Self Harming and ... Emetophobia ... Monophobia - School Phobia - Child Anxiety. In the absence of evidence to substantiate them, the ASA considered the claims were misleading."