View Full Version : Hi Im new..Nard

02-15-2014, 10:15 AM
Hi, Im nard and Im 25 yrs old. I am searching over the net about feelings, fears and worries that is bothering me this past 2 months (though not everyday) and then I thought somebody could help me or share the same experience from this forum.

A little bit of history:

It all started December of 2013 when I had 3 consecutive days with 2-4 hours of sleep. I slept early the following night thinking of getting a good sleep when suddenly at 4 am I felt like my surrounding is spinning, high pitch sound in my ears and a fast heart beat. I got panic and asked my roommate to bring me to the hospital. Xray is okay, ECG result is OK and Blood test is OK. What I got is a BIG hospital bill.

The doctor said that I'm anxious and no need to worry as everything is fine and okay. Doctor prescribed an anxiety and vertigo med. It should give a relief but it did not. I have this worse feeling that I have Brain T... the big C. (Sorry Cant mention those words. Might give me panic and make me worry). I got on and off head pain for weeks. It went off totally and got high pitch sound in my ears. Then it went off and then I got lower back pains. Lower back pain is gone and now I'm having this skin tightening in my right forearm. During these attacks when i'm too worried I got fast heart beats and shortness of breath. I am not feeling these things when Im busy only

I have three friends that died due to MS, Brain T, Lupos and Im afraid and worry about these critical illnesses too. I've spoken to mg gf but she cant relate and so I decided to join this forum if in any case the same experience matches up.

Thank you for reading.

02-15-2014, 10:17 AM
Hello there and welcome to this forum :) btw fear is only an emotion, it will not harm you ok :)

02-15-2014, 10:24 AM
Hello Gregg. Thank you. I'm praying and hoping that I can overcome this fear/panic.

02-15-2014, 10:52 AM
Welcome Nard!!

E-Man...(Chris) :)

02-15-2014, 10:56 AM
Hello Gregg. Thank you. I'm praying and hoping that I can overcome this fear/panic.

No problem :) you will overcome it, time will tell :). I know how you feel, i suffered for around 10 years and had 6-8 panic attacks every single day, so i know what it's like, you must hang in there and never give up in your journey to anxiety freedom...because it will happen :)

02-15-2014, 03:12 PM
Love your reply!! Agree 100% Gregg. D.

02-15-2014, 03:22 PM
First... Welcome Nard. Glad you joined, and you will too. I've suffered from panic attacks a long while too. I joined the site for one of the same reasons you did. I needed and wanted to be where someone could relate to what I was experiencing, because none of my friends outside of this site does. And, my opinion, sometimes it's easier to talk and just be open, knowing others will understand. So, I think it was very smart to join. It's very easy for someone, like your doctor, not knocking him at all, to tell you everything will be OK, and expect you to just believe it, when you're the one experiencing it. I just want to say, it happens to more people than you think. Reaching out for help, and just getting some reassurance goes a long way. I'm very sorry for the loss of your friends. That right there, could be causing some of the worry. IDK, just a thought. But hang around, and ask away. Others experiences help more than you know. Take care, and good luck to you. D.