View Full Version : Should I leave the Forum???????????????

Kyle Morgan
02-14-2014, 04:24 PM
Hey hope everyone's well!! I'm in a middle of a awkward situation. Yesterday I told my mother that I had joined this forum, and she thinks that it ain't a good idea for me to go on here, and yesterday the therapist I seen said the same thing. The thing is though I quite like it here because I like to help and support people who go through the same problems as me, plus I have also had great advice and feedback from a lot of people on here.

02-14-2014, 04:31 PM
Hello there I think you know your self the best so you know what you want to do,maybe take some time out from here if you want to and see how you get on,I come and go on here but I know that it always here if I need to
Chat or ask for advice or vent about something
The people here are so nice and sometimes
You need that
Whatever you decide make the decision for yourself and not other people

Kyle Morgan
02-14-2014, 04:35 PM
Yeah I wouldn't want to leave the forum, but the therapist and my mother think that reading what other people say about Anxiety might make me feel worse, It doesn't though because it helps me relate more to people because what I have got. I also like to give support to people who suffer with Anxiety and Depression because I've had it for years and I know what it's like. Like you said Em1 people on here are nice and friendly, and they give good advice the majority of the time :)

Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 04:36 PM
Hey hope everyone's well!! I'm in a middle of a awkward situation. Yesterday I told my mother that I had joined this forum, and she thinks that it ain't a good idea for me to go on here, and yesterday the therapist I seen said the same thing. The thing is though I quite like it here because I like to help and support people who go through the same problems as me, plus I have also had great advice and feedback from a lot of people on here.

Sometimes reading others symptoms or reading threads that are a tad negative (granted this is what the forum is for) can sometimes cause ppl to have increased anxiety or new symptoms as per reading someone elses symptoms.. Its happened to me.. I believe that coming on when you're in need of help is great and to also speak of successes.. But everything in moderation my friend! If you find it is causing you stress, then take a break for awhile.. We all do from time to time..
I wouldn't suggest leaving unless its harming you and your mental health in a negative way...
In the end, the forum is here to connect ppl with like problems or issues.. I see nothing wrong with that!
Take care and hope to keep seeing you on here Kyle.. Happy Valentines my friend :)

Kyle Morgan
02-14-2014, 04:40 PM
Thanks Terre Nova, Maybe if I feel worse, I'll take a break, but sometimes when I get down I like to come on here for advice and support, I also like to try and help other people out because they have helped me out! It's also nice to know that I'm not the only one who has problems, and that there are other people who share the same thing as me. Sorry if I didn't word it out properly haha! What I mean is that It's nice to know that I ain't the only one going through it! Thanks, Happy Valentines :)

02-14-2014, 04:40 PM
I agree with Em and Terre, I (personally) feel despite therapy sessions, everyone needs friends/outlet to get things off your chest, if anything it can give you immediate perspective. The choice is obviously yours to make, but I would personally encourage any form of emotional venting.

Kyle Morgan
02-14-2014, 04:42 PM
Yeah I plan on staying, but If I get worse, I might try to take a few days off

02-14-2014, 04:48 PM
Yes by all
Means take time out if your not feeling gr8,god we al need to do that,just know they we Are all here anytime you need to talk and I think that alone is worth
Keeping this forum for,that's why I keep
It :) Good luck whatever path you want to lead

Kyle Morgan
02-14-2014, 04:54 PM
Thanks, same here, I'll do my best to give you and anyone else on here any support and advice if they are in need of it :)

02-14-2014, 05:04 PM
I bet if you invited them both to visit, then they wouldn't want to leave!!! YAY!!! :)

Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 05:05 PM
Thanks Terre Nova, Maybe if I feel worse, I'll take a break, but sometimes when I get down I like to come on here for advice and support, I also like to try and help other people out because they have helped me out! It's also nice to know that I'm not the only one who has problems, and that there are other people who share the same thing as me. Sorry if I didn't word it out properly haha! What I mean is that It's nice to know that I ain't the only one going through it! Thanks, Happy Valentines :)

I agree Kyle! :))

02-14-2014, 05:50 PM
My sisters felt that way too when I told them about anxiety forums..but they couldn't be more wrong, I've learned so much about anxiety from searching the internet and reading many people questions/answers about anxiety over the years. I believe they think that those with anxiety are just bound to freak each other out with worries, it's really not like that. I mean, it could be different for some people, but I've never had problems with it.

I do however find myself a bit more anxious when I go on philosophy forums..gah, it messes with my head when I'm feeling anxious... *sigh*

Kyle Morgan
02-14-2014, 07:03 PM
My sisters felt that way too when I told them about anxiety forums..but they couldn't be more wrong, I've learned so much about anxiety from searching the internet and reading many people questions/answers about anxiety over the years. I believe they think that those with anxiety are just bound to freak each other out with worries, it's really not like that. I mean, it could be different for some people, but I've never had problems with it.

I do however find myself a bit more anxious when I go on philosophy forums..gah, it messes with my head when I'm feeling anxious... *sigh*

Yeah I know what you mean!! I think people who haven't tried the Forums will think that, I actually feel relieved when I know someone that's going through the same thing as me because it makes me feel like I'm not the only one. Sometimes when I've tried talking too someone in person about Anxiety, they would look at me as if I was on a different planet because they don't go through it.

02-14-2014, 08:11 PM
I cant understand people like this .

why would it be any different a forum than say going to a group therapy

I admit that too much is not good but if it is making you come out of your shell , letting you share things that you might not share with people close to you then there is no harm

Just paraphrasing from Charles Linden here, was browsing through his book yesterday; his idea when he tells people pretty straightforwardly not to use forums or anxiety related websites, is you want to push anxiety right back into the subconscious, and forget it. That by being around it semi-regularly, or by entertaining it, you're never gonna really move beyond it, it'll always keep being brought back to the forefront of your mind, almost like a post traumatic memory is.

Never given it too much thought personally.

I know he's very big on not even talking about anxiety unless it's in a professional setting though. Makes that pretty clear in his 9 pillars.

02-14-2014, 08:31 PM
This is why I do not agree with him..... His method is good especially relaxation or visualization, but pushing something deep does not help, people need to control it, so it is like a well trained dog. When we push it and try not to think about it, it will come out in the moment of weakness

David Michael
02-14-2014, 09:45 PM
I've discovered in the short time on this forum that simply learning that many other people sharing the same condition as me almost immediately dropped my level of anxiety, anyone that would say don't learn or talk about your condition is simply wrong. Period.

02-14-2014, 10:46 PM
^ That's a pretty fair assessment.

His program seems really popular, so I don't wanna kind of make it appear basic to anybody reading who might wanna try it.

There are more steps to it, like daily relaxation, learning to process emotions, and meditation, as Dahila says :)

I suppose it's split down the middle. Recently Chatative and Friday13th both left the forum as they felt being here caused them to continue a relationship with their anxiety. WorriedMummy came back and said being away sucked haha.

Different strokes for different folks and all that!

02-14-2014, 10:51 PM
Well David Michael, you share my first Name as well as my Middle name AND the month you joined is the same as my Birthday's as well - I don't suppose you share my last name as well do you, live in Australian near a beach and have a tattoo of an Eagle on your back. LOL! Not to worry - I think you make a valid point, but that's not why I am here - right or wrong, I have been using forums because I am unable to use anything offline. The world has changed - and is changing fast -

My wife does not like it when I spend too much time on my computer point blank - the bigger issue I feel for some people that struggle with those that reach out on forums, is not so much the time, but in some cases the good that can be sourced from them can highlight for others - the frustration in them. Not just talking about my wife here - whilst some of that I am sure taints the phrases "You and Your Forums!" --- it can be hard for others to see that some of us, actually gain a sense of freedom where others are unable. I am different from my other family members - in fact we are pretty much all different from each other - point is - for all the anger, bitterness and instability that resides in me - I am quite a sensitive soul that wants to do good -and once I am able to get past all the negative stuff - Online forums enable me to share and learn from others.

From a therapist point of view, I explain I have been online with forums for quite some time, and use them to write as if to myself and if anyone is able to tune in then that's great. I have Nothing to Hide! - We are all different in that respect. Perhaps someones Job may be at risk or even something more personal in nature ... My life is an open book - but learning how to share that is quite an art. On that note - Online forums have much more meaning to those of us that do connect just in these post and threads now - as compared to the frivolous happenings on Facebook and the like ....

I recommend online forums fully and if I ever could, I would be one to write a User Guide! ... LOL ... Yes - many of full of hot air, but it can be a blessing of sorts to go out and meet other kindred spirits. Ups and Down to be sure, the only one we really wrestle with is ourselves - just so much to learn once we learn how. Again - I have no problem with online forums ... Just be honest with self.

02-14-2014, 11:57 PM
I've been curious about the Linden method, but I don't know how I feel about people who make you pay for advice everyone should get for free. I agree with him on some level to not dwell on anxiety, I think distraction with hobbies is great, and so helpful.. but at the same time, compartmentalizing it and not allowing yourself to think of it, is not natural..it's there, and that's just what the brain wants to do when we're feeling anxiety, it wants to think about it. I know I have up and down periods, during the anxiety months, it's my first thought in the morning, and the last before I go to bed..but when I'm in less anxious months, I simply don't think of it (AS) much.

talking out your worries to others is always helpful as a way to "get it out" and anyone who says otherwise is full of crap! They encourage soldiers suffering PTSD to share their experiences, and it helps them.

02-15-2014, 09:16 AM
I've been curious about the Linden method, but I don't know how I feel about people who make you pay for advice everyone should get for free. I agree with him on some level to not dwell on anxiety, I think distraction with hobbies is great, and so helpful.. but at the same time, compartmentalizing it and not allowing yourself to think of it, is not natural..it's there, and that's just what the brain wants to do when we're feeling anxiety, it wants to think about it. I know I have up and down periods, during the anxiety months, it's my first thought in the morning, and the last before I go to bed..but when I'm in less anxious months, I simply don't think of it (AS) much.

talking out your worries to others is always helpful as a way to "get it out" and anyone who says otherwise is full of crap! They encourage soldiers suffering PTSD to share their experiences, and it helps them.

I think it's better for basic anxiety. You know the folks that are pretty new to it, and wanna visit their doctor every couple of days. I think those people kind of benefit from not dwelling on any anxiety at all, and they just grow out of it really.

Didn't help my OCD much, and nor my anxiety. My anxiety was mainly cos of unhappy living situations, frustrated dreams etc. it was telling me something, no doubt. But it was clouded. The A&P workbook was pretty helpful instead. Had some sections on repressed memories' on finding your passion, on boosting self esteem. That book was better for me.

Plus I reeeeeeally didn't like how one of Lindens pillars was quit meds. Mental illness can be chemical.

02-15-2014, 09:22 AM
That being said, his tapes are good. His soundtracks, and guided relaxations

02-15-2014, 10:09 AM
What is the A&P workbook?

02-15-2014, 11:59 AM
Anxiety and Phobia workbook by Edmund J. Bourne, PHD , fantastic book :))

02-15-2014, 12:03 PM
That being said, his tapes are good. His soundtracks, and guided relaxations

Jessed you are extremely forgiving and kind person, I admire you.
Linden only relax me, nothing else, but I need it so I go to bed (I am trying to break the bad habit of reading in bed) and put the headphones with his relaxation, that it,,,,,after this I am taking them out,and go to sleep. His saying that he will heal the anxiety is pure BS of course. He will help for the young and fresh in this awful world but not heal...
Healing requires more than Mr. Linden :))) Agree with Jesse

02-15-2014, 12:44 PM
Jessed you are extremely forgiving and kind person, I admire you.
Linden only relax me, nothing else, but I need it so I go to bed (I am trying to break the bad habit of reading in bed) and put the headphones with his relaxation, that it,,,,,after this I am taking them out,and go to sleep. His saying that he will heal the anxiety is pure BS of course. He will help for the young and fresh in this awful world but not heal...
Healing requires more than Mr. Linden :))) Agree with Jesse

Look how I narrated my copy of Anxiety and Phobia workbook. Like a student at uni hehe. I like it though. It was a useful book to me. Reading the book I was able to pinpoint lots of things I was doing badly, or traps I was caught in. :)


02-15-2014, 01:01 PM
Hey hope everyone's well!! I'm in a middle of a awkward situation. Yesterday I told my mother that I had joined this forum, and she thinks that it ain't a good idea for me to go on here, and yesterday the therapist I seen said the same thing. The thing is though I quite like it here because I like to help and support people who go through the same problems as me, plus I have also had great advice and feedback from a lot of people on here.

Hey Kyle, It's probably best to only get involved with things that actually help you overcome anxiety, rather than talk about problems to others and other people sharing their issues with you because that's only going to feed the anxiety. This is part of the recovery process :)

02-15-2014, 03:02 PM
My therapist said the same thing, I took her advice and I felt worse I was sitting dwelling on how the meds were making me feel Etc.

When I feel bad I come on here instead of dwelling on it and I start to feel better, I found this forum before I started therapy and medication it was the only thing that kept me sane.

I would do what feels right for you as other people's point of view are not always right in how you are feeling, hope this helps

02-15-2014, 03:33 PM
Too true, and very cool... to voice out your opinion, Applecherry! Have a great weekend. Dorrie

02-15-2014, 03:37 PM
Love it!! E-Man. That's awesome. D.

02-15-2014, 04:11 PM
I don't know Kyle. I'm not disagreeing with anyone. I only know what I hear from you. There was a reason you joined the site in the first place. I did, because I was suffering, and was told the same thing by a couple of people. But, the People telling me I shouldn't wasn't ME!! And they sure didn't have any clue how to be of any help. Unless you've walked a mile... You know?? I just had had it one day, sat down and searched sites that I thought would be helpful. I was desperate for some help. I chose this one. Why? The name alone. That's what I was going through, and was feeling, and about to go crazy. I'm not telling you whether to stay or to go. Or even to take a break. I'm telling you to listen to your own heart and words. You said you loved helping others, and getting help in return. That you got a lot of help from the site. And that you loved the people. I'm sorry, but... What's the problem with that? Other than it bothering you that they don't THINK you should. One of my family members told me not to. That people were deceiving, and would turn on you on a dime. That you couldn't trust them. OK, well, my response was "That's the way the whole world can be, be it on a site or not. Their people. Their in the real world too, are they not?" If I've come to the end of my rope, or feel like it anyways, I'm not going to do the same things I did about it in the past. Let's just say, it didn't work out too well for me. I'm going to reach out for help. And if I get it from here, or there, and it's healing to me, I'm sticking around. I don't have to listen to and take in every word that is written by everyone. Like one gentleman said, Start just reading only the positive things that help you. Another said, they wouldn't leave if they joined. lol. Something awesome, to me anyway, happened on this site, that helped me more than anything had in a long time. I mistook a reply by someone, chewed on it a while, then kinda told them just how I felt. It wasn't very nice. I realized, by someone else pointing it out to me, I was wrong. And I knew I was, and couldn't deal with it, so I sent them a sincere apology. I not only was forgiven, but realized just how awesome this person was. And, gained another wonderful friend out of it. Life isn't perfect. Neither are people. I'm certainly not. But I'm trying my best. Just because someone you love tells you not to do something, because they don't get it, doesn't mean you should just quit, if your gaining from it. That's just my opinion. I would just hate for you to do something someone else told you to, that you've been doing and enjoying it, and it mess you up. I only wish you, and everyone else the very best possible. I sure wouldn't just jump the gun. But if you do, like many people told you, you can come back. That's the good thing. Right? Just take care of yourself, and do what you feel is best. D.